The Characteristic Properties of Acids & Bases (CIE IGCSE Chemistry)

Topic Questions

6 hours54 questions
11 mark

Most insect bites cause a stinging sensation because of the injection of a weak acid into the surface of the skin. Which substance could be used to neutralise the acid from an insect bite?

  substance pH
A battery acid 1
B toothpaste 8
C grill cleaner 13
D lime juice 3

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    21 mark

    Hydrochloric acid is often used to clean metals by reacting with the surface coating which develops on some metals when exposed to the atmosphere.

    Which row correctly describes the surface coating on these metals?

      name acidic or basic reacts with
    A oxide basic acid
    B oxide acidic basic
    C alloy acidic basic
    D alloy basic acid

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      31 mark

      Calcium reacts with sulfuric acid to form the salt, calcium sulfate, and another product.

      What is the other product?

      A Oxygen
      B Hydrogen
      C Water
      D Carbon dioxide

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        41 mark

        Which words complete the gaps 1 & 2 in these sentences?

        Aqueous solutions of acids contain          1          ions and aqueous solutions of alkalis contain          2          ions.

          1 2
         A Na+ OH
         B OH H+
         C H+ Cl
         D H+ OH

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          51 mark

          Indicators are substances that change colour when they are added to acidic or alkaline solutions.

          Indicator Colour in acid Colour in alkali
          methyl orange red orange
          litmus red blue
          thymolphthalein blue colourless
          universal indicator green purple

          Which indicator displays the correct colour in each solution?

          A Methyl orange
          B Litmus
          C Thymolphthalein
          D Universal indicator

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            11 mark

            A student is provided with an unmarked beaker containing a colourless solution and asked to identify it. The student decides to perform a series of reactions with the solution and record the observations.

            Which of these observations is not indicative of an acid?

            • The solution causes blue litmus to turn red.

            • On heating and the addition of copper oxide, the solution turns blue.

            • On the addition of ammonium carbonate, a colourless, pungent gas is released.

            • On the addition of a piece of magnesium, effervescence was produced and the magnesium piece ‘disappeared’ after a few minutes.

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            21 mark

            Which of the following statements is not correct?

            • Ammonia is released when a base reacts with an ammonium salt.

            • Neutralisation occurs when an acid and an alkali react together.

            • Carbon dioxide is released when an acid and a carbonate react together.

            • The higher the pH of a solution, the higher its acidity.

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            31 mark

            Which of the following properties is not indicative of a base?

            • Carbon dioxide is released when it reacts with a carbonate.

            • A salt is formed on reaction with an acid.

            • Ammonia is released on reaction with an ammonium salt.

            • Universal indicator paper turns blue when placed in an alkaline solution.

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            41 mark

            A student was given an unknown substance and asked to analyse it. The student decided to perform three tests and recorded the results as shown below.

            1 On heating with ammonium chloride a gas is released.
            2 The substance turns methyl orange yellow.
            3 The substance does not react with potassium carbonate.

            What kind of substance was the student given?

            • A salt

            • A metal

            • A base

            • An acid

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            51 mark

            A student is testing two substances, P and Q, as shown.


            The results of the test are that the Universal indicator paper turns blue. What are substances P and Q?

            • HCl and NH4NO3

            • NaOH and NH4NO3

            • NaCO3 and HCl

            • NaCO3 and NaOH

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            61 mark

            A student gradually added excess potassium hydroxide from a burette to a conical flask containing sulfuric acid as part of a rate of reaction investigation.

            Which statement describes the change in pH of the sulfuric acid as the aqueous potassium hydroxide was added?

            • The pH decreases from 14 to neutrality and remains constant

            • The pH decreases from 12 to 2

            • The pH increases from 1 to neutrality and remains constant

            • The pH increases from 1 to around 13

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            71 mark

            Which of the following elements forms an oxide that can be used to neutralise an alkaline solution?

            • Nitrogen

            • Magnesium

            • Iron

            • Helium

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            11 mark

            Ionic equations 1 and 2 show how substance X behaves in aqueous solution.

            1 X- + H+ → XH
            2 X → X- + H+

            Which row correctly describes substance X?

              acid base
            A 1 1
            B 1 2
            C 2 2
            D 2 1

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              21 mark

              In a reaction rate experiment, a student used equal volumes of acids P and Q to react with excess magnesium in separate conical flasks.

              The following observations were recorded:

              1 Acid P produces hydrogen gas faster than acid Q
              2 Both gases produce the same total volume of hydrogen gas

              Which statement correctly explains the students observations?

              • Acid P has a higher pH than acid Q

              • P is a carboxylic acid

              • Q is a weaker acid than P

              • P is more concentrated than Q

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              31 mark

              Which indicator displays the correct colour in each solution?

              Indicator Colour in dilute sulfuric acid  Colour in potassium hydroxide solution
              methyl orange red  yellow
              universal indicator red  orange
              litmus red  purple
              thymolphthalein blue colourless 
              • Methyl orange

              • Universal indicator

              • Litmus

              • Thymolphthalein

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              41 mark

              Which equation does not show the correct reaction of an acid?

              • CuO + 2HCl → CuCl2 + H2O

              • CaCO3 + HNO3 → CaNO3 + CO+ H2O

              • 2KOH + H2SO4 → K2SO4 + 2H2O

              • Zn + H2SO4 → ZnSO4 + H2

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              1 mark

              The pH of two samples of different dilute acids were found.

                 Acid X had a pH of 6

                 Acid Y had a pH of 3

              Which statement is correct?

              • The hydrogen ion concentration of acid X is 1000 times greater than acid Y

              • The hydrogen ion concentration of acid Y is 3 times greater than acid X

              • The hydrogen ion concentration of acid Y is 1000 times greater than acid X

              • The hydrogen ion concentration of acid X is 100 times greater than acid Y

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