Reversible Reactions & Equilibrium (CIE IGCSE Chemistry)

Topic Questions

7 hours60 questions
1a3 marks

Ammonia is an important industrial chemical.

Give the electronic structure of an atom of nitrogen.
Use this electronic structure, rather than the valency of nitrogen, to explain why the formula of ammonia is NH3, not NH4.
1b6 marks

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

Ammonia is made by the Haber Process.

N2 (g) + 3H2 (g)   rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon  2NH3 (g)

The forward reaction is exothermic.

The percentage of ammonia in the equilibrium mixture varies with conditions.

Pressure/ atmospheres 100 200 300 400
% ammonia at 300 °C 45 65 72 78
% ammonia at 500 °C 9 18 25 31

The conditions actually used are 200 atmospheres, 450 °C and an iron catalyst. Osmium was previously used as the catalyst for this process.

Suggest a reason why it was changed to iron.
Explain why the highest pressure gives the highest percentage of ammonia in the equilibrium mixture.

What happens to the unreacted nitrogen and hydrogen?
State one advantage and one disadvantage of using a lower temperature.
advantage .................................................................................................................
disadvantage ............................................................................................................

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2a4 marks

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

Ammonia is manufactured by the Haber process.

N2(g) + 3H2(g)rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon 2NH3(g)

The forward reaction is exothermic.


Name the raw materials from which nitrogen and hydrogen are obtained.

Nitrogen from ...............................................................................
Hydrogen from ............................................................................
Name the catalyst used in this process.

What is the most important use of ammonia?

2b3 marks

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

The following graph shows how the percentage of ammonia in the equilibrium mixture changes with temperature.


Explain the term equilibrium.

How does the percentage of ammonia vary with temperature?

2c3 marks

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

Sketch a graph which shows how the percentage of ammonia in the equilibrium mixture varies with pressure.

Explain why the graph has the shape shown.


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3a2 marks

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

Iodine reacts with chlorine to form dark brown iodine monochloride.

I2 + Cl2 → 2ICl

This reacts with more chlorine to give yellow iodine trichloride.
There is an equilibrium between these iodine chlorides.

ICl (l) + Cl2 (g) rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoonICl3 (s)

                                                   dark brown              yellow

Explain what is meant by equilibrium.

3b2 marks

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

When the equilibrium mixture is heated it becomes a darker brown colour.
Is the reverse reaction endothermic or exothermic? Give a reason for your choice.

3c3 marks

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

The pressure on the equilibrium mixture is decreased.

How would this affect the position of equilibrium and why?


Describe what you would observe.


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4a3 marks

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

Ammonia is manufactured by the Haber Process.

N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon 2NH3 (g)

200 atmospheres

The forward reaction is exothermic.

What is the catalyst for this reaction?

Newer catalysts have been discovered for this process. Using these catalysts, the operating temperature is lowered from 450°C to 400°C. What is the advantage of using a lower temperature? Explain your answer.

4b2 marks

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

After passing over the catalyst, the mixture contains 15% of ammonia. It is cooled and the ammonia liquefies and is separated from the unreacted nitrogen and hydrogen. They are recycled.

How are the gases recycled?

Only ammonia gas liquefies. Suggest an explanation for this.

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5a1 mark

Separate: Chemistry Only

Fig. 3.1 shows a coloured crystal of cobalt(II) chloride is placed at the bottom of a beaker containing water.

After two days, the colour has spread throughout the water.


Cobalt(II) chloride can be used to test for the presence of water.

CoC l subscript italic 2 italic space plus space 6 space straight H subscript 2 straight O space space rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon space space CoC l subscript 2 bold times 6 space straight H subscript 2 straight O
anhydrous                       hydrated
     cobalt(II) chloride          cobalt(II) chloride

 State the meaning of the symbol ⇌.

5b2 marks

Separate: Chemistry Only

State the colour change when water is added to anhydrous cobalt(II) chloride.

from   ............................................... to .....................................................

5c1 mark

Separate: Chemistry Only

How can hydrated copper(II) sulfate be changed into anhydrous copper(II) sulfate?

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6a1 mark

Separate: Chemistry Only

Ammonia is manufactured by the Haber process.

The equation for the reaction is shown.

straight N subscript 2 open parentheses straight g close parentheses space plus 3 straight H subscript 2 open parentheses straight g close parentheses space rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon 2 NH subscript 3 open parentheses straight g close parentheses

State what is meant by the symbol rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon.

6b1 mark

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

State one source of hydrogen used in the manufacture of ammonia.

6c2 marks

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

The table shows some data for the production of ammonia.

