Group Properties & Trends (CIE IGCSE Chemistry)

Topic Questions

3 hours40 questions
1a1 mark

Rubidium, Rb, is a Group I element. It has similar physical and chemical properties to the other elements in Group I.

Predict how many electrons there are in the outer shell of a rubidium atom.

1b1 mark

Predict one physical property of rubidium which is the same as that of a transition element such as iron. 

1c2 marks

Predict two physical properties of rubidium which are different to those of a transition element such as iron.

1d7 marks

When rubidium is added to cold water a reaction occurs.

Suggest two observations that would be made when rubidium is added to cold water.


What would be the colour of the solution if methyl orange was added to it after the reaction?


Write a chemical equation for the reaction between rubidium and water.


Put the Group I elements, caesium, lithium, potassium, rubidium and sodium in their order of reactivity with water, from the most reactive to the least reactive.


Suggest one safety measure that should be used when rubidium is added to cold water.


1e1 mark

Extended Only

The phosphate ion has the formula PO43–.

Deduce the formula of rubidium phosphate.

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2a2 marks

Extended Only

For each of the following unfamiliar elements predict one physical and one chemical property.

Caesium (Cs)
Physical property ..............................................................................................................
Chemical property .............................................................................................................

2b2 marks

Vanadium (V)
Physical property ..............................................................................................................
Chemical property .............................................................................................................

2c2 marks

Fluorine (F)
Physical property ..............................................................................................................
Chemical property .............................................................................................................

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32 marks

Copper is a transition element. It has variable oxidation states.

State two other chemical properties of transition elements which make them different from Group I elements.

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42 marks

Aluminium is extracted by electrolysis. Iron is extracted from its ore by reduction with carbon.

Iron is a transition element. Give two ways in which the properties of transition elements differ from the properties of Group I metals.

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5a2 marks

Complete the word equation to show the halogen and halide compound which react to form the products iodine and potassium bromide.


5b1 mark

Explain, in terms of the reactivity of the halogens, why aqueous iodine does not react with aqueous potassium chloride.

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6a2 marks

Complete the word equation to show the halogen and halide compound which react to form the products bromine and potassium chloride.


6b1 mark

Explain, in terms of the reactivity of the halogens, why aqueous bromine will not react with aqueous potassium chloride.

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71 mark

The diagram shows part of the structures of five substances, A, B, C, D and E.


Which one of these structures, A, B, C, D or E, is monatomic?

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83 marks

Describe three properties of iron that show that it is a transition element and not a Group I element.

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9a1 mark

Sodium can be extracted from sodium bromide by electrolysis.

Sodium is a metal in Group I of the Periodic Table.

Describe one chemical property of sodium.

9b2 marks

Which two of these statements about the physical properties of sodium are correct?

Tick two boxes.


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1a4 marks

Three of the halogens in Group VII are listed below.

How does their colour change down the Group?
How do their melting points and boiling points change down the Group?
Predict the colour and physical state (solid, liquid or gas) of astatine, At.
colour ...
physical state ...
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5 marks

A radioactive isotope of iodine, begin mathsize 16px style I presubscript 53 presuperscript 131 end style, is used to treat cancer.

Define the term isotope.

How many protons, electrons and neutrons are there in one atom of begin mathsize 16px style I presubscript 53 presuperscript 131 end style

number of protons ..............
number of electrons ............
number of neutrons ............



When this isotope, begin mathsize 16px style I presubscript 53 presuperscript 131 end style, emits radiation, a different element with a proton number of 54 is formed.
What is the name of this element?


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2 marks

Extended Only

Fluorine, the most reactive halogen, forms compounds with the other halogens. It forms two compounds with bromine.
Deduce their formulae from the following information.

compound 1
The mass of one mole of this compound is 137 g.
Its formula is .................................
compound 2
0.02 moles of this compound contain 0.02 moles of bromine atoms and 0.1 moles of fluorine atoms.
Its formula is .................................

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2a2 marks

Extended Only

Use your copy of the periodic table to help you answer these questions.

Predict the formula of each of the following compounds.

barium oxide.
boron oxide.
2b2 marks

Give the formula of the following ions.

2c3 marks

Draw a diagram showing the arrangement of the valency electrons in one molecule of the covalent compound nitrogen trichloride.

Use x to represent an electron from a nitrogen atom.
Use o to represent an electron from a chlorine atom.

2d4 marks

Potassium and vanadium are elements in Period IV.

State two differences in their physical properties.


Give two differences in their chemical properties.


