The Periodic Table & Trends (CIE IGCSE Chemistry)

Topic Questions

2 hours30 questions
1a1 mark

The symbols of some elements in the Periodic Table are shown. 

Ne      Li      O      F      Al      Ca

For each of the following, give the symbol of an element which matches the description.

Each element may be used once, more than once or not at all.

Which element is unreactive?

1b1 mark

Which element is in Group VII of the Periodic Table?

1c1 mark

Which element forms an ion with a 1+ charge?

1d1 mark

Which element is in Period 3 of the Periodic Table?

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2a1 mark

The Periodic Table consists of elements arranged in a particular order. 

What is the Periodic Table arranged in order of?

Relative atomic mass  
Atomic number  
Number of electrons in the outer shell   
The number of shells   

2b1 mark

Element Y is located in Group VII of the Periodic Table. 

Write the formula of the ion formed by element Y

2c2 marks

Give two physical properties of element Y

2d4 marks

Going down Group VII reactivity decreases. 

Explain why reactivity decreases going down Group VII using words from the list. 

increases lose stronger gain
weaker closer to further from

Going down the group, the number of electron shells .................. so the outer electron is .........................  the nucleus.

There are ............................ elecrostatic forces of attraction between the outer electron and nucleus making it harder for the element to ............... an electron. 

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3a1 mark

Table 3.1 shows information about the reactions of Group I  elements with water.

Table 3.1

element observations products formed
lithium  bubbles lithium hydroxide + hydrogen
sodium bubbles, sodium moves quickly on the surface of the water sodium hydroxide + hydrogen
potassium bubbles, potassium moves very quickly on the surface of the water burns with a lilac flame potassium hydroxide + hydrogen

Draw the electronic configuration for sodium.


3b1 mark

Why are lithium, sodium, and potassium all in Group I  of the Periodic Table? 

3c1 mark

Use Table 3.1 to describe the trend in reactivity of Group I metals. 

3d2 marks

Predict the two products formed when rubidium reacts with water.

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4a1 mark

The electronic configurations of some elements are shown in Table 4.1. 

Table 4.1

Element Electronic configuration
A 2,8,7
B 2,8,8
C 2,6
D 2,7
E 2,8,2

Answer the following questions about these elements.

Each element may be used once, more than once or not at all.

Which two elements share similar chemical properties?

4b1 mark

Which element is a good conductor of electricity?

4c1 mark

Which element is a noble gas?

4d1 mark

Which element has a high melting point?

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5a1 mark

This question is about elements in the Periodic Table.

Calcium is a metal located in Group II of the Periodic Table.

What is the charge of a calcium ion?

Draw a circle around the correct answer. 

1+ 2+ 2- 1-
5b2 marks

Copper is a transition metal. 

Give two properties of transition metals. 

5c2 marks

Neon is a noble gas. 

Explain why neon is unreactive. 

You should include its electronic configuration in your answer. 

5d2 marks

Bromine is located in Group VII of the Periodic Table:

Give the formula and state of bromine at room temperature. 

Formula: ...........................

State at room temperature: ............................

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1a1 mark

An element, M, has the electron distribution 2 + 8 + 18 + 3.

Which group in the Periodic Table is element M likely to be in?

1b1 mark

Extended Only

Predict whether element M is a poor or a good conductor of electricity.
Give a reason for your answer.

1c1 mark

Binary compounds contain two atoms per molecule, for example HCl.
Identify an element which could form a binary compound with element M.

1d1 mark

Extended Only

Predict the formula of the sulfate of M. The formula of the sulfate ion is SO4 2-.

1e2 marks

Extended Only

The hydroxide of M is a white powder which is insoluble in water.
Describe how you could show that this hydroxide is amphoteric.

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2a1 mark

For each of the following, name an element which matches the description.

It is the only non-metal which is a good conductor of electricity.

2b1 mark

Inert electrodes are made from this metal.

2c1 mark

An element which can form an ion of the type X3–.

2d1 mark

It has the same electron distribution as the calcium ion, Ca2+.

2e1 mark

The element is in Period 5 and Group VI.

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3a1 mark

Element Z is in Period 3 and Group V.

Identify element Z.

3b1 mark

Helium, neon and argon are noble gases.

Explain, in terms of the electronic structure, why neon is unreactive.

3c2 marks

Copper is a transition element. It can have variable oxidation states.

State two other chemical properties of transition elements which make them different from Group I elements.

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4a1 mark

Aqueous chlorine reacts with aqueous magnesium bromide.

Cl2 + MgBr2 → Br2 + MgCl2

How does this reaction show that chlorine is more reactive than bromine?

4b1 mark

What colour is bromine in aqueous solution?

4c2 marks

Complete the word equation to show the halogen and halide compound which react to form the products iodine and sodium chloride.

