Water & Water Pollution (CIE IGCSE Chemistry)

Topic Questions

2 hours30 questions
11 mark

A student added anhydrous copper(II) sulfate to a test tube containing an aqueous solution. 

Which row correctly describes the colour change the student observed?


before addition

after addition













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    21 mark

    Which of the following statements regarding the uses of water are correct?

    1 Water in industry is used as a solvent and as a coolant.
    2 All water used in industry is safe for human consumption.
    3 Water in the household may contain dissolved salts.
    4 Water in the household is used for sanitation and cooking.
    • 1, 3 & 4

    • 1, 2 & 4

    • 2, 3 & 4

    • 1 & 4 only

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    31 mark

    During the treatment of ground water, large insoluble particles are allowed to settle to the bottom of a tank.

    What is this process called?

    • Sedimentation

    • Anaerobic digestion

    • Screening

    • Chlorination

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    41 mark

    There are many steps involved when treating water.

    Which of the answers below is the incorrect reason for the treatment step being carried out?

      Treatment Explanation
    A filtration to remove dissolved solids
    B carbon filtration to remove tastes and odours
    C sedimentation to remove mud and sand
    B chlorination to kill bacteria 

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      51 mark

      Separate: Chemistry Only

      What essential plant nutrients do fertilisers supply?

      A phosphorus calcium nitrogen
      B iron nitrogen magnesium
      C nitrogen  potassium  phosphorus
      D potassium calcium  nitrogen

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        11 mark

        Potable water is produced from a water source near a country spring as shown in the flow diagram.


        Which processes occur at P and Q?
















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          21 mark

          Which pair of substances would make an NPK fertiliser? 

          • ammonium phosphate and potassium chloride  

          • calcium phosphate and potassium chloride 

          • ammonium sulfate and potassium nitrate 

          • potassium nitrate and calcium carbonate 

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          31 mark

          Mineral water contains dissolved salts such as magnesium chloride. Which one of the following statements about mineral water is correct? 

          • Mineral water boils at slightly above 100 °C.

          • Mineral water is pure water.

          • Mineral water boils at exactly 100 °C.

          • Another name for mineral water is fizzy water.

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          41 mark

          Ammonia and sulfuric acid can react in the lab to make ammonium sulfate fertiliser.

          What is the formula of the product?

          • NH3SO4

          • NH4SO4

          • (NH4)2SO4

          • (NH3)2SO4

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          51 mark

          Which is the correct reason for carrying out each step when treating water?

             Adding carbon  Chlorination Sedimentation
          A kill microbes remove salts remove solids
          B remove salts remove odours kill microbes
          C remove odours kill microbes remove solids
          D remove odours remove solids remove salts

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            11 mark

            Which row correctly identifies the substance based on the experiment and observations carried out?

              Experiment  Observations Identity of bold substance
            A Pink crystals are heated  The crystals turn blue and steam is given off  anhydrous cobalt(II) chloride 
            B Water is added to a white solid  The white solid turns blue  anhydrous copper(II) sulfate
            C Blue crystals are heated  The crystals turn white and steam is given off  anhydrous cobalt(II) chloride 
            D Water is added to a blue solid The blue solid turns pink hydrated copper(II) sulfate 

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              21 mark

              Fertilisers provide three essential elements required for plant growth. 

              Which substances will make a salt that will contain two of these essential elements? 

              1   ammonia and nitric acid 

              2   potassium hydroxide and sulfuric acid 

              3   ammonia and phosphoric acid 

              4   potassium hydroxide and nitric acid 

              • 1 and 2

              • 1 and 3 

              • 2 and 4 

              • 3 and 4

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              31 mark

              Separate: Chemistry Only

              Which substances lead to deoxygenation of water?

              1   NH4NO3

              2   Pb

              3   Mg

              4   Ca3(PO4)2

              • 2 and 4 

              • 1 and 2 

              • 3 and 4 

              • 1 and 4

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              1 mark

              Separate: Chemistry and Extended Only

              Different fertilisers contain the essential elements needed for plant growth in varying quantities.

              Which fertiliser compound contains the highest percentage by mass of the essential elements needed for growth?

              [Relative atomic masses, Ar: H = 1; N = 14; O = 16; P = 31; S = 32; K = 39; Ca = 40]

              • (NH4)2SO4

              • NH4NO3

              • K2SO4

              • Ca3(PO4)2

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              51 mark

              Separate: Chemistry Only

              Four water samples, W, X, Y and Z, were analysed in the laboratory to measure pH, boiling point, and the amount of dissolved solids.

              The sources of water were:

              • pure water
              • tap water
              • acidic rain
              • sea water

              The results are shown in the table below.

              Water sample pH Boiling point / °C Mass of dissolved solids in 20 cm3 of water / g
              W 8.2 101.3 - 101.5 0.72
              X 4.2 100.2 - 100.3 0.03
              Y 7.0 100.0 0.00
              Z 6.3 100.5 - 100.6 0.02

              Which are the correct identities of water samples W, X, Y and Z?

                W X Y Z
              A acidic rain pure water tap water sea water
              B pure water tap water sea water acidic rain
              C tap water sea water acidic rain pure water
              D sea water acidic rain pure water tap water

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