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What is a trade union?
A trade union is an organisation that represents the interests of its workers in negotiations with a firm's management or owners.
Define the term wage benefits.
Wage benefits are the financial compensation and remuneration provided to employees by their employer.
How do trade unions represent workers' interests?
Trade unions represent workers' interests in negotiations regarding wage and non-wage benefits, health and safety, and reducing discrimination and exploitation.
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What is a trade union?
A trade union is an organisation that represents the interests of its workers in negotiations with a firm's management or owners.
Define the term wage benefits.
Wage benefits are the financial compensation and remuneration provided to employees by their employer.
How do trade unions represent workers' interests?
Trade unions represent workers' interests in negotiations regarding wage and non-wage benefits, health and safety, and reducing discrimination and exploitation.
State the meaning of non-wage benefits.
Non-wage benefits are non-financial benefits provided to employees by their employer, such as health insurance, paid leave, and retirement plans.
What is a general union?
A general union represents skilled and unskilled workers in any industry.
Define the term industrial union.
An industrial union represents workers in the same industry, regardless of skill level or seniority.
How are craft unions defined?
Craft unions represent skilled workers with a specific trade, such as painters or electricians.
State the meaning of white-collar union.
A white-collar union represents professional office-based workers, such as financial advisors, teachers, or architects.
What does discrimination mean in the context of trade unions?
Discrimination refers to the unfair or unequal treatment of individuals based on characteristics such as race, gender, age, or disability.
What does exploitation in the workplace refer to?
Exploitation in the workplace refers to the unfair or unethical treatment of workers, such as underpayment, poor working conditions, or forced labour.
How are trade unions formed?
Trade unions are usually formed by workers in specific industries. They join together and create an organisation to represent them.
True or False?
All workers in an industry must join the same trade union.
If there is no specialist union for an industry, workers can join a general union representing various professions.
What is a subscription fee?
A subscription fee is a monthly fee that workers pay to remain members of a trade union.
Define the term collective bargaining.
Collective bargaining is the process of negotiation between trade unions and employers over wages, working conditions, and other terms of employment.
How do trade unions benefit workers?
Trade unions provide benefits to workers, such as:
Collective bargaining
Job-specific training
Legal representation in disputes
Discounts on goods and services
State the meaning of the term industrial action.
Industrial action refers to various methods used by trade unions to force employers or governments to continue engaging with them in negotiations, such as strikes, overtime bans, or work-to-rule policies.
What is a strike?
A strike is a temporary stoppage of work by employees to express a grievance or enforce their demands.
Define the term overtime ban.
An overtime ban is a form of industrial action where workers refuse to work further hours beyond those for which they are contracted.
How is work-to-rule defined?
Work-to-rule is a form of industrial action where workers strictly follow all rules and regulations, often resulting in a slowdown of work.
State the meaning of go-slow.
A go-slow is a form of industrial action where workers deliberately work at a slower pace than usual, reducing productivity.
What does collective bargaining often focus on?
Collective bargaining by trade unions focuses on wages, working conditions, contractual terms, and protecting the employment of their workers.
True or False?
Trade unions negotiate for minimum wage levels with the government.
Trade unions negotiate with the government on the creation and maintenance of minimum wage levels.
How do trade unions influence government policy?
Trade unions aim to influence government policy through member action such as public sector strikes.
Define the term minimum wage.
The minimum wage is the lowest hourly or daily rate that employers are legally required to pay their workers.
Define the term unemployment level.
The unemployment level is the percentage of the labour force that is actively seeking employment but unable to find work.
How does unemployment affect trade union bargaining power?
The higher the unemployment level, the weaker the bargaining power of trade unions, as firms can more easily replace existing workers.
State the meaning of labour productivity.
Labour productivity measures the output produced by workers per unit of labour input.
True or False?
If workers are extremely productive, generating high output from low input, the trade union has stronger bargaining power with the firm.
If workers are extremely productive, generating high output from low input, the trade union has stronger bargaining power with the firm.
Define the term economic growth.
Economic growth is an increase in the production of goods and services over a specific period of time. It is measured by calculating the changes in gross domestic product (GDP) between two time periods.
How do trade unions contribute to economic growth?
Trade union workers get paid higher wages. Higher wages increase consumption, which helps to drive economic growth.
True or False?
Trade unions help create a more equal society.
Trade unions help create a more equal and prosperous society.
What is the definition of corporation tax?
Corporation tax is a tax levied on the profits of companies and other corporate entities.
Define the term multinational corporation (MNC).
A multinational corporation (MNC) is a company that has manufacturing facilities in multiple countries.
How do trade unions impact MNC investment?
MNCs may be more reluctant to invest in strongly unionised economies, as the costs of production will be higher due to trade union demands.