Types of Programming Language, Translators & Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Computer Science)



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  • What is a programming language?

    A programming language is a bridge between what humans understand and what a computer understands.

  • Define low-level language.

    A low-level language is a programming language that directly translates to machine code understood by the processor.

  • True or False?

    First generation programming languages are written in binary code.


    First generation programming languages are written in binary code.

  • What is assembly code?

    Assembly code is a second-generation language using mnemonics, abbreviated text commands such as LDA (Load), STA (Store).

  • Define high-level language.

    A high-level programming language uses English-like statements to allow users to program with easy to use code.

  • True or False?

    High-level languages allow direct control over hardware components.


    Low-level languages allow direct control over hardware components.

  • What are two advantages of high-level languages?

    Two advantages of high-level languages are:

    1. Easier to read and write

    2. Easier to debug.

  • What are two disadvantages of low-level languages?

    Two disadvantages of low-level languages are:

    1. Difficult to write and understand

    2. Machine dependent.

  • Define machine code.

    Machine code is a first-generation language written in binary code that is directly executable by the processor.

  • What does one high-level language instruction typically translate to?

    One high-level language instruction typically translates into many machine code instructions.

  • What is assembly language?

    Assembly language is a second generation, low-level language designed to simplify the writing of machine code instructions for programmers.

  • What does the mnemonic LDA stand for in assembly language?

    LDA stands for Load in assembly language.

  • True or False?

    Assembly language allows programmers to program with mnemonics.


    Assembly language allows programmers to program with mnemonics.

  • What is a mnemonic in assembly language?

    A mnemonic in assembly language is an abbreviated text command that represents a specific machine code instruction.

  • What tool is needed to convert assembly language to machine code?

    An assembler is needed to convert assembly language to machine code.

  • What does the mnemonic STO stand for in assembly language?

    STO stands for Store in assembly language.

  • True or False?

    Assembly language is considered a high-level language.


    Assembly language is considered a low-level language.

  • What is one reason programmers use assembly language?

    One reason programmers use assembly language is to make use of specific hardware or parts of the hardware.

  • Define assembler.

    An assembler is a tool that checks assembly language mnemonics and converts them into relevant binary code.

  • What is a translator?

    A translator is a program that translates program source code into machine code so that it can be executed directly by a processor.

  • Define compiler.

    A compiler is a program that translates high-level languages into machine code all in one go.

  • What is an interpreter?

    An interpreter is a program that translates high-level languages into machine code one line at a time.

  • True or False?

    Compiled code can be distributed without the need for translation software.


    Compiled code can be distributed without the need for translation software.

  • What happens if an interpreter finds an error?

    If an interpreter finds an error, the process stops.

  • State two advantages of using a compiler.

    Two advantages of using a compiler are:

    1. Speed of execution

    2. Optimises the code.

  • State two advantages of using an interpreter.

    Two advantages of using an interpreter are:

    1. Stops when it finds a specific syntax error in the code

    2. Easier to debug.

  • True or False?

    Interpreted code is easier to distribute than compiled code.


    Compiled code is easier to distribute than interpreted code.

  • What type of translator is used for assembly code?

    An assembler is used to translate assembly code.

  • What happens if compiled code contains errors?

    If compiled code contains errors, after fixing, it will need re-compiling.

  • What is an IDE?

    An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is software designed to make writing high-level languages more efficient.

  • What are four main tools/facilities provided by IDEs?

    The four main tools/facilities provided by IDEs are:

    1. Editor

    2. Error diagnostics

    3. Run-time environment

    4. Translators.

  • Define prettyprint.

    Prettyprint is using colour to make it easier to identify keywords in code, for example 'print', 'input' and 'if' in Python.

  • What is a debugger?

    A debugger is a tool that provides a 'step through' command which shows what is happening to the code line by line, useful for finding logic errors.

  • True or False?

    IDEs include built-in translators.


    IDEs include built-in translators.

  • What is the purpose of a run-time environment in an IDE?

    The purpose of a run-time environment in an IDE is to give users the ability to run and see the corresponding output of a high-level language.

  • What is auto-completion in an IDE editor?

    Auto-completion in an IDE editor is a feature that automatically completes code as you type.

  • True or False?

    Error diagnostics in IDEs can only identify syntax errors.


    Error diagnostics in IDEs can identify various types of errors, including syntax errors and logical errors.

  • What is the purpose of commenting code in an IDE?

    The purpose of commenting code in an IDE is to stop sections of code from being run or to add explanations about what the program is doing.

  • What is bracket matching in an IDE editor?

    Bracket matching in an IDE editor is a feature that helps ensure opening and closing brackets are correctly paired.