Group Properties & Trends (CIE IGCSE Chemistry)

Topic Questions

3 hours40 questions
11 mark

Astatine is found below iodine in Group 7 of the periodic table.

What is its formula and state at room temperature?

  Formula State at room temperature 
 A At gas
 B At solid
 C At2 liquid
 D At2 solid

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    21 mark

    Which row describes the properties of fluorine?

      colour state at r.t.p more reactive than chlorine
    A yellow gas yes
    B green gas no
    C brown liquid no
    D brown gas yes

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      31 mark

      The transition elements are used extensively as catalysts. Which statement explains why they are such good catalysts?

      • Their oxidation state does not change.

      • They have a large surface area.

      • They can have variable oxidation states.

      • They form coloured compounds.

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      41 mark

      Which of the following observations does not apply to Group I elements?

      • They are relatively soft metals.

      • They corrode quickly when exposed to air.

      • They react very quickly with water releasing hydrogen gas

      • They produce acidic solutions in reaction with water.

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      51 mark

      Element X is an unreactive non-metal element. Where could this element be found on the Periodic table?

      • At the far left hand side

      • At the far right hand side

      • At the top of Group VI

      • At the bottom of Group VII

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      11 mark

      Which statement about the Alkali metals is correct?

      • Potassium is more dense than lithium.

      • Lithium has a higher density than sodium.

      • Potassium is less reactive than sodium.

      • The melting point of sodium is higher than lithium.

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      21 mark

      The reactivity of the halogens decreases moving down the group.

      Which statement explains this observation?

      • Decreasing distance between the nucleus and outer shell makes it easier for the atom to attract electrons.

      • Increasing distance between the nucleus and outer shell makes it easier for the atom to attract electrons.

      • Decreasing distance between the nucleus and outer shell makes it harder for the atom to attract electrons.

      • Increasing distance between the nucleus and outer shell makes it harder for the atom to attract electrons.

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      31 mark

      Which entry in the table matches the transition elements?

        density melting point from coloured compounds
      A high low no
      B high high yes
      C low low no
      D low high yes

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        41 mark

        Which row describes the properties of a typical noble gas?

          outer electrons atom or molecule boiling point
        A full atom very low
        B 6 molecule low
        C 8 atom very high
        D 6 molecule high

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          51 mark

          Astatine is a radioactive Group VII element which is extremely unstable, making it difficult to study. The physical and chemical properties of astatine can only be estimated.

          Which row most likely describes the properties of astatine?

            State Colour Reaction with KI (aq)
          A liquid yellow brown colour
          B solid green no reaction
          C gas dark brown brown colour
          D solid black no reaction

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            11 mark

            Bromine and rubidium react together to form the compound rubidium bromide. Which row correctly describes the formula and colour of rubidium bromide?

              formula colour
            A RbBr dark grey
            B RbBr2 dark grey
            C RbBr white
            D RbBr2 white

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              21 mark

              The reactivity of the alkali metals increases moving down the group. Which statement explains this observation?

              • Decreasing distance between the nucleus and outer shell makes it easier for the metals to lose their valence electrons.

              • Increasing distance between the nucleus and outer shell makes it harder for the metals to lose their valence electrons.

              • Increasing distance between the nucleus and outer shell makes it easier for the metals to lose their valence electrons.

              • Decreasing distance between the nucleus and outer shell makes it easier for the metals to lose their valence electrons.

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              31 mark

              Properties of four alkali metals labelled are shown in the table. Which one is placed lowest in the group?

                melting point / oC density / g cm-3
              A 39 1.50
              B 28.5 1.93
              C 98 0.98
              D 63.5 0.86

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                41 mark

                Element Q is a halogen which reacts with aqueous potassium bromide, as shown in the reaction below:

                Q2 + 2 KBr → 2 KQ + Br2

                Which row describes element Q?

                  More reactive than bromine Greater Ar than bromine
                A ✓ ✓
                B ✓ cross times
                C cross times ✓
                D cross times cross times

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                  51 mark

                  A solution of a lithium halide and a halogen are mixed together. A reaction occurs and the mixture darkens in colour.

                  What is present in the reaction mixture?

                  • Bromine and lithium chloride

                  • Bromine and lithium fluoride

                  • Chlorine and lithium iodide

                  • Chlorine and lithium fluoride

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