/ °C
percentage yield
of ammonia
250 350 58
100 450 28
400 450 42
250 550 20

Deduce the effect on the percentage yield of ammonia of:

  • increasing the pressure of the reaction
  • increasing the temperature of the reaction.

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1a4 marks

At present the most important method of manufacturing hydrogen is steam reforming of methane.

In the first stage of the process, methane reacts with steam at 800°C.


CH4(g) + H2O(g) rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon3H2(g) + CO(g)

In the second stage of the process, carbon monoxide reacts with steam at 200 °C.

CO(g) + H2O(g)  rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon  CO2(g) + H2(g)

Explain why the position of equilibrium in the first reaction is affected by pressure but the position of equilibrium in the second reaction is not.


Suggest why a high temperature is needed in the first reaction to get a high yield of products but in the second reaction a high yield is obtained at a low temperature.
1b6 marks

Two other ways of producing hydrogen are cracking and electrolysis.

There are three products of the electrolysis of concentrated aqueous sodium chloride. Hydrogen is one of them.

Write an equation for the electrode reaction which forms hydrogen.


Name the other two products of the electrolysis of concentrated aqueous sodium chloride and give a use of each one.

product ............................................ use ............................................
product ............................................ use ............................................ 


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2a2 marks

Hydrogen can be manufactured from methane by steam reforming.

CH4 (g) + H2O (g) rightwards arrow CO (g) + 3H2 (g)

The reaction is carried out using a nickel catalyst at temperatures between 700 °C and 1100 °C and using a pressure of one atmosphere.

The forward reaction is endothermic.

What is meant by the term catalyst?

2b2 marks

Suggest two reasons why a temperature lower than 700 °C is not used.

2c1 mark

Suggest one advantage of using a pressure greater than one atmosphere.

2d1 mark

Suggest one disadvantage of using a pressure greater than one atmosphere.

2e7 marks

Hydrogen can also be manufactured by electrolysis. The electrolyte is concentrated aqueous sodium chloride. The electrodes are inert.
The products of electrolysis are hydrogen, chlorine and sodium hydroxide.

Define the term electrolysis.


Name a substance that can be used as the inert electrodes.


Write an ionic half-equation for the reaction in which hydrogen is produced.


Where is hydrogen produced in the electrolytic cell?


Describe a test for chlorine.

test ...............................................................................................................................

result ............................................................................................................................


2f2 marks

The electrolysis of concentrated aqueous sodium chloride can be represented by the following word equation.

sodium chloride + water → sodium hydroxide + hydrogen + chlorine

Construct a chemical equation to represent this reaction. Do not include state symbols.

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3a5 marks

Carbonyl chloride is made by the reversible reaction given below.

CO(g) + Cl2(g) rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon COCl2(g)

The forward reaction is exothermic.
The reaction is catalysed by carbon within a temperature range of 50 to 150 °C.

Predict the effect on the yield of carbonyl chloride of increasing the pressure. Explain your answer.
If the temperature is allowed to increase to above 200 °C, very little carbonyl chloride is formed. Explain why.
Explain why a catalyst is used. 
3b3 marks

The structural formula of carbonyl chloride is given below.


Draw a diagram showing the arrangement of the outer (valency) electrons in one molecule of this covalent compound.

Use o to represent an electron from a carbon atom.

Use x to represent an electron from a chlorine atom.

Use ● to represent an electron from an oxygen atom.

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4a8 marks

Nitric acid is now made by the oxidation of ammonia. It used to be made from air and water. This process used very large amounts of electricity.

Air was blown through an electric arc and heated to 3000 °C. 

N2 (g) + O2 (g)  rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon 2NO (g)       equilibrium 1
      nitric oxide

The equilibrium mixture leaving the arc contained 5% of nitric oxide. This mixture was cooled rapidly. At lower temperatures, nitric oxide will react with oxygen to form nitrogen dioxide.

2NO (g) + O2 (g)  rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon 2NO2 (g)       equilibrium 2

Nitrogen dioxide reacts with oxygen and water to form nitric acid.

Suggest a reason why the yield of nitric oxide in equilibrium 1 increases with temperature.
What effect, if any, would increasing the pressure have on the percentage of nitric oxide in equilibrium 1? Explain your answer.
Deduce why equilibrium 2 is only carried out at lower temperatures.
Complete the equation for the reaction between nitrogen dioxide, water and oxygen to form nitric acid.
........NO2 + O2 + ............ → ............HNO3
Ammonia is more expensive than water and air. Suggest a reason why the ammonia-based process is preferred to the electric arc process.
4b5 marks

Nitric acid is used to make the fertiliser ammonium nitrate, NH4NO3.

What advantage has this fertiliser over another common fertiliser, ammonium sulfate, (NH4)2SO4?
Plants need nitrogen to make chlorophyll. Explain why chlorophyll is essential for plant growth.