4d1 mark

Explain, in terms of the reactivity of the halogens, why aqueous bromine will not react with aqueous sodium chloride.

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5a1 mark

The symbols of the elements in Period 2 of the Periodic Table are shown. 

Li  Be  B  C  N  O  F  Ne

For each of the following, give the symbol of an element from Period 2 which matches the description.

Each element may be used once, more than once or not at all.

Which element has atoms with only two electrons in the outer shell?

5b1 mark

Which element is a monoatomic gas?

5c1 mark

Which element is a soft metal stored in oil?

5d1 mark

Which element has atoms with only seven protons?

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1a2 marks

The table below includes information about some of the elements in Period 2.

element carbon nitrogen fluorine neon
symbol C N F Ne
structure macromolecular simple molecules N2 simple molecules F2 single atoms Ne
boiling point/ °C 4200 -196 -188 -246

Why does neon exist as single atoms but fluorine exists as molecules?

1b1 mark

What determines the order of the elements in a period?

1c2 marks

Extended Only

When liquid nitrogen boils the following change occurs.

N2(l) → N2(g)

The boiling point of nitrogen is very low even though the bond between the atoms in a nitrogen molecule is very strong. Suggest an explanation.

1d2 marks

Extended Only

Draw a diagram showing the arrangement of the outer shell (valency) electrons in a molecule of nitrogen.

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2a1 mark

The table below gives the electron distributions of atoms of different elements.

element electron distribution

element electron distribution
A 2 + 7
B 2 + 8 + 4
C 2 + 8 + 8 + 1
D 2 + 8 + 18 + 3
E 2 + 8 + 18 + 7
F 2 + 8 + 18 + 18 + 8

For each of the following, select an element or elements from the table that matches the description.
Each element may be selected once, more than once or not at all.

These two elements are in the same group.

2b1 mark

This element forms a fluoride with a formula of the type XF3.

2c1 mark

This element reacts violently with cold water.

2d1 mark

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

This element has a macromolecular structure similar to that of diamond.

2e1 mark

The only oxidation state of this element is 0.

2f1 mark

This element is bromine.

2g1 mark

This element is a good conductor of electricity.

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3a2 marks

Use your copy of the Periodic Table to help you answer some of these questions.

Predict the formulae of the following compounds.

nitrogen fluoride .........................
phosphorus sulfide ...................
3b2 marks

Deduce the formulae of the following ions.


3c2 marks

Extended Only

Use the following ions to determine the formulae of the compounds.
          ions    OH    Cr3+    Ba2+    SO42–


Chromium(III) sulfate 
Barium hydroxide 

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4a7 marks

In the Periodic Table, the elements are arranged in columns called Groups and in rows called Periods.


Complete the table for some of the elements in Period 3.
Group number I II III IV V VI VII
Symbol Na Mg Al Si P S Cl
Number of valency electrons              


What is the relationship between the group number and the number of valency electrons?


Explain the relationship between the number of valency electrons and the valency:
For the elements Na to Al,
For the elements P to Cl.
4b4 marks

Extended Only

Across a period, the elements change from metallic to non-metallic.

Describe how the type of oxide changes across this period.


Describe how the type of bonding in the chlorides formed by these elements changes across this period.


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5a1 mark

Separate: Chemistry Only

Trends can be observed in the way Group I and Group VII elements react. 

Suggest why Group I elements lithium, sodium and potassium are all stored in paraffin oil.

5b4 marks

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

Caesium, Cs, is below potassium in Group I.

Give a similarity and a difference between the reactions of potassium with water and caesium with water.


Give the chemical equation for the reaction between caesium and water.
5c2 marks

Separate: Chemistry Only

Table 5.1 gives some information about the halogens.

Complete the table by predicting the physical state of astatine at room temperature and the colour of astatine.

Table 5.1

Halogen Physical state at room temperature Colour
 fluorine gas yellow
 chlorine gas pale green
 bromine liquid red-brown
 iodine solid grey
5d6 marks

Extended Only

A student investigates the reactivity of some halogens.

She uses these solutions of halogens and their halides.

  • bromine, chlorine and iodine
  • sodium bromide, sodium chloride and sodium iodide

She adds each halogen solution to each halide solution.

Table 5.2 shows her results.

Table 5.2

  Sodium bromide Sodium chloride Sodium iodide
 Bromine no reaction no reaction reaction occurs
 Chlorine reaction occurs no reaction reaction occurs
 Iodine no reaction no reaction no reaction

Explain how these results show the order of reactivity of bromine, chlorine and iodine.


Suggest why the student does not need to add bromine solution to sodium bromide solution.


The ionic equation for the reaction between bromine and sodium iodide is

Br2 (aq) + 2I (aq) → I2 (aq) + 2Br (aq)

Explain why this is a redox reaction.


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