Simple Molecules & Covalent Bonds (CIE IGCSE Chemistry)

Topic Questions

2 hours30 questions
1a1 mark

Extended Only

The table gives the melting points, the boiling points and the electrical properties of six substances A to F.


Which two substances could be metals?

1b1 mark

Which substance could be nitrogen?

1c1 mark

Which substance could be an ionic compound?

1d1 mark

Which substance is a liquid at room temperature?

1e1 mark

Which substance could have a giant covalent structure similar to diamond?

1f1 mark

Which two substances could exist as simple covalent molecules?

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2a2 marks

The diagrams show part of the structures of five substances, A, B, C, D and E.


Answer the following question about these structures.
Each structure may be used once, more than once or not at all.

Which two of these structures, A, B, C, D or E, are covalently bonded?

2b1 mark

The diagrams show part of the structures of five substances, A, B, C, D and E.


Answer the following question about these structures.
Each structure may be used once, more than once or not at all.

Which one of these structures, A, B, C, D or E, is a diatomic molecule?

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3a1 mark

This question is about the structure and bonding in methane.

A molecule of methane is shown below. 


Give the formula of this methane molecule. 

3b1 mark

What type of bonding is found in methane? 

Draw a circle around the correct answer.

 ionic    covalent   metallic  

3c2 marks

The bonding in methane can be shown using a dot and cross diagram.

Carbon has four electrons in its outer shell, and hydrogen has one.

Complete the dot and cross diagram for methane.

3d1 mark

Methane is a gas at room temperature.

Which one of the following temperature values could be the boiling point of methane?

Draw a circle around the correct answer.

312 °C    -162 °C    162 °C   897 °C

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4a1 mark

This question is about bonding and structure in different substances.

The list shows different substances.

carbon dioxide

calcium carbonate



magnesium oxide

Which one of these substances has a simple molecular structure?

4b2 marks

Extended Only

Which two substances from part a) have intermolecular forces between particles?

4c1 mark

Complete the dot and cross diagram to show how electrons are shared in water.

Some of them have been done for you. 

4d1 mark

Extended Only

When a simple molecular substance melts, what is broken, the intermolecular forces or the bonds between atoms?

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5a2 marks

Ammonia gas, NH3, has a simple molecular structure containing covalent bonds.

State how a covalent bond is formed between two atoms.

5b2 marks

Complete the diagram below to show the bonding arrangement in a molecule of ammonia.

Show the outer shell electrons only.


5c3 marks

Extended Only

Ammonia is a gas at room temperature.

Complete the sentences about ammonia using words from the list.

molecules covalent weak electrons metallic
intermolecular atoms ions ionic strong

Ammonia is a simple molecule that has strong .............................. bonds between atoms and .............................. intermolecular forces between molecules. Only a small amount of energy is needed to overcome the forces between the .............................. so ammonia has a low boiling point.

5d2 marks

Extended Only

Ammonia does not conduct electricity.

Which two of these statements explains why ammonia does not conduct electricity?
Tick two boxes.

It does not contain any free ions  
Its ions are in a fixed position  
It does not contain any free electrons  
It has delocalised electrons  

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1a2 marks

The table below includes information about some of the elements in Period 2.

Element Carbon Nitrogen Fluorine Neon
Symbol C N F Ne
Structure macromolecular simple molecules N2 simple molecules F2 single atoms Ne
Boiling point / oC 4200 -196 -188 -246

Why does neon exist as single atoms but fluorine exists as molecules?

1b1 mark

What determines the order of the elements in a period?

1c2 marks

Extended Only

When liquid nitrogen boils the following change occurs.

N2 (l) → N2 (g)

The boiling point of nitrogen is very low even though the bond between the atoms in a nitrogen molecule is very strong. Suggest an explanation.

1d2 marks

Draw a diagram showing the arrangement of the outer shell electrons in a molecule of nitrogen.

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2a2 marks

Strontium and sulfur chlorides both have a formula of the type XCl2 but they have different properties.

Property Strontium chloride Sulfur chloride
Appearance white crystalline solid red liquid
Melting point / oC 87 -8
Particles present ions molecules
Electrical conductivity of solid poor poor
Electrical conductivity of liquid good poor

The formulae of the chlorides are similar because both elements have a valency of 2.
Explain why Group II and Group VI elements both have a valency of 2.

2b3 marks

Draw a diagram showing the arrangement of the outer electrons in one covalent molecule of sulfur chloride.

Use x to represent an electron from a sulfur atom.
Use o to represent an electron from a chlorine atom.

2c2 marks

Explain the difference in electrical conductivity between the following.

Solid and liquid strontium chloride


Liquid strontium chloride and liquid sulfur chloride


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3a2 marks

Table 1.1 shows the properties of four substances.

Table 1.1 

substance boiling point electrical
conductivity of solid
electrical conductivity
when molten
in g/cm3
aluminium high conducts conducts 2.70
diamond       3.51
potassium bromide high does not conduct conducts 2.75
sulfur low does not conduct   2.07

Complete Table 1.1 to show the electrical conductivity of solid diamond and molten sulfur.

3b1 mark

State one piece of evidence from the table that shows that sulfur is a simple molecular substance.

3c2 marks

Aqueous chlorine reacts with aqueous potassium bromide as shown.

Cl 2 + 2KBr → Br2 + 2KCl

Complete the dot-and-cross diagram in Figure 1.1  of a molecule of chlorine.
Show outer shell electrons only.

Figure 1.1


3d2 marks

Alkynes and alkenes are homologous series of unsaturated hydrocarbons.
All alkynes contain a C≡C triple bond.
Ethene and but-2-ene are alkenes.

