Properties, Uses & Alloys of Metals (CIE IGCSE Chemistry)

Topic Questions

3 hours32 questions
1a2 marks

Separate: Chemistry Only

The uses of a substance are determined by its properties.

Plastics are poor conductors of electricity. They are used as insulation for electric cables. Which other two properties of plastics make them suitable for this purpose?

1b2 marks

Separate: Chemistry Only

Chromium is a hard, shiny metal. Suggest two reasons why chromium is used to electroplate steel.

1c2 marks

Why is aluminium used extensively in the manufacture of aeroplanes?

1d2 marks

Why is copper a suitable material from which to make cooking utensils?

1e2 marks

Extended Only

Describe the bonding in a typical metal.

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2a2 marks

About 4000 years ago the Bronze Age started in Britain. Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin.

Suggest a reason why a bronze axe was better than a copper axe.

Brass is another copper alloy. Name the other metal in brass.

2b6 marks

Extended Only

The diagram below shows the arrangement of particles in a pure metal.


What is the name given to a regular arrangement of particles in a crystalline solid?

Draw a diagram which shows the arrangement of particles in an alloy.

Explain the term malleable.

Why are metals malleable?

2c2 marks

The common ore of tin is tin(IV) oxide and an ore of copper is malachite, CuCO3.Cu(OH)2.

Write a word equation for the reduction of tin(IV) oxide by carbon.
Give one use of copper, other than making alloys.

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3a1 mark
Table 1.1 shows the properties of four substances.

                         Table 1.1q5a_specimen-paper-0620-03-cie-igcse-chemistry

State the property of aluminium given in Table 1.1 which makes it suitable for the manufacture of aircraft.

3b2 marks

Aluminium is used in overhead electricity cables.

Give two properties of aluminium that make it suitable for use in overhead electricity cables.

3c1 mark

The diagrams show part of the structures of five substances, A, B, C, D and E.q1-0620_s19_qp_33

Which one of these structures, A, B, C, D or E,  is used in electrical wiring?

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4a3 marks

Iron is a metal.

Give three physical properties that are characteristic of metals.

4b2 marks

Iron reacts with chlorine and other halogens.

Name two other substances which react with iron.

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5a1 mark

Alloys of copper are used to make coins. 

What is meant by the term alloy?

5b1 mark

Suggest why an alloy of copper is used to make coins instead of using pure copper.

5c1 mark

The diagrams show part of the structures of five substances, A, B, C, D and E.q1-0620_s19_qp_32

State which one of these structures, conducts electricity when solid.

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6a1 mark

An alloy of cobalt, chromium and molybdenum is used to make cutlery.

Which one of the following diagrams best represents the structure of the alloy?

Draw a circle around the correct answer.
6b1 mark

Which one of these substances is also used to make cutlery?

Tick one box.

stainless steel  
6c1 mark

An alloy contains zinc, copper and aluminium.

What is meant by the term alloy?

6d1 mark

Zinc and copper are elements next to each other in the Periodic Table.

Name the alloy formed when zinc is mixed with copper.

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3 marks
Strontium and zinc are both metals with a valency of 2. Strontium is more reactive than zinc. Its chemistry is similar to that of calcium.

Complete the following table that shows the number of protons, electrons and neutrons in each particle.

particle protons electrons neutrons
Sr presubscript blank presuperscript 88      
begin mathsize 16px style Sr presubscript blank presuperscript 90 end style      
Zn presubscript blank presuperscript 65 superscript 2 plus end superscript      


Explain why Sr presubscript blank presuperscript 88 and Sr presubscript blank presuperscript 90 are isotopes.


1b5 marks

Extended Only

The major ore of strontium is its carbonate, SrCO3. Strontium is extracted by the electrolysis of its molten chloride.

Name the reagent that will react with the carbonate to form the chloride.


The electrolysis of molten strontium chloride produces strontium metal and chlorine. Write ionic equations for the reactions at the electrodes.

negative electrode (cathode) ..............
positive electrode (anode) ................
One of the products of the electrolysis of concentrated aqueous strontium chloride is chlorine. Name the other two.


1c6 marks

Both metals react with water.

Write a word equation for the reaction of zinc and water and state the reaction conditions.

word equation .........
conditions ............
Write an equation for the reaction of strontium with water and give the reaction condition.

equation .........
condition .........

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2a4 marks

Extended Only

Gallium is a metallic element in Group III. It has similar properties to aluminium.

Describe the structure and bonding in a metallic element. You should include a labelled diagram in your answer.
Explain why metallic elements such as gallium are good conductors of electricity.
2b2 marks

Extended Only

Give the formula of

Gallium(III) chloride ......................................

Gallium(III) sulfate ........................................
2c4 marks

Extended Only

Gallium(III) oxide, Ga2O3, is amphoteric.

Write the chemical equation for the reaction between gallium(III) oxide and dilute nitric acid to form a salt and water only.


The reaction between gallium(III) oxide and sodium hydroxide solution forms only water and a salt containing the negative ion Ga2O42–.

Write the chemical equation for this reaction.


2d2 marks

Alloys of gallium and other elements are often more useful than the metallic element itself.

Suggest two reasons why alloys of gallium are more useful than the metallic element.

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3a3 marks

Brass is an alloy which contains zinc.

Name the other metal in brass.
Suggest two reasons why an alloy such as brass is preferred to either of its constituent metals.
3b5 marks

Extended Only

In an experiment to investigate the rate of rusting of steel, three pieces of steel were used. One piece of steel was completely coated with copper, one piece was completely coated with zinc and the third piece was left uncoated. All three pieces were left exposed to the atmosphere.