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5a1 mark

Ammonia is made by the Haber process.

N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon 2NH3 (g) 

State one major use of ammonia.

5b3 marks

Describe how hydrogen is obtained for the Haber process.

5c5 marks

This reaction is carried out at a high pressure, 200 atmospheres.

State, with an explanation for each, two advantages of using a high pressure.

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4 marks
What is the difference between an endothermic and an exothermic reaction?
Bond breaking is an endothermic process. Bond energy is the amount of energy needed to break or form one mole of the bond.
Complete the table and explain why the forward reaction is exothermic.
bond bond energy
kJ / mol
energy change
or endothermic
Nidentical toN 944 +944 endothermic
H–H 436 3 x 436 = +1308  
N–H 388    

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6a4 marks

Carbonyl chloride, COCl2, is a colourless gas. It is made by the following reaction.

CO (g) + Cl2 (g) rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon  COCl2 (g)

When the pressure on the equilibrium mixture is decreased, the position of equilibrium moves to left.

How does the concentration of each of the three chemicals change?
Explain why the position of equilibrium moves to the left.
6b2 marks

Using the information given with the equation, is the forward reaction exothermic or endothermic? Give a reason for your choice.

6c2 marks

Carbonyl chloride reacts with water to form two acidic compounds.

Suggest which acidic compounds are formed.

1. .......................................................................................

2. .......................................................................................

6d4 marks

The structural formula of carbonyl chloride is given below.


Draw a diagram that shows the arrangement of the valency electrons in one molecule of this covalent compound.

Use x for an electron from a chlorine atom.

Use o for an electron from a carbon atom.

Use ● for an electron from an oxygen atom. 

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7a1 mark

Sulfuric acid is made by the Contact process in the following sequence of reactions.

sulfur → sulfur dioxide → sulfur trioxide → sulfuric acid

How is sulfur dioxide made from sulfur?

7b5 marks

The equation for a stage of the Contact process is

2SO2 + O2 rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon 2SO3

The percentage of sulfur trioxide in the equilibrium mixture varies with temperature.


How does the percentage of sulfur trioxide in the equilibrium mixture vary as the temperature increases? Circle the correct answer.
increases      stays the same      decreases
Is the forward reaction in the equilibrium 2SO2 + O2 rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon 2SO3 exothermic or endothermic? Give a reason for your choice. 
Explain, mentioning both rate and percentage yield, why the temperature used in the Contact process is 450 °C. 

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8a1 mark

Ammonia is manufactured by the Haber process. Nitrogen and hydrogen are passed over a catalyst at a temperature of 450 °C and a pressure of 200 atmospheres.
The equation for the reaction is as follows.

N2 + 3H2 rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon 2NH3

The forward reaction is exothermic.

State one use of ammonia.

8b1 mark

What is the meaning of the symbol rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon?

8c2 marks

What are the sources of nitrogen and hydrogen used in the Haber process?

nitrogen ......................
hydrogen ....................

8d1 mark

Name the catalyst in the Haber process.

8e4 marks
If a temperature higher than 450 °C was used in the Haber process, what would happen to the rate of the reaction? Give a reason for your answer.


If a temperature higher than 450 °C was used in the Haber process, what would happen to the yield of ammonia? Give a reason for your answer.

8f4 marks
If a pressure higher than 200 atmospheres was used in the Haber process, what would happen to the yield of ammonia? Give a reason for your answer.
Explain why the rate of reaction would be faster if the pressure was greater than 200 atmospheres.


Suggest one reason why a pressure higher than 200 atmospheres is not used in the Haber process.
8g2 marks

Draw a dot-and-cross diagram to show the arrangement of the outer (valency) electrons in one molecule of ammonia.

8h3 marks

Ammonia acts as a base when it reacts with sulfuric acid.

What is a base?


Write a balanced equation for the reaction between ammonia and sulfuric acid.


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97 marks

The main use of sulfur dioxide is the manufacture of sulfuric acid.

The Contact process changes sulfur dioxide into sulfur trioxide.

2SO2 (g) + O2 (g) begin mathsize 12px style rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon end style 2SO3 (g)

The forward reaction is exothermic
Temperature 400 to 450 °C
Low pressure 1 to 10 atmospheres
Catalyst vanadium(V) oxide

What is the formula of vanadium(V) oxide?


Vanadium(V) oxide is an efficient catalyst at any temperature in the range 400 to 450 °C.
Scientists are looking for an alternative catalyst which is efficient at 300°C.
What would be the advantage of using a lower temperature?


The process does not use a high pressure because of the extra expense.
Suggest two advantages of using a high pressure?
Explain your suggestions.


