Chemical Change & Rate of Reaction (CIE IGCSE Chemistry)

Topic Questions

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1 mark

The rate of a reaction was monitored by recording the volume of gas produced every 5 seconds.


What is the mean rate of reaction in the first 10 seconds of the reaction, in cm3/s?

  • 2.9

  • 3.0

  • 3.5

  • 2.5

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21 mark

Which of the following processes represents a physical change?

  • Acid base neutralisation

  • Metal displacement reactions

  • Boiling ethanol

  • Combustion of magnesium

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31 mark

Physical and chemical changes are different processes. Which of the following rows correctly identifies characteristics of each one?

  chemical change physical change
A no new substance formed change of state
B no new substance formed involves electron transfer
C new substance formed involves electron transfer
D new substance formed change of state

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    41 mark

    A student was measuring the rate of reaction using the apparatus in the diagram.


    What reaction is the student studying?

    • CaO + H2SO4 → CaSO4 + H2O

    • Mg(OH)2 + 2HCl → MgCl2 + 2H2O

    • Fe + H2SO4 → FeSO4 + H2

    • KCl + AgNO3 → KNO3 + AgCl

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    51 mark

    A student was investigating the rate of reaction between iron and a solution of sulfuric acid. Two experiments were performed, P and Q, in which the volume of hydrogen was recorded at regular intervals.


    Which change could explain the difference in results between P and Q?

    • The student added a catalyst in P.

    • Larger pieces of iron were used in P.

    • Less concentrated acid was used in P.

    • Larger quantities of both reactants are used P.

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    11 mark

    A student was investigating the rate of reaction between a solid base and a solution of sulfuric acid. Two experiments were performed, S and T, in which the mass of the reaction flask was recorded as shown in the graph.


    Which of the following changes could explain the difference in results between S and T?

    • The sulfuric acid is less concentrated in T.

    • The sulfuric acid is more concentrated in T.

    • A higher temperature is used in S.

    • Larger sized particles are used in T.

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    21 mark

    Which graph correctly shows the effect of increasing the temperature on the rate of reaction between magnesium and sulfuric acid in which neither reactant runs out?


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      31 mark

      A student reacts a metal carbonate with nitric acid and measures the volume of carbon dioxide gas released at regular intervals. The results of the experiment are shown in the graph.


      Between which two measurements was the reaction the fastest?

      • 0 and 2 minutes

      • 2 and 4 minutes

      • 4 and 6 minutes

      • 10 and 12 minutes

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      41 mark

      Magnesium metal reacts with an excess of hydrochloric acid solution to form magnesium chloride and hydrogen:

      Mg (s) + 2HCl (aq) → MgCl2 (aq) + H2 (g)

      Which of the following will not increase the rate of this reaction?

      • Increase the temperature of the acid

      • Increase the surface area to volume ratio of the pieces of magnesium

      • Increase the concentration of the hydrochloric acid

      • Increase the volume of hydrochloric acid solution used

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      51 mark

      Catalysts are often used in chemical reactions.

      Which letter represents two correct features of catalysts?

        Feature 1 Feature 2
      A Lower activation energy for the reaction More products made in total
      B Alternative pathway for the reaction is provided Not used up over the course of the reaction
      C Makes industrial processes cheaper Metal catalysts are cheap to buy
      D Reduce the overall energy change of the reaction Can be present in biological systems as enzymes

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        11 mark

        A student was investigating the rate of reaction between acid and metals. The experimental set-up is shown below.


        Which test tube would give the quickest reaction?

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          21 mark

          The graph shows the results of two separate reaction rate investigations using excess calcium carbonate and sulfuric acid.


          Which statement explains the difference between the results?

          • The temperature was higher in experiment 2.

          • Experiment 2 was allowed more time to react.

          • Same volume of a more concentrated acid was used in experiment 2.

          • More calcium carbonate was used in experiment 2.

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          31 mark

          Which of the following statements explains how increasing temperature increases the rate of a reaction?

          • Increasing the temperature increases the kinetic energy of the particles so there are a smaller number of successful collisions.

          • Increasing the temperature increases the kinetic energy of the particles so there are a larger number of unsuccessful collisions.

          • Increasing the temperature decreases the kinetic energy of the particles so there are a larger number of successful collisions.

          • Increasing the temperature increases the kinetic energy of the particles so there are a larger number of successful collisions.

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          41 mark

          Which of the following statements best describes the activation energy of a reaction?

          • The minimum energy released when colliding particles react.

          • The minimum energy required for particles to react when they collide.

          • The maximum energy required for particles to react when they collide.

          • The maximum energy released when colliding particles react.

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          51 mark

          Which of the following statements correctly describes the effects of increasing concentration on the rate of a reaction?

          • Increasing the concentration increases the rate of reaction as there are more successful collisions between particles per unit time.

          • Increasing the concentration increases the rate of reaction as there is more space between particles.

          • Increasing the concentration increases the rate of reaction as there are more collisions between particles per unit time.

          • Increasing the concentration increases the rate of reaction as there are more collisions between particles at the beginning of the reaction.

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