2e4 marks

Fluorine and astatine are halogens. Use your knowledge of the other halogens to predict the following:

The physical state of fluorine at r.t.p........
The physical state of astatine at r.t.p........
Two similarities in their chemical properties


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3a8 marks

Separate: Chemistry Only

For each of the following, give the name of an element from Period 2 (lithium to neon), which matches the description.
Elements may be used once, more than once or not at all.

An element which is gaseous at room temperature and pressure


An element which forms an oxide that is a reactant in photosynthesis


An element that is a product of photosynthesis


An element that makes up approximately 78% by volume of the air


An element which has atoms with a full outer shell of electrons


An element which exists as both diamond and graphite


An element that reacts vigorously with cold water


A soft metallic element which is stored in oil


3b2 marks

Give the formula of a compound that contains

only boron and oxygen,


only lithium and nitrogen.


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4a1 mark

Choose an element from the list below which best fits the description.

Rb Fe Si I P Sr

An element which reacts with cold water.

4b1 mark

It is a solid at room temperature and exists as diatomic molecules, X2.

4c1 mark

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

It can form two oxides, XO and X2O3.

4d1 mark

This element has a hydride of the type XH3.

4e1 mark

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

It has a macromolecular structure similar to that of carbon.

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5a5 marks

Use your copy of the Periodic Table to answer these questions.

Choose an element from the Periodic Table to match each description.
You may give either the name or the symbol.

It is the most reactive metal.


It is the only non-metal which is a liquid at r.t.p.


This Group VII element is a solid at r.t.p.


This element is in Group V and Period 4.


This unreactive gas is used to fill lamps.


5b2 marks

Predict the formula of each of the following compounds.

Germanium oxide
Tellurium bromide
5c2 marks

Give the formula of each of the following ions.


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6a1 mark

For each of the following select an element from Period 4, potassium to krypton, that matches the description.

It is a brown liquid at room temperature.

6b1 mark

It forms a compound with hydrogen having the formula XH4.

6c1 mark

A metal that reacts violently with cold water.

6d1 mark

It has a complete outer energy level.

6e1 mark

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

It has oxidation states of 2 and 3 only.

6f1 mark

It can form an ion of the type X-.

6g1 mark

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

One of its oxides is the catalyst in the Contact Process.

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7a1 mark

For each of the following, give the name of an element from Period 3 (sodium to argon), which matches the description.

An element which is gaseous at room temperature and pressure

7b1 mark

An element that is added to water to kill bacteria.

7c1 mark

An element that forms a basic oxide of the type XO.

7d1 mark

Extended Only

An element that forms an amphoteric oxide.

7e1 mark

An element that reacts vigorously with cold water to produce hydrogen.

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8a3 marks

Table 1 shows some properties of some of the halogens.

                                                                  Table 1q7a_specimen-paper-0620-03-cie-igcse-chemistryUse the information in Table 1 to suggest:

• the colour of astatine ______________
• the boiling point of bromine ____________
• the state of iodine at 190 °C _______________

8b1 mark

Aqueous chlorine reacts with aqueous potassium bromide as shown.

                                              Cl2 + 2KBr → Br2 + 2KCl

Name the salt formed in this reaction.

8c1 mark

Explain why aqueous bromine does not react with aqueous potassium chloride.

8d2 marks

Complete the dot-and-cross diagram in Figure 1 of a molecule of chlorine.
Show outer shell electrons only.


Figure 1

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9a5 marks

The diagram shows part of the structures of sodium bromide and sulfur.q8_0620-s20-qp-31_cie-igcse-chemistry

Describe both sodium bromide and sulfur in terms of:


electrical conductivity

solubility in water

9b1 mark

Sulfur is an element.

What is meant by the term element?

9c2 marks

A coloured crystal of cobalt(II) chloride is placed at the bottom of a beaker containing water.
Colour spreads throughout the water over time. Figure 1 shows the spread of colour after two days.


Figure 1

Cobalt is a transition element. Lithium is a Group I element.

Describe two ways in which the properties of cobalt differ from those of lithium.

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10a1 mark

The properties of the first four Group I elements are shown in the table.

element density in g / cm3 melting point / °C boiling point / °C
lithium 0.53 181 1342
sodium 0.97 98 883
potassium 0.86 63 760
rubidium   39 686

Answer these questions using only the information in the table.

Describe the general trend in the boiling points of the Group I elements.

10b1 mark

Explain why it is difficult to predict the density of rubidium.

10c2 marks

Deduce the state of rubidium at 45 °C. Explain your answer.