Draw a dot-and-cross diagram to show a molecule of ethene, CH2=CH2.
Show outer shell electrons only.

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4a1 mark

This question is about phosphorus and compounds of phosphorus.
Phosphorus has the formula P4. Some properties of P4 are shown.

melting point / °C 45
boiling point / °C 280
electrical conductivity non-conductor
solubility in water insoluble

Name the type of bonding that exists between the atoms in a P4 molecule.

4b1 mark

Explain, in terms of attractive forces between particles, why P4 has a low melting point.

4c1 mark

Explain why phosphorus is a non-conductor of electricity.

4d2 marks

Phosphorus(V) oxide, P4O10, is an acidic oxide.

Phosphorus(V) oxide, P4O10, reacts with aqueous sodium hydroxide to form a salt containing the phosphate ion PO subscript 4 superscript 3 minus end superscript. Water is the only other product.

Write a chemical equation for the reaction between phosphorus(V) oxide and aqueous sodium hydroxide.

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5a2 marks

Iodine and bromine are both halogens. The bonding in iodine is similar to the bonding in bromine.

Suggest two reasons why they bond in similar ways.

5b2 marks

Complete the diagram below to show the bonding arrangement in a molecule of iodine.

Show the outer shell electrons only.


5c2 marks

Explain why liquid iodine is unable to conduct electricity.

5d4 marks

Iodine has an atomic number of 53 and xenon has an atomic number of 54. Explain why xenon exists as an atom where as iodine exists as a molecule.

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1a2 marks

Separate: Chemistry Only

Selenium and sulfur are in Group VI. They have similar properties.

One of the main uses of selenium is in photoelectric cells. These cells can change light into electrical energy.

Name a process which can change light into chemical energy.


Name a device which can change chemical energy into electrical energy.


1b8 marks

Extended Only

The electron distribution of a selenium atom is 2 + 8 + 18 + 6.

Selenium forms an ionic compound with potassium. Draw a diagram which shows the formula of this ionic compound,  the charges on the ions and the arrangement of the outer electrons around the negative ion.

Use o to represent an electron from an atom of potassium.
Use x to represent an electron from an atom of selenium.
Draw a diagram showing the arrangement of the outer electrons in one molecule of the covalent compound selenium chloride.

Use x to represent an electron from an atom of selenium.
Use o to represent an electron from an atom of chlorine.


Predict two differences in the physical properties of these two compounds.


1c2 marks

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

The selenide ion reacts with water.

Se2– + H2O → HSe+ OH

What type of reagent is the selenide ion in this reaction? Give a reason for your choice.

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2a5 marks

The diagram shows part of the structures of caesium chloride and carbon dioxide.


Describe both caesium chloride and carbon dioxide in terms of:

  • bonding:
  • arrangement of particles:
2b3 marks

Extended Only

Ethanal is manufactured by two different processes.

The structural formula of ethanal is shown.


The C=O group in aldehydes is at the end of the carbon chain.
This is a reactive part of the molecule.

Complete the dot-and-cross diagram to show the electron arrangement of a molecule of ethanal. Inner shells have been drawn.


2c3 marks

Extended Only

Fluorine forms both ionic and covalent compounds.

Carbonyl fluoride, COF2, is a covalent compound. The structure of a molecule of COF2 is shown.


Complete the dot-and-cross diagram to show the electron arrangement in a molecule of carbonyl fluoride. Show outer shell electrons only.


2d2 marks

Extended Only

The melting points of magnesium fluoride and carbonyl fluoride are shown.

  melting point / °C
magnesium fluoride 1263
carbonyl fluoride –111

Explain, using your knowledge of structure and bonding, why carbonyl fluoride has a low melting point.

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3a3 marks

Phosphorous trichloride, PCl3, bonds covalently.

Draw a dot-and-cross diagram to show the bonding in PCl3. Show the outer electrons only.

3b3 marks

Compare the bonding in phosphorous trichloride and ammonia.

3c1 mark

Extended Only

Like nitrogen, phosphorus can exist as a diatomic molecule, diphosphorus, P2, but it is unstable.

Suggest what type of covalent bond exists within diphosphorus.

3d1 mark

Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

The bond energy of the bond between the two nitrogen atoms within the nitrogen, N2, molecule is 945 kJ/mol. 

Suggest the bond energy of the bond between the two phosphorus atoms within the diphosphorus, P2 molecule.

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4a2 marks

Extended Only

Sulfur monochloride, S2Cl2, has a simple molecular structure.

It was suggested that the structure of sulfur monochloride included a double covalent bond between the two sulfur atoms.

Suggest what is meant by the term double covalent bond?

4b3 marks

After analysis of the structure of sulfur monochloride, S2Cl2, it was found that only single covalent bonds were present in its structure.

Complete the diagram below to show the bonding arrangement in a molecule of sulfur monochloride.

Show the outer shell electrons only. 



4c2 marks

Predict two properties of sulfur monochloride.

4d2 marks

Sulfur monochloride can be produced in the laboratory by feeding chlorine gas into a flask containing sulfur in its elemental form, S8

Write a balanced symbol equation for this reaction.

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5a4 marks

Extended Only

Methane, CH4, and propane, C3H8, are both simple molecular compounds that are gases at room temperature.

Predict which of the two compounds has the higher boiling point.

Explain your answer.

5b3 marks

A carbon atom can form up to four covalent bonds. A hydrogen atom cannot form four hydrogen bonds.

State how many covalent bonds a hydrogen atom can form and explain why there is a difference.

5c2 marks

Germanium also will form up to four covalent bonds. 

Draw the dot-and-cross diagram of the simple molecule digermane,Ge2H6.

5d2 marks

Extended Only

Explain why digermane does not conduct electricity.

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