Explain why the uncoated piece started to rust.
The coating on both of the other two pieces was scratched, exposing the steel.
The piece of steel coated with zinc still did not rust but the copper-coated piece of steel rusted very rapidly.
Explain these observations in terms of the formation of ions and the transfer of electrons.

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4a4 marks

Iron from the blast furnace is impure. It contains about 4% carbon and 0.5% silicon. Most of this impure iron is used to make mild steel, an alloy of iron containing less than 0.25% carbon.

A jet of oxygen is blown through the molten iron in the presence of a base, usually calcium oxide. Explain how the percentage of carbon is reduced and how the silicon is removed. 

4b2 marks
Why are steel alloys used in preference to iron?
State a use of the following alloy.

Stainless steel
4c4 marks

Extended Only

Both iron and steel have typical metallic structures - a lattice of positive ions and a sea of electrons.

Suggest an explanation for why they have high melting points.


Explain why, when a force is applied to a piece of steel, it does not break but just changes its shape.


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3 marks

Vanadium is a transition element.

An atom of the most common isotope of vanadium can be represented as begin mathsize 14px style V presubscript 23 presuperscript 51 end style.

Complete the following table to show the number of protons, electrons and neutrons in each particle.


5b4 marks

The major use of vanadium is to make vanadium steel alloys.

Explain the phrase steel alloys.


State the name and use of another steel alloy.


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5 marks

Two of the oxidation states of vanadium are +3 and +4.

Write the formula of vanadium(III) oxide and of vanadium(IV) oxide.


Vanadium(III) oxide is basic and vandium(IV) oxide is amphoteric.
Describe how you would obtain a sample of vanadium(III) oxide from a mixture of these two oxides.


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1a3 marks

The list shows the names of some metals.


Identify the metal from the box that burns with a bright white flame.


In the Earth, metals are found either in ores or as uncombined elements. Explain which metal from the box is most likely to be found as an uncombined element.
1b4 marks
Which metal or metals from the list in part (a) will react readily in oxygen?
Give an equation to show a metal reacting with oxygen. Include state symbols.


1c4 marks

Extended Only

The diagram shows the arrangement of the particles in a pure metal.


Metals are often made into alloys to make them harder.

Explain why alloys are harder than pure metals.

Draw a diagram to support your answer.

1d4 marks

Complete the table by naming two alloys and giving the elements used to make each alloy.

Alloy name Elements used to make alloy

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2a2 marks

Tungsten is a useful metal. It has the chemical symbol W.

One method of extracting tungsten involves heating a tungsten compound, WO3, with hydrogen. Water is also produced. Write the balanced symbol equation for this reaction.

2b2 marks

Identify what has been reduced. Give a reason for your answer.

2c3 marks

Extended Only

Tungsten alloyed with nickel and copper can be used to make protective covers for electrical sensors and missile guidance systems. Explain why this alloy is stronger than pure titanium. 

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4 marks

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

An ore of tungsten is Scheelite. The composition of this ore is 13.9% of calcium, 63.9% of tungsten and the remainder is oxygen. Calculate the empirical formula for this ore of tungsten.

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3a2 marks

Steel is formed from iron and carbon and is widely used in the construction industry.

Explain why steel alloys are used in preference to iron.
State a use of stainless steel.
3b4 marks

Extended Only

Both iron and steel have typical metallic structures - a lattice of positive ions and a sea of electrons.

Explain why iron and steel have high melting points.


Explain why, when a force is applied to a piece of steel, it does not break but changes its shape.


3c1 mark

Brass is an alloy of two metals, copper and zinc.

Which statement is correct?

Tick one box.

Brass dissolves fully in hydrochloric acid  
Brass has a chemical formula of CuZn  
Brass is formed by a chemical reaction between two metals   
One of the metals in the alloy will dissolve in dilute hydrochloric acid  

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3 marks

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

Acid digestion is a method used to dissolve metals into a solution which can then be analysed to determine the composition of the metal.

A 3.00 g sample of an aluminium alloy was reacted with an excess of concentrated nitric acid. The resulting mixture was made up to 250 cm3 with distilled water and analysed. The concentration of aluminium ions in the 250 cm3 solution was found to be 0.36 mol/dm3.

Calculate the percentage composition by mass of aluminum in the 3.00 g sample of aluminum alloy.

[Ar (Al) = 27]

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4a4 marks

This question is about metals and non-metals.

Compare the properties of metals and non-metals.

4b1 mark

The Group I metals exhibit some properties that the majority of metals do not share.

Give one example of a property of Group I metals that is different from most other metals.

4c4 marks

For each of the metals below, complete the table to identify a use of the metals and state the most important property of the metal that makes it suitable for that use.

Metal Use Most important property

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4 marks

Extended Only

An aluminium alloy containing 0.7% magnesium and 0.4% silicon by mass is used for making masts for sailing boats.

Calculate the number of moles of magnesium and silicon present in a mast with a mass of 17 kg.

[Ar (Mg) = 24;      Ar (Si) = 28]

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5a2 marks

Some metals react with cold water.

Give the balanced symbol equation for the reaction of calcium reacting with water. Include state symbols.

5b3 marks

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

Using oxidation numbers, show that calcium is oxidised during the reaction with water.

5c3 marks

A student added 20 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid to two boiling tubes. To one of the boiling tubes they added a small piece of calcium and to the other they added a small piece of magnesium.

State two observations that the student would make and how the observations would differ between the two boiling tubes.

5d3 marks

The student had added the exact amount of magnesium required to react with the hydrochloric acid used. After carrying out the experiment, the student accidentally added some more magnesium. The student was surprised that the extra magnesium still reacted although the reaction was a lot slower. 

Explain these observations. Include an equation in your answer.

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