Solids, liquids & gases (CIE IGCSE Chemistry)

Topic Questions

3 hours34 questions
11 mark

Many chemical processes involve substances in either the liquid or the gaseous state.

Which of the following statements is correct?

  • A specific mass of a gas has a fixed volume at room temperature

  • A specific mass of a liquid has a fixed volume at room temperature

  • 25 cm3 of gas contains more particles than 25 cm3 of liquid

  • Liquid particles placed inside a sealed container have fixed positions

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21 mark

Four substances are shown below. 

In which of these substances are the particles close together and moving slowly past each other?

  • Ice

  • Air

  • Steam

  • Water

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31 mark

A student noted the following observation in his laboratory notebook:

“The particles moved slowly from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.”

Which process is being described?

  • Diffusion of substance in a liquid.

  • The particles of a solid during melting.

  • A liquid being frozen.

  • Diffusion of a substance through air.

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41 mark

Extended Only

A small amount of bleach was accidentally spilled on a kitchen floor. After a while it was observed that the floor appeared to be dry and the whole kitchen smelled of bleach.

Which processes have occurred?

  • Evaporation and diffusion

  • Distillation and diffusion

  • Evaporation only

  • Diffusion only

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1 mark

Which words complete the gaps 1 & 2 in these sentences?

As the temperature of air in a party balloon ............1.............. the volume increases. When the volume of air in a balloon increases, the pressure ...............2...................

  1 2
 A increases increases
 B increases decreases
 C decreases increases
 D decreases decreases

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    11 mark

    The following four statements describe the arrangement of particles in a substance.


    Particles are moving in all directions


    Particles are arranged in neat rows


    Particles can move past each other


    Particles vibrate about their positions

    Which of the four statements describe the arrangement of particles in a solid?

    A        1 and 2               B        2 and 4               C        1 and 3               D        2 only

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      21 mark

      The diagram shows a cup of hot chocolate made which was prepared by mixing boiling water with chocolate powder.


      Which row correctly describes the particles of water in the air above the cup compared to those in the hot chocolate drink inside the cup?

        Particles move faster Particles are closer together
      A ✓


      B ✓

      cross times

      C cross times


      D cross times

      cross times

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        31 mark

        The diagram shows what happens when a blue soluble crystal is placed in a beaker of water.


        Which row correctly describes the processes taking place?

          Chemical process Dissolving Diffusion
        A ✓ ✓ ✓
        B cross times cross times ✓
        C ✓ cross times ✓
        D cross times ✓ ✓

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          41 mark

          Substance X can occur in three different physical states as shown in the diagram.


          Which statement is correct?

          •  In state 1 the particles vibrate around fixed positions but don't move

          • Diffusion occurs in the phase change from state 1 to 2

          • The volume of the substance in state 3 is fixed

          • Condensation occurs in the phase change from state 3 to 2

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          51 mark

          Matter exists in three states which are solid, liquid and gas. Phase changes occur when matter changes from one state to another.

          In which changes do the particles move closer together?

          gas   rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon from 3 to 1 of  liquid   rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon from 4 to 2 of  solid

          •  3 and 4

          •  1 and 3

          • 4 only

          • 1 and 2

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          11 mark

          Extended Only

          The rate of diffusion of two gases, methane, CH4, and propene, C3H6, is measured using the apparatus shown.


          Which gas diffuses at a faster rate and why?

            Fastest gas Reason
          A Propene Propene molecules are heavier and so move faster.
          B Methane Methane is a lighter molecule.
          C Propene Propene is unsaturated so is more reactive.
          D Methane Methane molecules are smaller so fit through the hole more easily.

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            21 mark

            Extended Only

            Hydrogen chloride and ammonia are gases which are given off by cotton wool soaked in concentrated solutions and placed at either end of a glass tube as shown.

            When the gases react together they produce ammonium chloride, a white solid.

            Which line on the diagram correctly shows where the ammonium chloride is formed?


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              31 mark

              The kinetic theory of matter explores the spatial relationship between the particles in solids, liquids and gases.

              Which of the following processes causes the distance between particles to increase by the most?

              • Melting

              • Freezing

              • Vaporising

              • Condensation

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              41 mark

              A student accidentally left a bottle of ammonia open in the corner of a laboratory. After a few minutes the entire laboratory smelled of ammonia.

              Which process has occurred?

              • Dispersion

              • Diffusion

              • Evaporation

              • Distillation

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              51 mark

              A student closed the lid tightly on an empty metal container which was used for paint. She heated the container over a Bunsen burner on a low flame for a few moments and observed the sides and top of the container bend outwards slightly.

              She then turned off the burner and allowed the container to cool.

              Which statement explains her observations?

              • The heat increased the pressure inside the container

              • The heat deformed the metal which then bent

              • The heat made the container reduce in size

              • More air particles entered the container

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