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10a4 marks

Sulfur is used to make sulphuric acid. In the UK, the annual production of the acid is about 2.5 million tonnes.

The reactions in the manufacture of sulfuric acid by the Contact Process are shown below.

Sulfur pmNdeUvy_arrow Sulfur dioxide
S reaction 1 SO2
Sulfur dioxide + oxygen pmNdeUvy_arrow Sulfur trioxide
2SO2 + O2 reaction 2 2SO3
Sulfur trioxide pmNdeUvy_arrow Oleum
2SO3 reaction 3 H2S2O7
Oleum + water pmNdeUvy_arrow Sulfuric acid
H2S2O7 reaction 4 H2SO4

Name the catalyst used in reaction 2.


Reaction 2 is exothermic. Why is a catalyst, rather than a higher temperature, used to increase the rate of this reversible reaction?


Write a symbol equation for reaction 4.


10b6 marks

About one third of this production of acid is used to make nitrogen and phosphorus-containing fertilisers.

Name the third element that is essential for plant growth and is present in most fertilisers.


Name a nitrogen-containing fertiliser that is manufactured from sulphuric acid.


Rock phosphate (calcium phosphate) is obtained by mining. It reacts with concentrated sulphuric acid to form the fertiliser, superphosphate. Predict the formula of each of these phosphates.

Fertiliser Ions Formula
calcium phosphate Ca2+ and PO43- .................................................................
calcium superphosphate Ca2+ and H2PO4- .................................................................


The ionic equation for the reaction between the phosphate ion and sulphuric acid is shown below.

PO43– + 2H2SO4 → H2PO4+ 2HSO4

Explain why the phosphate ion is described as acting as a base in this reaction.


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11a2 marks

Ammonia is made by the Haber process.

N2 (g) + 3H2 (g)  rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon  2NH3 (g)

The forward reaction is exothermic.

Typical reaction conditions are:

  • finely divided iron catalyst,
  • temperature 450 °C,
  • pressure 200 atmospheres. 

Explain why the catalyst is used as a very fine powder and larger pieces of iron are not used.

11b2 marks

Using the above conditions, the equilibrium mixture contains about 15% ammonia.

State two changes to the reaction conditions which would increase the percentage of ammonia at equilibrium.

11c2 marks

Suggest why the changes you have described in (b) are not used in practice.

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12a2 marks

In 1909, Haber discovered that nitrogen and hydrogen would react to form ammonia. The yield of ammonia was 8%.

N2 (g) + 3H2 (g)rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon 2NH3 (g)

The forward reaction is exothermic

catalyst: platinum
temperature: 600 oC
pressure: 200 atm


Describe how hydrogen is obtained for the modern process.

12b3 marks
What is the catalyst in the modern process?

Explain why the modern process, which uses a lower temperature, has a higher yield of 15%.
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6 marks
Complete the following table that describes the bond breaking and forming in the reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen to form ammonia.

Bonds Energy Change Exothermic or Endothermic?
1 mole of Nidentical toN
+945 .......................................
3 moles of ............
+1308 .......................................
6 moles of N – H
-2328 .......................................


Explain, using the above data, why the forward reaction is exothermic.

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13a3 marks

Ammonia contains the elements nitrogen and hydrogen. It is manufactured from these elements in the Haber process.

    N2(g) + 3H2(g)   rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon   2NH3

The forward reaction is exothermic.

Nitrogen is obtained from liquid air by fractional distillation. Why does this technique separate liquid oxygen and nitrogen?

Name two raw materials from which hydrogen is manufactured.
13b6 marks

The table shows how the percentage of ammonia in the equilibrium mixture varies with pressure at 600 °C.

percentage ammonia 8 12 15 20
pressure / atm 200 300 400 500

Explain why the percentage of ammonia increases as the pressure increases.


How would the percentage of ammonia change if the measurements had been made at a lower temperature?
Explain your answer.


State two of the reaction conditions used in the Haber Process.


13c3 marks

Ammonia is a base.

Name a particle that an ammonia molecule can accept from an acid.

Write an equation for ammonia acting as a base.
13d3 marks

Another compound that contains nitrogen and hydrogen is hydrazine, N2H4.

Draw the structural formula of hydrazine. Hydrogen can form only one bond per atom but nitrogen can form three.

Draw a diagram that shows the arrangement of the valency electrons in one molecule of hydrazine. Hydrazine is a covalent compound.

Use x to represent an electron from a nitrogen atom.
Use o to represent an electron from a hydrogen atom.

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14a8 marks

The simplest alcohol is methanol.

It is manufactured by the following reversible reaction.

           300 oC
            30 atm
CO (g) + 2H2 (g) rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon CH3OH (g)


Reversible reactions can come to equilibrium. Explain the term equilibrium.


