Reactivity Series & Corrosion of Metals (CIE IGCSE Chemistry)

Topic Questions

4 hours38 questions
11 mark

The diagrams below show some of the uses of iron.

In which of these uses is iron most likely to rust?


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    21 mark

    A student prepared four iron nails as explained below in an experiment to investigate rusting. She allowed the nails to rest in individual test tubes in a laboratory for one week.

    Which nail will show the greatest amount of rust?

    • Dipped in water and allowed to dry.

    • Dipped in paint and allowed to dry.

    • Coated in grease.

    • Galvanised with zinc.

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    31 mark

    The diagram shows the experimental set-up a student used to investigate the composition of air. The student left the apparatus in the laboratory and observed that the water level had risen inside the test tube after one week.


    Which statement explains why the water level rose?

    • Nitrogen monoxide was produced.

    • Iron oxide was produced.

    • The temperature of the water increased.

    • Sulfur dioxide was produced.

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    41 mark

    Extended Only

    A student observed the reaction between copper(II) sulfate solution and zinc. 

    Which observations are correct for this reaction?

      Observation 1 Observation 2 
    A solution colour stays the same pale grey crystals forming 
    B solution turns darker blue grey residue on the metal
    C solution turns orange/brown  blue crystals form on the metal 
    D solution turns paler blue orange / brown residue on the metal 

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      51 mark

      A student was investigating the reactivity of four different metals, W, X, Y and Z, in hydrochloric acid. 


      Which is the most reactive metal and which is the least reactive metal?

        Most reactive metal Least reactive metal
      A W X
      B X W
      C Y X
      D W Z

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        11 mark

        Compound Y is thermally decomposed with carbon using the apparatus below:


        A brown solid is formed in the reaction tube and the limewater turns cloudy.

        What is compound Y?

        • Copper (II) oxide

        • Calcium oxide

        • Magnesium oxide

        • Sodium oxide

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        21 mark

        Calcium, copper, iron and magnesium are metals. They can be placed in order of reactivity.

        Which of the following statements about these metals is correct?

        • Iron reacts with steam but magnesium does not.

        • Copper reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to form copper (II) chloride.

        • Magnesium and calcium both react with hot water.

        • Iron (II) oxide cannot be reduced by heating strongly with carbon.

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        31 mark

        Which row in the table below shows how the metal will react?

          metal reacts with dilute acid reacts rapidly with cold water reacts with steam
        A copper ✓ cross times cross times
        B calcium cross times ✓ ✓
        C zinc ✓ cross times cross times
        D magnesium ✓ cross times ✓

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          41 mark

          QR and S are metals.

          Metal Reacts with cold water Reacts with steam Reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid
          Q yes yes violently
          R very slowly slowly less strongly
          S no no no

          What are the possible identities of the metals QR and S?

            Q R S
          A Potassium Iron Magnesium
          B Sodium Zinc Copper
          C Silver Aluminium Iron
          D Calcium Copper Gold

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            51 mark

            A student was investigating the reactivity of different metals in hydrochloric acid. 

            The diagrams show what happens when each metal was added to dilute hydrochloric acid.


            What are W, X, Y and Z?

              W X Y Z
            A Calcium Copper Magnesium Zinc
            B Copper Zinc Calcium Magnesium
            C Magnesium Calcium Zinc Copper
            D Zinc Magneisum Copper Calcium

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              11 mark

              Reactions of three metals and their oxides are shown in the table.

              metal reacts with cold water metal oxide reacts with carbon
              P no no
              Q no yes
              R yes no

              What is the order of reactivity of the metals?

                Least reactive Most reactive
              A P Q R
              B Q P R
              C Q R P
              D R P Q

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                21 mark

                Five different metals P, Q, R, S and T were reacted with dilute hydrochloric acid.

                The volume of hydrogen gas produced after one minute was measured. The results are shown in the bar chart below:


                What is the order of reactivity of the metals?

                  most reactive least reactive
























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                  31 mark

                  The following section of the reactivity series shows a newly discovered element, Y. The only oxide of Y has the formula YO.







                  Which of the equations shows a reaction which would take place?

                  • 2 Y(s) + Cu2+(aq) 2 Y+(aq) + Cu(s)

                  • Y(s) + Fe2O3(s) 2 Fe(s) + 3 YO(s)

                  • Y(s) + 2 HCl (aq) → YCl2(aq) + H2(g)

                  • Cu(s) + Y2+(aq) Cu2+(aq) + Y(s)

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                  41 mark

                  Four different metals P, Q, R and S were added to different aqueous solutions of their ions.

                  The results are shown in the table below.

                  Metal P2+ Q2+ R2+ S2+

                  Key: = no reaction, = reaction

                  What is the order of reactivity of the metals from most reactive to least reactive?

                    most reactive least reactive
                  A Q P S R
                  B Q S P R
                  C R P S Q
                  D R S P Q

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                    51 mark

                    Small blocks of zinc are attached to ship hulls which are commonly made from steel, an alloy of iron. This is done to prevent the hull from rusting.

                    Which statement explains this process?

                    • Zinc is higher up on the reactivity series than iron so has a higher tendency to become reduced.

                    • Zinc is lower down on the reactivity series than iron so has a higher tendency to become reduced.

                    • Zinc is higher up on the reactivity series than iron so has a higher tendency to become oxidised.

                    • Zinc is lower down on the reactivity series than iron so has a higher tendency to become oxidised.

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