The Periodic Table & Trends (CIE IGCSE Chemistry)

Topic Questions

2 hours30 questions
11 mark

Which one of the following names does not correspond to a group of elements on the Periodic table?

  • Alkali

  • Group VI

  • Alloys

  • Halogens

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21 mark

Which row describes how the elements are positioned on the Periodic table and the names used?

  elements placed by group period
A atomic number vertical column horizontal row
B mass number vertical column horizontal row
C atomic number horizontal row vertical column
D mass number horizontal row vertical column

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    31 mark

    Which property of elements increases as you move across the Periodic table?

    • The number of outer shells increases.

    • The number of outer shell electrons increases.

    • The metallic character.

    • The tendency to become oxidised.

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    41 mark

    Element Z forms an ion with a 2- charge. 

    Which group of the Periodic Table is element Z found in?

    • 1

    • 2

    • 6

    • 7

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    51 mark

    Separate: Chemistry Only

    Element X is found in Group 7 of the Periodic Table. 

    Which properties are typical of element X?

    1 Poor conductor of electricity
    2 Malleable
    3 High melting points
    4 Form acidic oxides

    • 1 and 2 

    • 1 and 4 

    • 2 and 3 

    • 3 and 4 

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    11 mark

    The early Periodic table was used to classify the known elements and was used to predict the properties of the elements that had not yet been discovered.

    Which row correctly describes how this was possible?

    • Elements in the same Period displayed similar properties.

    • The arrangement of the known elements provided trends in behaviour which was used to make predictions about the unknown elements.

    • Elements in different Groups displayed similar properties.

    • The unknown elements were used to fill the gaps in the original Periodic table and were placed according to their physical properties.

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    21 mark

    Potassium and krypton are elements in Period 4. Potassium is at the beginning of the period and is more metallic than krypton which is at the end of the period.

    What makes potassium more metallic than krypton?

    • It has less electrons than krypton.

    • It has less protons than krypton.

    • It has less electron shells.

    • It has less outer shell electrons.

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    31 mark

    The elements of the Periodic table can be broadly classified into two main characters which are metals and nonmetals. Which statements are correct?

    1 Magnesium is more metallic than silicon.
    2 Boron is more metallic than lithium.
    3 Carbon is less metallic than beryllium.
    4 Sodium is less metallic than aluminium.
    • 1 and 3

    • 1 and 2

    • 2, 3 and 4

    • 1, 2 and 4

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    41 mark

    The metallic character of the elements changes as you move across a period.

    Which statement explains this trend?

    • The mass number increases as you move across.

    • The physical properties change as you move across.

    • The tendency to lose or gain electrons changes moving across.

    • The atomic number changes as you move across.

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    51 mark

    An element has an electronic configuration of 2,8,6.

    Which group and period can the element be found in?

      group period
    A 6 3
    B 6 8
    C 3 6
    D 8 2

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      11 mark

      Potassium has a lower relative atomic mass than argon but on the Periodic table potassium appears after argon.

      Why is potassium placed after argon?

      • Argon has less neutrons than potassium.

      • Argon has more protons than potassium.

      • Potassium has more protons than argon.

      • Potassium has more neutrons than argon.

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      21 mark

      Oxygen, sulfur, selenium and tellurium are Group VI elements. What do all these elements have in common?

      • They all have 6 outer shell electrons and have similar physical properties.

      • They are all non-metals.

      • They all have 5 outer shell electrons and have similar chemical properties.

      • They all have 6 outer shell electrons and have similar chemical properties.

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      31 mark

      Elements W, X, Y and Z are shown.


      Which of the following statements are correct?

      1 Z is found in nature in the elemental state
      2 W is more metallic than X
      3 W is more metallic than Y
      4 X forms a covalent compound with hydrogen
      • 2 and 3

      • 1, 2 and 3

      • 2 and 4

      • All

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      41 mark

      As you move down a group on the Periodic table the elements become more metallic in character.

      Which statement explains this observation?

      • Electrons are more easily gained due to increasing atomic radius.

      • Electrons are more easily lost due to increasing atomic radius.

      • The elements are heavier due to the atomic number increasing as you move down a group.

      • The elements are heavier due to the mass number increasing as you move down a group.

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      51 mark

      X and Y are two elements from the same period in The Periodic Table 

      The table gives some properties of X and Y 

        X Y
      appearance shiny grey dull yellow
      malleability malleable brittle
      electrical conductivity when solid good poor 

      Which statements are correct about X and Y?

      1   Y has a higher melting point than X

      2   Y forms negative ions when it reacts 

      3   X forms covalent compounds 

      4   X forms a basic oxide 

      • 1 and 2 

      • 2 and 4

      • 2 and 3 

      • 3 and 4 

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