Identification of Ions & Gases (CIE IGCSE Chemistry)

Topic Questions

7 hours64 questions
15 marks

Many compounds and elements have important uses.

Complete the table to show the name, formula and use of each compound and element.

name of compound or element number of atoms in the formula formula use
chlorine chlorine = 2 Cl2  
  carbon = 1
hydrogen = 4
calcium carbonate calcium = 1
carbon = 1
oxygen = 3

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2a1 mark

Complete the chemical equation for the complete combustion of propane.

2C3H6 + ......O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O
2b2 marks

Describe a test for carbon dioxide.

test ..................................................

observations ..................................................

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3a1 mark

A list of symbols and formulae is shown.

CH4  Cl CO2 Cr3+ Cu2+  Fe2+
H2 K+  N2 O2 SO2

Which symbol or formula represents an ion which forms a blue precipitate when added to aqueous sodium hydroxide.

3b1 mark

A solution is obtained by filtering a mixture of soil and water. The table shows the mass of some of the ions in 1000 cm3 of this solution.

name of ion formula of ion mass of ion in 1000 cm3 of soil solution / mg
aluminium Al3+ 0.2
  NH4+ 22.0
calcium Ca2+ 0.2
iron(II) Fe2+ 79.0
magnesium Mg2+ 0.1
nitrate NO3 28.0
phosphate PO43– 14.0
potassium K+ 39.0
  SO42– 5.1

State the name of the SO42– ion.

3c2 marks

Describe a chemical test for calcium ions.

test ______________________________________

observations ______________________________

3d2 marks

When sodium reacts with carboxylic acids, hydrogen is produced.

Describe a test for hydrogen.

test ______________________________________

observations ______________________________

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4a2 marks

Describe a test for iron(II) ions.

test _________________________________

observations _________________________

4b2 marks

Describe a test for bromide ions.

test ___________________________

observations ___________________

4c3 marks

Nitric acid contains nitrate ions.

Complete these sentences about the test for nitrate ions using words from the list.

                   aluminium      ammonia      blue        chloride         copper
                      green                iron         nitrate       oxygen           red

Aqueous sodium hydroxide and _____________________ foil are added to the solution being tested.    The mixture is warmed gently. The _________________ produced turns damp ___________________ litmus paper __________________ .

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5a1 mark

Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, decomposes slowly to form water and oxygen.

Write the word equation for this reaction.

5b2 marks

The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide also occurs in the presence of a manganese(IV) oxide, MnO2, catalyst.

What is meant by the term catalyst?

5c2 marks

Bubbles of oxygen gas are produced in when manganese(IV) oxide is added to hydrogen peroxide.

Describe a test for oxygen gas.

test .....................................................

observations ........................................................

5d1 mark

The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide is exothermic.

What is meant by the term exothermic?

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1a1 mark

Choose a gas from the following list to answer the questions below.

Each gas may be used once, more than once or not at all.

ammonia  carbon dioxide  carbon monoxide fluorine
krypton nitrogen propene hydrogen

Extended Only

It polymerises to form a poly(alkene).

1b1 mark

It is a noble gas.

1c1 mark

It is the main component of air.

1d1 mark

It is a very reactive non-metal.

1e1 mark

It burns to form water as the only product.

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2a5 marks

Choose a gas from the following list to answer the questions below. Each gas may be used once, more than once or not at all.

ammonia    argon    chlorine   ethene    hydrogen   

carbon dioxide   nitrogen   carbon monoxide   oxygen

Which gas

Is a noble gas?
Is an acidic oxide?
Can be polymerised?
Is the active component of air?
Is used in the treatment of water?

2b5 marks

Complete the following table.

Gas Test for Gas
  Bleaches damp litmus paper
  Relights a glowing splint 
  Turns limewater milky 

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3a2 marks

Table 1 shows the mass of ions present in a 100 cm3 sample of milk.