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1a5 marks

The halogens are a collection of diatomic non-metals in Group VII.

Define the term diatomic.
What do the electron distributions of the halogens have in common?
How do their electron distributions differ?
Complete the table.

solid, liquid or gas

at room temperature



1b3 marks

The halogens react with other non-metals to form covalent compounds.
Draw a diagram which shows the arrangement of the valency electrons in one molecule of the covalent compound arsenic trifluoride.
The electron distribution of an arsenic atom is 2 + 8 + 18 + 5.
Use x to represent an electron from an arsenic atom.
Use o to represent an electron from a fluorine atom.

1c3 marks

Photochromic glass is used in sunglasses. In bright light, the glass darkens reducing the amount of light reaching the eye. When the light is less bright, the glass becomes colourless increasing the amount of light reaching the eye.
Photochromic glass contains very small amounts of the halides silver(I) chloride and copper(I) chloride.
The reaction between these two chlorides is photochemical.

AgCl  CuCl rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon Ag CuCl2
colourless   colourless   black   colourless

How does photochromic glass work?

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2a3 marks

Scandium, proton number 21, is not a typical transition element.

Scandium is a low density metal which has only one oxidation state in its compounds. Scandium compounds are white solids which form colourless solutions. Titanium, the next metal in the period, is a far more typical transition element. 

How would the properties of titanium differ from those of scandium?

2b3 marks

Scandium fluoride is an ionic compound. The valency of scandium in scandium fluoride is three.

Draw a diagram which shows the formula of this compound, the charges on the ions and the arrangement of the valency electrons around the negative ions.

Use × to represent an electron from a fluorine atom.
Use ○ to represent an electron from a scandium atom.

2c3 marks

Scandium oxide is insoluble in water. Describe how you could show that it is an amphoteric oxide.

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3a1 mark

For each of the following, select an element from Period 4, potassium to krypton, which matches the description.

A metal that reacts rapidly with cold water to form a compound of the type M(OH)2 and hydrogen.

3b1 mark

Its only oxidation state is 0.

3c1 mark

It has a macromolecular oxide, XO2, which has similar physical properties to those of diamond.

3d1 mark

This is one of the metals alloyed with iron in stainless steel.

3e1 mark

It can be reduced to an ion of the type X.

3f1 mark

It can form a covalent hydride having the formula H2X.

3g1 mark

Its soluble salts are blue and its oxide is black.

3h1 mark

It is a liquid at room temperature.

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4a4 marks

This question is concerned with the elements in Period 5, Rb to Xe.

The electron distributions of some of these elements are given in the following list.

Element B 2 + 8 + 18 + 18 + 8
Element C 2 + 8 + 18 + 18 + 5
Element D 2 + 8 + 18 +18 + 6
Element E 2 + 8 + 18 + 18 + 4
Element F 2 + 8 + 18 + 18 + 7

Identify element C.


Which element in the list does not form any compounds?


Which element in the list forms a chloride of the type XCl2?


Which two elements would react together to form a compound of the type XY4?

4b4 marks

Predict two differences in physical properties and two differences in chemical properties between rubidium and the transition metal niobium.

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5a4 marks

Three of the halogens in Group VII are:


How does their colour change down the Group?
How does their physical state (solid, liquid or gas) change down the Group?
Predict the colour and physical state of fluorine.

Colour ....................

Physical state ....................
5b3 marks

Describe how you could distinguish between aqueous potassium bromide and aqueous potassium iodide.

Test ....................

Result with bromide ............................................................

Result with iodide ............................................................

5c2 marks

0.015 moles of iodine react with 0.045 moles of chlorine to form 0.030 moles of a single product.

Complete the equation.

I2 + ............ Cl2 → ................................

5d2 marks

Traces of chlorine can be separated from bromine vapour by diffusion.

Which gas would diffuse the faster and why?

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6a2 marks

Rubidium and strontium are very reactive metals at the top of the reactivity series. Because their ions have different charges, their compounds behave differently when heated.

The formulae of the ions of these two elements are Rb+ and Sr2+.

Explain why these metals, which are in different groups, form ions which have different charges.

6b5 marks

Strontium carbonate is similar to calcium carbonate. It is insoluble in water and it decomposes when heated. Rubidium carbonate is soluble in water and does not decompose when heated.

Describe a method to prepare a pure sample of the insoluble salt, strontium carbonate, by precipitation.
Complete the equation for the decomposition of strontium carbonate.

SrCO3 → ............ + ............

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