At 400 oC, the percentage of methanol in the equilibrium mixture is lower than at 300 oC. Suggest an explanation.


Suggest two advantages of using high pressure for this reaction.
Give a reason for each advantage.


14b5 marks
Complete the equation for the combustion of methanol in an excess of oxygen.

.......... CH3OH + .......... O2 → .............................. + ..............................


Complete the word equation.

methanol + ethanoic acid → .......................  ..................... + ....................


Methanol can be oxidised to an acid. Name this acid.


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15a5 marks

Carbonyl chloride, COCl2, is widely used in industry to make polymers, dyes and pharmaceuticals.

Carbonyl chloride was first made in 1812 by exposing a mixture of carbon monoxide and chlorine to bright sunlight.

This is a photochemical reaction.


CO (g) + Cl2 (g) → COCl2 (g)
Explain the phrase photochemical reaction.
Give another example of a photochemical reaction and explain why it is important either to the environment or in industry.
15b5 marks

Carbonyl chloride is now made by the reversible reaction given below.

CO (g) + Cl2 (g) rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon COCl2 (g)

The forward reaction is exothermic.

The reaction is catalysed by carbon within a temperature range of 50 to 150 °C.

Predict the effect on the yield of carbonyl chloride of increasing the pressure.
Explain your answer.
If the temperature is allowed to increase to above 200°C, very little carbonyl chloride is formed. Explain why.
Explain why a catalyst is used.
15c3 marks

The structural formula of carbonyl chloride is given below.


Draw a diagram showing the arrangement of the outer (valency) electrons in one molecule of this covalent compound.


Use o to represent an electron from a carbon atom.

Use x to represent an electron from a chlorine atom.

Use ● to represent an electron from an oxygen atom.

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16a2 marks

Reversible reactions can come to equilibrium. The following are three examples of types of gaseous equilibria.

A2 (g) + B2 (g)rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon2AB (g)    reaction 1

A2 (g) + 3B2 (g)rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon 2AB3 (g)    reaction 2

2AB2 (g) rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon2AB(g) + B2 (g)    reaction 3

Explain the term equilibrium.

16b9 marks

The following graphs show how the percentage of products of a reversible reaction at equilibrium could vary with pressure.

For each graph, decide whether the percentage of products decreases, increases or stays the same when the pressure is increased, then match each graph to one of the above reactions and give a reason for your choice.



effect on percentage of products .....................................................................
reaction ......................................................................................................................
reason ........................................................................................................................




effect on percentage of products .....................................................................
reaction ......................................................................................................................
reason ........................................................................................................................




effect on percentage of products .....................................................................
reaction ......................................................................................................................
reason ........................................................................................................................


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17a7 marks

Reversible reactions can come to equilibrium. They have both a forward and a backward reaction.

When water is added to an acidic solution of bismuth(III) chloride, a white precipitate forms and the mixture slowly goes cloudy.

BiCl3 (aq) + H2O (l)   rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon from backward to forward of    BiOCl (s) + 2HCl (aq)

             colourless             white

Explain why the rate of the forward reaction decreases with time.


Why does the rate of the backward reaction increase with time?


After some time why does the appearance of the mixture remain unchanged?


When a few drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid are added to the cloudy mixture, it changes to a colourless solution. Suggest an explanation.


17b3 marks

Both of the following reactions are reversible.

reaction 1
   N2 (g) + O2 (g) rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon 2NO (g)

reaction 2    2NO (g) + O2 (g) rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon 2NO2 (g)

Suggest a reason why an increase in pressure does not affect the position of equilibrium for reaction 1.


What effect would an increase in pressure have on the position of equilibrium for reaction 2? Give a reason for your answer.


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18a2 marks

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

Sulfur dioxide, SO2, is used in the manufacture of sulfuric acid.

In the first stage of the process, sulfur dioxide is obtained from sulfur-containing ores.

The next stage of the process is a reaction which can reach equilibrium.

The equation for this stage is shown.

2 SO subscript 2 space end subscript open parentheses straight g close parentheses space plus straight O subscript 2 space open parentheses straight g close parentheses space rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon 2 SO subscript 3 space open parentheses straight g close parentheses

Describe two features of an equilibrium.

18b1 mark

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

Name the catalyst used in this stage.

18c1 mark

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

In this stage, only a moderate temperature of 450 °C is used.

What does this suggest about the forward reaction?

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19a3 marks

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

Sulfuric acid is made from sulfur in a four-stage process.

stage 1  Sulfur is converted into sulfur dioxide.
stage 2  Sulfur dioxide is converted into sulfur trioxide.
stage 3  Sulfur trioxide is converted into oleum.
stage 4  Oleum is converted into sulfuric acid.

