Experimental Techniques (CIE IGCSE Chemistry)

Topic Questions

5 hours44 questions
11 mark

The diagram shows a burette and a measuring cylinder, both of which contain a liquid.


Which row shows the correct reading for both?



Measuring cylinder













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    21 mark

    Measuring volumes of liquids is a fundamental aspect of experimental chemistry. The diagram shows three different pieces of apparatus used for this task.


    Which row is correct?







    measuring cylinder





    measuring cylinder



    measuring cylinder



    measuring cylinder



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      31 mark

      A student dissolved ammonium chloride in water when investigating energy changes in reactions.

      Which terms best describes each substance?

        ammonium chloride water
      A solute solvent
      B solvent solution
      C solution solvent
      D solute solution

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        41 mark

        A student prepared crystals of copper sulfate from copper carbonate and sulfuric acid.

        The student separated the excess copper carbonate from the solution using filtration. 

        What word describes the excess copper carbonate?

        • Residue

        • Filtrate

        • Solvent

        • Solution

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        51 mark

        A student carries out a titration to determine the volume of hydrochloric acid needed to neutralise 25 cm3 of sodium hydroxide. 

        She measured 25 cm3 sodium hydroxide into a conical flask. 

        Which piece of equipment should she use to do this?

        • Burette

        • Measuring cylinder

        • Beaker

        • Pipette

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        11 mark

        A student wants to investigate the rate of reaction between marble chips and hydrochloric acid by measuring the volume of carbon dioxide produced with different concentrations of acid.

        The equation for the reaction is as follows:

        2 HCl + MgCO3 → MgCl2 + CO2 + H2O

        Which of the following lists of equipment can she use to measure the volume of the gas produced?

        • Gas syringe, cotton wool, bung, delivery tube

        • Gas syringe, conical flask, bung, delivery tube

        • Gas syringe, beaker, bung, balance

        • Balloon, conical flask, stopper, balance

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        21 mark

        The steps below are for an acid-base titration. 

        1 Record the final volume of hydrochloric acid in the burette
        2 Add hydrochloric acid from the burette into the conical flask until the indicator changes colour
        3 Record the initial volume of hydrochloric acid in the burette 
        4 Add a fixed volume of sodium hydroxide to a conical flask using a pipette 
        5 Add indicator

        What is the correct order of these steps?

        • 3  →  4 →  2  →  5  → 1

        • 4  →  3 →  2  →  1  → 5 

        • 4  →  5 →  3  →  2  → 1 

        • 5  →  3 →  2  →  1  → 4

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        31 mark

        A student is following the written procedure for an experiment. The instruction states:

        'Quickly add 25 cm3 of sodium hydroxide'

        Which piece of apparatus would be most suitable to use?

        • Burette

        • Conical flask

        • Measuring cylinder

        • Volumetric pipette

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        41 mark

        W, X, Y and Z are pieces of laboratory apparatus.


        Which row describes the most appropriate use of the apparatus for the measurement taken?

          Apparatus Measurement taken
        A W  0.5 cm3 of acid to add to marble chips in a rate of reaction investigation
        B X  20 cm3 of sodium hydroxide for use in a titration
        C Y  26.70 cm3 of hydrochloric acid added to sodium hydroxide in a titration
        D Z  85 cm3 of gas given off in a rate of reaction investigation

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          51 mark

          A student decided to investigate the rate of reaction between marble chips and dilute hydrochloric acid at 35 oC. 

          She had access to the following apparatus:

          W a balance

          X a thermometer

          Y a measuring cylinder

          Z a stopwatch

          Which pieces of apparatus did she use?

          • X, Y and Z only

          • W, Y and Z only

          • W, X and Z only

          • W, X, Y and Z

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          11 mark

          A student prepared crystals of potassium(II) chloride by the following method.


          25.0 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid was accurately measured into a conical flask using a measuring cylinder


          Aqueous potassium hydroxide was added from a burette until the solution was neutral

          3 The solution was evaporated and the crystals washed with approximately 20 cm3 of water measured using a pipette

          Which steps do not use the most appropriate piece of apparatus for the measurement taken?

          • 1, 2 and 3

          • 1 and 2 only

          • 1 and 3 only

          • 2 and 3 only

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          21 mark

          A student prepared a solution of copper(II) sulfate by mixing dilute sulfuric acid with an excess of copper(II) oxide.

          They filtered the mixture using the apparatus below.


          Which terms best describes each substance?

            Solvent Solute Filtrate Residue
          A water copper(II) sulfate copper(II) sulfate solution copper(II) oxide
          B dilute hydrochloric acid copper(II) oxide water copper(II) oxide
          C water copper(II) sulfate solution copper(II) oxide copper(II) sulfate
          D copper(II) sulfate solution water dilute hydrochloric acid water

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            31 mark

            A student performed a titration to find the volume of hydrochloric acid required to neutralise 25.0 cm3 of sodium hydroxide using the following method.

            • Add a fixed volume of sodium hydroxide to a conical flask using a measuring cylinder
            • Add methyl orange indicator
            • Record the initial volume of hydrochloric acid in the burette 
            • Add hydrochloric acid from the burette into the conical flask until the indicator changes colour
            • Record the final volume of hydrochloric acid in the burette

            Another student suggested the following changes.


            Use a pipette to measure the sodium hydroxide


            Use universal indicator as the indicator


            Repeat the experiment until the results are concordant


            Ensure that the initial volume of hydrochloric acid reads 0.00 cm3 on the burette

            Which suggestions would improve the experiment?

            • 1 and 2

            • 1 and 3

            • 2 and 3

            • 3 and 4

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            41 mark

            A student titrated sodium carbonate solution against 25 cm3 of hydrochloric acid. 

            They used methyl orange as an indicator.

            What is the colour changed observed at the end point?

            • red to yellow

            • yellow to orange

            • yellow to red

            • red to orange

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            51 mark

            Why is it important to fill the space below the tap in a burette with acid or alkali before beginning a titration?

            • To give a more accurate result

            • The burette's scale does not include this volume

            • To give concordant results

            • An incorrect volume would be recorded

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