Reversible Reactions & Equilibrium (CIE IGCSE Chemistry)

Topic Questions

7 hours60 questions
1a2 marks

Hydrated copper sulphate crystals, CuSO4.5H2O were heated in the apparatus shown below.


Indicate on the diagram using arrows

Where the copper sulphate crystals are placed

Where heat is applied. 
1b1 mark

What is the purpose of the ice? 

1c2 marks

The crystals changed colour from ........................... to ..............................

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2a1 mark

Hydrated cobalt chloride crystals, CoCl2.6H2O, were heated in the apparatus shown.


Indicate on the diagram, using an arrow, where heat is applied.

2b1 mark

The crystals change colour from .............................. to .............................. . 

2c1 mark

What is the purpose of the ice?

2d1 mark

Why is the tube open at point W?

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