Describe how sulfur dioxide is converted into sulfur trioxide in stage 2.

Your answer should include:

  • an equation for the reaction
  • the temperature used
  • the name of the catalyst used.
19b2 marks

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

The reaction in stage 2 can reach equilibrium.

What is meant by the term equilibrium?

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1a4 marks

Ammonia is made by the Haber process.

N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon 2NH3 (g)

The forward reaction is exothermic.

The conditions in the reaction chamber are:

  • a pressure of 200 atmospheres,
  • a catalyst of finely divided iron,
  • a temperature of 400 to 450 °C.

What are the two advantages of using a high pressure? Give a reason for both.

advantage 1 ...............................................................................................................................

reason ........................................................................................................................................

advantage 2 ...............................................................................................................................

reason ........................................................................................................................................

1b3 marks

A higher temperature would give a faster reaction rate.


Why is a higher temperature not used?

1c3 marks
Why is the iron catalyst used as a fine powder?
Give two reasons why a catalyst is used.
1d2 marks

The equilibrium mixture leaving the reaction chamber contains 15% ammonia. Suggest how the ammonia could be separated from the mixture.

  boiling point / °C
hydrogen  -253
nitrogen  -196
ammonia -33
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4 marks

Ammonia is used to make nitrogen trifluoride, NF3.


Nitrogen trifluoride is essential to the electronics industry. It is made by the following reaction.



Determine if the above reaction is exothermic or endothermic using the following bond energies and by completing the following table. The first line has been done as an example. Bond energy is the amount of energy, in kJ / mole, needed to break or make one mole of the bond.

bond  bond energy in kJ / mole
N-H 390
F-F 155
N-F 280
H-F 565
bond  energy change / kJ 
N-H (3 x 390) = 1170

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27 marks

Almost all samples of nitrogen dioxide are an equilibrium mixture of nitrogen dioxide, NO2, and dinitrogen tetroxide, N2O4.

  forward reaction  
2NO2 (g) rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon N2O4 (g) 
dark brown backward reaction colourless

In the forward reaction, a bond forms between the two nitrogen dioxide molecules.

NO2 + NO2 → O2N–NO2 
Explain the term equilibrium mixture.
The syringe contains a sample of the equilibrium mixture. The plunger was pulled back reducing the pressure.
How would the colour of the gas inside the syringe change? Give an explanation for your answer.
A sealed tube containing an equilibrium mixture of nitrogen dioxide and dinitrogen tetroxide was placed in a beaker of ice cold water. The colour of the mixture changed from brown to pale yellow.
Is the forward reaction exothermic or endothermic? Give an explanation for your choice.
What other piece of information given in the equation supports your answer to (iii)?
NO2 + NO2 → O2N–NO2

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3a6 marks

This question is about compounds of nitrogen.

Describe the Haber Process giving reaction conditions and a chemical equation.

Reference to rate and yield is not required.


Give one use of ammonia. 


3b2 marks

The diagram shows the structure of a hydrazine molecule.


Draw the electron arrangement of a hydrazine molecule. Show the outer shell electrons only.

3c1 mark

Hydrazine is a base.

Define the term base.

3d3 marks

Nitrogen dioxide is an atmospheric pollutant.

State one environmental problem caused by nitrogen dioxide.
Explain how oxides of nitrogen, such as nitrogen dioxide, are formed in car engines.

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4a5 marks

Ammonia is manufactured by the Haber process.

 N2(g) + 3H2(g)  rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon  2NH3

The forward reaction is exothermic.

Describe how the reactants are obtained.

Nitrogen ....................................................................................................................................
Hydrogen ..................................................................................................................................


4b9 marks

The percentage of ammonia in the equilibrium mixture varies with temperature and pressure.

Which pair of graphs, A, B or C, shows correctly how the percentage of ammonia at equilibrium varies with temperature and pressure?


Give a full explanation of why the pair of graphs you have chosen in (i) is correct.


Catalysts do not alter the position of equilibrium. Explain why a catalyst is used in this process.

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5a4 marks

Nitrogen dioxide is a brown gas. It can be made by heating certain metal nitrates.

2Pb(NO3)2 → 2PbO + 4NO2 + O2

At most temperatures, samples of nitrogen dioxide are equilibrium mixtures.

2NO2 (g)   rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon  N2O4 (g)
dark brown            pale yellow

At 25 °C, the mixture contains 20 % of nitrogen dioxide. At 100 °C this has risen to 90%. Is the forward reaction exothermic or endothermic?

Give a reason for your choice.


Explain why the colour of the equilibrium mixture becomes lighter when the pressure on the mixture is increased.


