Properties, Uses & Alloys of Metals (CIE IGCSE Chemistry)

Topic Questions

3 hours32 questions
11 mark

Which diagram shows an alloy?


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    21 mark

    Copper is sometimes used to make cooking utensils and pans.

    Three properties of copper are shown below:

    1 Good conductor of electricity.
    2 Corrosion resistant.
    3 Good conductor of heat.

    Which of these properties make it good for making cooking utensils?

    • 1 and 3

    • 1 only

    • 2 and 3

    • 2 only

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    31 mark

    Most of the elements on the Periodic Table are metals. Metals can be distinguished from non-metals by differences in their physical properties.

    Which row correctly describes a metal?

      Malleability Heat & electrical conductivity
    A cross times ✓
    B ✓ cross times
    C ✓ ✓
    D cross times cross times

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      41 mark

      Zinc has many uses in the home. The diagram shows two items that contain zinc.


      In which of these items is zinc used as an alloy?

        bucket door-knocker
      A cross times ✓
      B ✓ ✓
      C cross times cross times
      D ✓ cross times

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        51 mark

        Extended Only

        Why are alloys harder than the pure metals from which they are made?

        A There are stronger bonds between the atoms
        B The atoms are all the same size 
        C The layers of atoms are distorted
        D The properties of each element have combined

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          11 mark

          A sample of element Y is shiny and can be shaped by hammering.

          Which row of the table corresponds to the properties of element Y?

            conducts electricity melts below 25℃
          A cross times ✓
          B cross times cross times
          C ✓ ✓
          D ✓ cross times

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            21 mark

            Some of the properties of four different elements Q, P, R and S are listed below:

            1 Q melts at 1410 °C and forms an acidic oxide.
            2 P has a high density and is easily drawn into wires.
            3 R acts as a catalyst and its oxide reacts with acids
            4 S is a red-brown solid used to make alloys.

            Which of the elements are metals?

            • 1 and 3 only

            • 2 and 4 only

            • 2, 3 and 4

            • 1,2 and 3

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            31 mark

            The table shows some properties of four metals

            Which of the four metals would be the most suitable for aircraft construction?

              density strength resistance to corrosion
            A high low low
            B low high high
            C high high low
            D low low high

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              41 mark

              Brass is an alloy of two metals.

              Which row describes the correct use of the two metals that brass is made from?

                metal 1 metal 2
              A galvanising steel making aircraft
              B electrical wiring galvanising steel
              C making aircraft making cutlery
              D making cooking pans electrical wiring

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                51 mark

                The structure of an alloy is shown below. Alloys are mixtures of metals with other metals or non-metals.


                They are usually much stronger and harder than pure metals. Which statement explains these features?

                • The irregular sizes of the atoms distorts the regular arrangement in the metal structure, meaning more force is required to bend the metal

                • The irregular sizes of the atoms distorts the regular arrangement in the metal structure as the bonding is disrupted when the atoms are added

                • The regular sizes of the atoms distorts the irregular arrangement in the metal structure, meaning more force is required to bend the metal

                • A mixture of metals is tougher than a pure metal because a mixture has more intermolecular forces than a pure metal.

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                11 mark

                Properties of four elements are shown below.

                Which of these elements is a metal?

                  electrical conductivity when solid electrical conductivity when liquid melting point ℃
                A low low -7
                B high low 801
                C high high 1535
                D low low 3550

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                  21 mark
                  Brass is an alloy of two metals


                  Which is the correct statement? 

                  • The alloy will completely dissolve in dilute hydrochloric acid.

                  • Brass is formed by a chemical reaction between two metals 

                  • Brass can be represented by a chemical formula

                  • One of the metals in the alloy will dissolve in dilute hydrochloric acid

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                  31 mark

                  Element Y is malleable and ductile.

                  Which correctly describes the properties of element Y?

                    Electrical conductivity (solid) Electrical conductivity (molten) Melting Point / oC
                  1  ✓  2861
                  2 63
                  3 801
                  • 1 and 2 only

                  • 1 and 3 only

                  • 2 and 3 only

                  • 1, 2 and 3

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                  41 mark

                  The three statements below about aluminium are all correct.

                  1 Aluminium reacts readily to form aluminium oxide
                  2 Aluminium is extracted from its ore by electrolysis as it cannot be extracted by reduction with carbon
                  3 Aluminium is used in electrical wiring because of its good electrical conductivity

                  In which of these statements can 'aluminium' be replaced by 'copper' and still be correct?

                    1 2 3

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                    51 mark

                    Some properties of elements K, LM and N are given.

                    1 K acts as a catalyst and its oxide reacts with hydrochloric acid
                    2 L is a dull dark grey solid that conducts electricity and has a melting point of 3600 oC
                    3 M is easily hammered into shape and has a high density
                    4 N has a melting point of 113 oC and forms an acidic oxide

                    Which of the elements are metals?

                    • 1 and 3 only

                    • 2, 3 and 4

                    • 2 and 3 only 

                    • 2 and 4 only

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