                                                                          Table 1

ion formula of ion mass of ion in 100 cm3 milk / mg
calcium Ca2+ 125
chloride Cl  120
magnesium Mg2+ 12
negative ions of organic acids   160
phosphate PO43− 95
potassium K+ 140
sodium Na+ 58
sulfate SO42− 30

Describe a test for chloride ions.

test ..................................................
positive result  ..................................................
3b2 marks

Calcium reacts with cold water to form two products:

  • a colourless gas, P, which ‘pops’ with a lighted splint
  • a weakly alkaline solution, Q, which turns milky when carbon dioxide is bubbled through it.
Name gas P.
Name the weakly alkaline solution Q.

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4a2 marks

This question is about ammonia and ammonium salts.

Ammonia is a gas at room temperature.

What is the test for ammonia gas? Describe the positive result of this test.

test .......................................................................

result ....................................................................

4b3 marks

Ammonia reacts with water to form ions.

                                            NH3 + H2O rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon NH4+ + OH

Describe what is seen when aqueous ammonia is added to aqueous copper(II) sulfate, until no further change is seen.

4c1 mark

Barium sulfate is an insoluble salt.

Barium sulfate can be made from aqueous ammonium sulfate using a precipitation reaction.

Name a solution that can be added to aqueous ammonium sulfate to produce a precipitate of barium sulfate.

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5a3 marks

This question is about tests for ions.

Describe the test for a nitrate ion.

test ___________________________

result __________________________

5b2 marks

Describe a test for iodide ions.

test ______________________________

observations ______________________

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1a3 marks

This question is about ammonium compounds.

The table shows the names and formulae of some ammonium compounds.
Name Ammonium nitrate Ammonium carbonate  
Formula NH4NO3   NH4Cl
Complete the table by giving the missing information.
When ammonia reacts with nitric acid, ammonium nitrate is formed.
Write a chemical equation for this reaction.
1b3 marks

Extended Only

When ammonium chloride is heated, it undergoes thermal decomposition to form two gaseous products.
Describe the result of testing each product with damp universal indicator paper.
1c4 marks

Extended Only

The diagram shows the apparatus used to heat ammonium chloride.
Suggest why the damp litmus paper is two different colours.
Explain what happens to the damp litmus paper as the ammonium chloride is heated. 
1d1 mark

Extended Only

Explain why a fine white powder formed on the inside of the neck of the conical flask in part (c).

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2a4 marks

An investigation into how the rate of reaction is affected by temperature is completed using the apparatus shown.


The time taken for the magnesium to stop reacting is measured.

a) i)
Describe a test for the gas produced, including the positive observation, during this reaction.
Give the balanced symbol equation for the reaction that occurs during the gas test.
2b4 marks

Extended Only

State and explain what would happen to the rate of reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid as the temperature increased.
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6 marks

Extended Only

2.0 g of magnesium reacted with 25.0 cm3 of 1.0 mol / dm3 hydrochloric acid is reacted at room temperature and pressure.
The chemical equation for this reaction is
Mg + 2HCl → MgCl2 + H2
Calculate the volume of hydrogen gas that would be produced in this reaction. Give your answer in dm3.
2d3 marks
The student repeated the experiment but used a white powder, compound X, instead of magnesium.

A gas was produced during the reaction with hydrochloric acid. When the gas was bubbled through turned limewater, it turned cloudy.

The student carried out a flame test on compound X and a lilac flame was produced.

Give the formula of compound X. Explain your answer.

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3a3 marks

Solutions AB and C were analysed.