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4 marks

A 5.00 g sample of impure lead(II) nitrate was heated. The volume of oxygen formed was 0.16 dm3 measured at r.t.p. The impurities did not decompose.

Calculate the percentage of lead(II) nitrate in the sample.

2Pb(NO3)2    →   2PbO   +   4NO+   O2

Number of moles of O2 formed = .......................................

Number of moles of Pb(NO3)2 in the sample = .......................................

Mass of one mole of Pb(NO3)2 = 331 g

Mass of lead(II) nitrate in the sample = ....................................... g

Percentage of lead(II) nitrate in sample = .....................................

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6a5 marks

Carbonyl chloride is made from carbon monoxide and chlorine.

CO (g) + Cl2 (g) rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon  COCl2 (g)

Two methods of preparing carbon monoxide are from methane and oxygen, and from methane and steam.

The reaction between methane and oxygen can also form carbon dioxide.

How can carbon monoxide be made instead of carbon dioxide?
The following reaction is used to make carbon monoxide and hydrogen.

The reaction is carried out at 1100 °C and normal pressure.

CH4 (g) + H2O (g)  rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon  CO (g) + 3H2 (g)

The reaction is reversible and comes to equilibrium. Suggest why a high temperature is used.


What is the disadvantage of using a high pressure for the reaction given in (a)(ii)?
6b5 marks

Chlorine is made by the electrolysis of concentrated aqueous sodium chloride.

Describe this electrolysis. Write ionic equations for the reactions at the electrodes and name the sodium compound formed.

6c3 marks

The structural formula of carbonyl chloride is given below.




Draw a diagram showing the arrangement of the valency electrons around the atoms in one molecule of this covalent compound.

Use ○ to represent an electron from a carbon atom.
Use × to represent an electron from a chlorine atom.
Use ● to represent an electron from an oxygen atom.

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7a3 marks

The halogens are a group of non-metals in Group VII of the Periodic Table.

The reactivity of the halogens decreases down the group.

Describe an experiment which shows that chlorine is more reactive than iodine. Include an equation in your answer.

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2 marks

The halogens form interhalogen compounds. These are compounds which contain two different halogens.

Deduce the formula of the compound which has the composition 0.013 moles of iodine atoms and 0.065 moles of fluorine atoms.

7c3 marks

Iodine reacts with chlorine to form a dark brown liquid, iodine monochloride.


I2 (s) + Cl2 (g) → 2ICl (l)

                               dark brown

When more chlorine is added and the tube is sealed, a reversible reaction occurs and the reaction comes to equilibrium.

ICl (l) + Cl2 (g) rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon ICl3 (s)
                                          dark brown                 yellow

Give another example of a reversible reaction.


Explain the term equilibrium.


7d2 marks

Chlorine is removed from the tube and a new equilibrium is formed.

Explain why there is less of the yellow solid and more dark brown liquid in the new equilibrium mixture.

7e3 marks

A sealed tube containing the equilibrium mixture is placed in ice-cold water. There is an increase in the amount of yellow solid in the equilibrium mixture.

What can you deduce about the forward reaction in this equilibrium?

ICl (l) + Cl2 (g) rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon ICl3 (s)

Explain your deduction.

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8a3 marks

Ammonia is a compound which only contains the elements nitrogen and hydrogen. It is a weak base.

Define the term base.


Given aqueous solutions of ammonia and sodium hydroxide, both having a concentration of 0.1mol / dm3, how could you show that ammonia is the weaker base?


8b5 marks

Ammonia is manufactured by the Haber Process. The economics of this process require that as much ammonia as possible is made as quickly as possible. 

Explain how this can be done using the following information.

The conditions for the following reversible reaction are:

  • 450°C
  • 200 atmospheres pressure
  • iron catalyst

N2(g) + 3H2(g) begin mathsize 12px style rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon end style 2NH3(g)                       the reaction is exothermic

8c2 marks

Another compound which contains only nitrogen and hydrogen is hydrazine, N2H4.

Complete the equation for the preparation of hydrazine from ammonia.


.....NH3 + NaClO → N2H4 + ............ + H2O

8d3 marks

The structural formula of hydrazine is given below.


Draw a diagram showing the arrangement of the valency electrons in one molecule of the covalent compound hydrazine.

Use x to represent an electron from a nitrogen atom.
Use o to represent an electron from a hydrogen atom.

8e2 marks

Hydrazine is a weak base and it removes dissolved oxygen from water. It is added to water in steel boilers to prevent rusting.

One way it reduces the rate of rusting is by changing the pH of water.
What effect would hydrazine have on the pH of water?


Give a reason, other than pH, why hydrazine reduces the rate of rusting.


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9a5 marks

Sulfuric acid is produced by the Contact process. The steps of the Contact process are shown.


