2. Drama (Closed Book) (CIE IGCSE English Literature)

Revision Note

Paper 2: Drama is the second exam paper you will sit for CIE IGCSE Literature in English (0475 and 0992) if you are taking the 100% Exam route. You will have two questions to answer on two different set texts. You must answer one passage-based question and one essay question.

The exam paper can be summarised as follows:





% of GCSE grade

Paper 2: Drama

2 (on two different set texts)

1 hour 30 minutes

50 (25 marks per question)


The questions are equally weighted (meaning that they are worth the same) and each question tests all four Assessment Objectives. These are the key skills you are expected to demonstrate in your responses to each question. To be successful, you must explain and analyse how writers have conveyed their meanings through a wide range of different language and structure devices, and you must do this in conjunction with relevant evidence selected from the texts.

Assessment Objective


What this means


Show detailed knowledge of the content of literary texts in the three main forms (drama, poetry and prose) supported by reference to the text

  • You need to demonstrate your knowledge of the text through reference to details in the text and via the use of accurate, relevant quotations from the text
  • Your use of quotations and indirect references to the text should support your views or arguments
  • The quotations you choose should help you develop explanations of meanings, significance and context in your response


Understand the meanings of literary texts and their contents and explore texts beyond surface meanings to show deeper awareness of ideas and attitudes

  • You need to show that you understand the main ideas, settings, events and characters in the text
  • You need to demonstrate that you understand implied or hidden meanings in the text
  • You should also demonstrate that you understand the significance of a part of a text in relation to the text as a whole


Recognise and appreciate ways in which writers use language, structure and form to create and shape meanings and effects

  • You need to be able to analyse, in detail, the choices the writer has made and how they use language, structure and form to convey impressions and ideas, or to present settings, characters or events
  • You therefore need to be familiar with the techniques a writer might use to achieve specific effects for readers or audiences


Communicate a sensitive and informed personal response to literary texts

  • This refers to how you shape your writing in such a way as to communicate your engagement with the text
  • Your personal, evaluative response has to be supported with references to the text
  • A personal response begins by demonstrating understanding of the question and the text in the introduction
  • You should be sensitive to imagery and sound, and you should be informed by the words of the texts
  • This Assessment Objective can also be explicitly addressed and reinforced in a well-developed conclusion

You will be given a choice of two questions for each text. Because there are so many text options, it is really important that you read through the exam instructions carefully, and make sure you have selected the correct questions and texts according to what you have studied. It is essential that you choose one passage-based question, and one essay question, on two different texts (you should not answer both questions on one text). The essay question may tell you not to use the passage printed for the previous question in your answer. It may also tell you to explore two moments in a play specifically in your answer. It is therefore very important that you read your question instructions carefully. 

This is a closed-book exam. This means that you will not be allowed to take your copy of the texts into the exam room. However, relevant passages will be printed on the exam paper for you.

Command words and keywords

There are several command words and keywords used in this exam paper that you should be familiar with:




This means you should write in detail about the focus of the question

How (does the writer…)

This means that you should examine the techniques the writer has used in order to achieve particular effects or meanings

Vividly (convey…)

This asks you to explore how the writer gets across their ideas or meanings in a way that produces powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind

How far/To what extent…

This means that there may be an element of the text that allows you to make a counter-argument


This asks you to explore how the writer describes or brings a character or a theme to life in the text


This asks you to examine how the writer presents a character, event or theme in a way that stands out and is worth remembering