Tests were done on each substance.

tests observations

 Test 1

 A flame test was done on each solution


 Solution A produced a green flame, solution B produced a red flame and solution C produced a yellow flame

 Test 2

 Dilute hydrochloric acid was added to each solution 


 Solution A fizzed, there was no reaction with solution B or solution C

 Test 3

 Sodium hydroxide solution was added to each solution 


 Solution A formed a blue precipitate, solution B formed a white precipitate and solution C did not form a precipitate

 Test 4

 Dilute hydrochloric acid and barium chloride were added to each solution


 Solution A fizzed but did not form a precipitate, solution C formed a white precipitate and solution B did not react  

 Test 5

 Dilute nitric acid and silver nitrate were added to each solution


 Solution A and solution C did not react, solution B formed a cream precipitate

Identify the two ions present in each of the solutions AB, and C.
3b1 mark
What is the purpose of adding dilute acid in the tests with barium chloride and silver nitrate? 
3c1 mark
Suggest what would be seen if the acid was not added.
3d3 marks
Explain why nitric acid is used before using silver nitrate instead of hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid.


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4a6 marks

A student investigates the mass of dissolved salts in 50 cm3 of an unknown solution. The solution is thought to contain sodium chloride and sodium carbonate.

The tests and some of the observations from the student's investigation are in the following table.

tests observations 
Test 1: A flame test was carried out on the unknown solution   
Test 2: An excess of dilute nitric acid was added to the unknown solution

0.408 dm3 of gas was collected using a gas syringe 

Test 3: Aqueous silver nitrate was added to the unknown solution White precipitate
Test 4: The white precipitate was filtered, dried and weighed  mass = 1.380 g 


Describe how the student should perform the flame test and include the expected result.
4b5 marks
Explain why hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid should not be used in test 2. Use chemical equations, including state symbols, to support your answer.
Hydrochloric acid
Reaction equation ................................................................................
Explanation ................................................................................
Sulfuric acid
Reaction equation ................................................................................
Explanation ................................................................................
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6 marks

Extended Only

The original apparatus used by the student consisted of a thistle funnel containing excess nitric acid connected to a conical flask of the unknown solution. The conical flask was also directly connected to a gas syringe to measure the volume of gas produced during test 2.
The student suggested that test 2 could be improved by including a second conical flask containing limewater before the gas syringe as shown.
Explain one advantage and one disadvantage of the student's suggested apparatus instead of the original apparatus.
Advantage ............................................................
Disadvantage ............................................................
Use the results of test 2 to calculate the mass of sodium carbonate present in the unknown solution.
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4 marks

Extended Only

d) i)
Give the ionic equation to show the formation of the white precipitate in test 3.
Use the results of test 4 to calculate the mass of sodium chloride present in the unknown solution.

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5a6 marks

A mixture of two solid compounds D and E was analysed. Solid D was a zinc salt which is soluble in water. Solid E was an insoluble metal carbonate. The tests on the mixture and some of the observations are in the following table.

Test 1: About half of the mixture of D and E was placed in a test-tube. The mixture was heated.

Observations:  Green to black, condensation formed

The rest of the mixture of D and E was added to distilled water in a boiling tube. The contents of the tube were filtered. The filtrate and the residue were kept for the following tests.

Complete observations for the following tests that were carried out on the residue

Test 1:
The residue was transferred from the filter paper in to a test-tube. About 3 cm3 of dilute sulphuric acid was
added. The gas was tested with limewater. 

Observations: ....................................................................................................................

Test 2:
The solution obtained in (c) was divided into two equal portions.

The first portion was added excess aqueous sodium hydroxide, a little at a time.

Observations: pale blue precipitate

To the second portion was added excess aqueous ammonia, a little at a time.

Observations:  ....................................................................................................................
5b6 marks
Three tests were carried out on the filtrate. 

Complete the observations for each test.

The filtrate from (a) was divided into three approximately equal portions.

Test 1: To the first portion were added drops of aqueous sodium hydroxide, a little at a time with shaking.

Observations: ...........................................................................................................................

Excess aqueous sodium hydroxide was added.


Test 2: To the second portion was added excess aqueous ammonia a little at a time.

Observations: ...........................................................................................................................
Test 3 : To the third portion were added drops of dilute hydrochloric acid and aqueous barium chloride.

Observations: white precipitate 

5c2 marks
What conclusions can you draw about the identity of solid D?
5d1 mark
What conclusion can you draw about the identity of the cation in solid E?

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