Describe step 2, giving reaction conditions and a chemical equation. Reference to reaction rate and yield is not required.

9b3 marks

Dilute sulfuric acid is a typical acid.

A student adds excess dilute sulfuric acid to a sample of solid copper(II) carbonate in a test-tube.

Give three observations the student would make.
Give the names of all products formed.

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1 mark

Sulfuric acid is made by the Contact process.

The following equation represents the equilibrium in the Contact process.

2SO2 (g) + O2 (g) begin mathsize 12px style rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon end style 2SO3 (g)

Oxygen is supplied from the air.
The composition of the reaction mixture is 1 volume of sulfur dioxide to 1 volume of oxygen.

What volume of air contains 1 dm3 of oxygen?

10b2 marks

Sulfur dioxide is more expensive than air.

What is the advantage of using an excess of air?

10c5 marks

The forward reaction is exothermic. The reaction is usually carried out at a temperature between 400 and 450 °C.

What is the effect on the position of equilibrium of using a temperature above 450 °C?
Explain your answer.


What is the effect on the rate of using a temperature below 400 °C?
Explain your answer.


10d2 marks

A low pressure, 2 atmospheres, is used. At equilibrium, about 98% SO3 is present.

What is the effect on the position of equilibrium of using a higher pressure?


Explain why a higher pressure is not used.


10e1 mark

Name the catalyst used in the Contact process.

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11a2 marks

Sulfur is needed for the production of sulfuric acid. Two of the major sources of sulfur are:

  • Underground deposits of the element sulfur,
  • Sulfur compounds from natural gas and petroleum.

Explain why sulfur and its compounds are removed from these fuels before they are burned.

11b4 marks

Describe how sulfur dioxide is changed into sulfur trioxide. Give the reaction conditions and an equation.

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12a5 marks

Sulfuric acid is made by the Contact Process.

2SO2 (g) + O2 (g) → 2SO3 (g)   forward reaction is exothermic

What are the reaction conditions for the Contact Process?


Would the yield of sulfur trioxide increase, decrease or stay the same when the temperature is increased? Explain your answer.


12b4 marks

There are three ways of making salts from sulphuric acid.

Titration using a burette and indicator
Precipitation by mixing the solutions and filtering
Neutralisation of sulphuric acid using an excess of an insoluble base

Complete the following table of salt preparations.

Method Reactant 1 Reactant 2 Salt
Titration sulphuric acid   sodium sulphate
Neutralisation sulphuric acid   zinc sulphate
Precipitation sulphuric acid   barium sulphate
  sulphuric acid copper(II) oxide copper(II) sulphate

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6 marks

The results of an investigation into the action of heat on copper(II) sulphate-5-water, a blue crystalline solid, are given below.

The formula is CuSO4.5H2O and the mass of one mole is 250 g

A 5.0 g sample of the blue crystals is heated to form 3.2 g of a white powder. With further heating this decomposes into a black powder and sulphur trioxide.

Name the white powder.


What is observed when water is added to the white powder?


Name the black powder.


Calculate the mass of the black powder. Show your working.


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13a4 marks

The Carlsbad caverns in New Mexico are very large underground caves. Although the walls of these caves are coated with gypsum (hydrated calcium sulfate), the caves have been formed in limestone.

It is believed that the caves were formed by sulfuric acid reacting with the limestone.

Complete the word equation.
    calcium    +     sulfuric   →      calcium + .................. +  ..................
carbonate acid sulfate    
Describe how you could test the water entering the cave to show that it contained sulfate ions.
test ......................................
result ......................................
How could you show that the water entering the cave has a high concentration of hydrogen ions?
13b5 marks

Hydrogen sulfide gas which was escaping from nearby petroleum deposits was being oxidised to sulfuric acid.

Complete the equation for this reaction forming sulfuric acid.
H2S + .................... O2 → ....................
Explain why all the hydrogen sulfide should be removed from the petroleum before it is used as a fuel.
Draw a diagram to show the arrangement of the valency electrons in one molecule of the covalent compound hydrogen sulfide.
Use o to represent an electron from a sulfur atom.
Use x to represent an electron from a hydrogen atom.
13c2 marks

Sulfuric acid is manufactured by the Contact Process. Sulfur dioxide is oxidised to sulfur trioxide by oxygen.

2SO2 + O2 rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon2SO3
Name the catalyst used in this reaction.
What temperature is used for this reaction?
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3 marks

Gypsum is hydrated calcium sulphate, CaSO4.xH2O. It contains 20.9% water by mass. 

Calculate x.

Mr: CaSO4, 136; H2O, 18.

79.1 g of CaSO4 = .............................. moles

20.9 g of H2O = .............................. moles

x = ..............................

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