Fiscal Policy (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Economics): Exam Questions

2 hours40 questions
12 marks

Since 1990, the population of Lithuania has fallen by one fifth because of net emigration. People usually leave in search of better living standards. In 2015, there were signs of improved macroeconomic performance as real GDP per head rose and unemployment fell. People expected that the decline in unemployment would affect the country’s inflation rate and might also turn the government’s budget deficit into a budget surplus.

Define budget deficit.

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22 marks

The Chinese government reformed the Chinese tax system in 2016. It extended VAT (sales tax) from the sale of goods to the sale of services enabling it to cut the corporation tax rate. Taxes on goods and services are usually regressive. The Chinese government wanted to raise living standards and hoped that a cut in the tax rate firms pay would attract multinational companies (MNCs) to the country.

State two reasons for levying taxes

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32 marks

Estonia has one of the fastest internet speeds in the world. The government allows both direct and indirect taxes to be paid online. According to the World Bank, it is very easy for a firm to deal with construction permits and to register property in Estonia. A low level of government regulation affects how easy it is to start and to run a firm. Many new firms are labour-intensive but some become more capital-intensive as they grow.

Identify one example of a direct tax and one example of an indirect tax.

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42 marks

Explain, using information from the extract, whether Russia has a progressive, proportional, or regressive income tax system.

Refer to the source material in your answers.

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52 marks

It was predicted that global unemployment would rise by over two million in 2017. Unemployment rates, however, vary between countries. Some governments use fiscal policy measures and others use supply-side policy measures to reduce unemployment. The unemployment rate can also be influenced by trade protection.

Identify two fiscal policy measures.

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62 marks

In 2016, the Indonesian government increased its spending on healthcare and education and considered raising the school leaving age. The government also planned to increase taxation. Such a move might conflict with its aim of reducing unemployment at a time when a number of countries were at risk of entering a recession.

Identify two types of tax.

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72 marks

More governments are imposing taxes on unhealthy food and drinks. Such taxes are usually regressive. Some of these governments are also increasing their spending on healthcare. In other countries healthcare is provided by the private sector. The number of state-owned enterprises is declining in a number of countries due to privatisation.

Define regressive tax.

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82 marks

The state of California has the most progressive tax system in the USA. The tax system helps reduce high poverty rates. Policy makers are considering reforming sales tax in the state to include services, while reducing the use of direct taxes.

Define progressive tax.

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14 marks

The Chinese government reformed the Chinese tax system in 2016. It extended VAT (sales tax) from the sale of goods to the sale of services enabling it to cut the corporation tax rate. Taxes on goods and services are usually regressive. The Chinese government wanted to raise living standards and hoped that a cut in the tax rate firms pay would attract multinational companies (MNCs) to the country

Explain the difference between a progressive tax and a regressive tax

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24 marks

Teachers in many countries oppose their governments’ cuts in spending on education. They worry that this could reduce the standard of education and also the welfare of teachers employed in the state sector. Some teachers specialise in teaching one subject while others teach a number of subjects.

Explain two reasons why a government may want to cut spending on education.

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4 marks

It was predicted that global unemployment would rise by over two million in 2017. Unemployment rates, however, vary between countries. Some governments use fiscal policy measures and others use supply-side policy measures to reduce unemployment. The unemployment rate can also be influenced by trade protection.

Explain two reasons for government spending

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1 mark

The population of Hungary is the most obese in Europe. Hungarians eat fewer vegetables than most Europeans and more food types that may be considered to be demerit goods. In 2017, the Hungarian government introduced a tax on unhealthy food, known as the chips tax. The tax has had some success in moving demand to healthier foods. Some economists suggest that governments should use price controls as well as taxes to influence the food market.

Explain two reasons for government taxation 

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56 marks

The population of Hungary is the most obese in Europe. Hungarians eat fewer vegetables than most Europeans and more food types that may be considered to be demerit goods. In 2017, the Hungarian government introduced a tax on unhealthy food, known as the chips tax. The tax has had some success in moving demand to healthier foods. Some economists suggest that governments should use price controls as well as taxes to influence the food market.

Analyse the effects on income distribution and tax revenue of an increase in indirect taxes.

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66 marks

A United Arab Emirates (UAE) airport announced a record profit of $1.9 billion in 2016. This was despite a fall in its total revenue. In 2016, the UAE considered introducing Value Added Tax (VAT). The introduction of an indirect tax may have an impact on unemployment. The UAE has a very low unemployment rate which is one reason why multinational companies (MNCs) set up in the UAE. 

Analyse how the introduction of an indirect tax may cause unemployment.

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76 marks

In 2014, the government of Kazakhstan devalued its currency, the tenge. A year later the country still had a current account deficit. Therefore, in 2016 it considered adopting a floating exchange rate which might help to remove the deficit. However, it had concerns that this might affect the country’s inflation rate which was already high at 17%

Analyse how fiscal policy measures could reduce inflation.

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18 marks

The election of a new president in South Africa in 2018 led to improvement in business and consumer confidence. Inflation rates fell despite a rise in total demand. One government policy measure established areas known as economic zones where firms pay lower, or no, taxes. These zones encourage domestic firms to become internationally competitive which could reduce the deficit on the current account of South Africa’s balance of payment.

Discuss whether or not lower taxes on firms will be beneficial for an economy.

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8 marks

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the government body which controls the monetary policy of the country, has  allowed the Singapore dollar to appreciate. However, the high cost of the Singapore dollar has created a need for new incentives for firms, such as a reduction in taxes and granting subsidies.

Discuss whether or not a reduction in taxes is beneficial for an economy. 

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38 marks

Average life expectancy is as short for the poorest Americans as it is for the people of Sudan, a low-income African country. Low-income individuals tend to live longest in countries with more educated populations. Economic growth can increase education and reduce poverty. In 2017, the US President announced a cut in the tax on firms’ profits. He said the measure would increase employment.

Discuss whether or not a cut in the tax on firms’ profits will increase employment.

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45 marks

Discuss whether or not a cut in government spending on education would reduce the gap between government spending and tax revenue.

Refer to the source material in your answers.

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58 marks

The state of California has the most progressive tax system in the USA. The tax system helps reduce high poverty rates. Policy makers are considering reforming sales tax in the state to include services, while reducing the use of direct taxes.

Discuss whether a government should increase indirect taxes and whether it should reduce direct taxes.

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