Redox (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Chemistry)



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  • Define oxidation in terms of oxygen.

    Oxidation is any reaction in which a substance gains oxygen.

  • Define reduction in terms of oxygen.

    Reduction is a reaction in which a substance loses oxygen.

  • What is oxidised in the following reaction in terms of oxygen?

    Zn + CuO → ZnO + Cu

    In Zn + CuO → ZnO + Cu, the zinc / Zn is oxidised as it gains oxygen to become zinc oxide / ZnO.

  • Define the term redox reaction.

    A redox reaction is when oxidation and reduction take place simultaneously.

  • What does the Roman numeral in iron(III) oxide tell us?

    The roman numeral tells us the oxidation number of the iron.

  • What is the charge of copper in copper(II) chloride?

    The copper has a 2+ charge in copper(II) chloride.

  • True or False?

    Iron(II) oxide has the formula Fe2O3.


    Iron(II) oxide has the formula FeO. Fe2O3 is the formula for iron(III) oxide.

  • Which substance is oxidised in the following reaction?

    SnO2 + 2C → Sn + 2CO

    In the reaction SnO2 + 2C → Sn + 2CO, carbon (C) is oxidised because it has gained oxygen.

  • What is the name of CoCl2?

    The name of CoCl2 is cobalt(II) chloride.

  • Define oxidation in terms of electrons.

    (Extended Tier Only)

    Oxidation is the loss of electrons.

  • Define reduction in terms of electrons.

    (Extended Tier Only)

    Reduction is the gain of electrons.

  • What is oxidised in the following reaction?

    Mg + Cu2+ → Mg2+ + Cu

    (Extended Tier Only)

    In Mg + Cu2+ → Mg2+ + Cu, magnesium (Mg) is oxidised as it loses electrons.

  • Define the term spectator ions. (Extended Tier Only)

    Spectator ions are ions that appear unchanged on both sides of a chemical equation and do not participate in the reaction.

  • Define the term oxidising agent in terms of electrons. (Extended Tier Only)

    In terms of electrons, an oxidising agent accepts electrons.

    An oxidising agent is reduced.

  • What is the oxidising agent in the following reaction?

    Cu + 2Ag+ → Cu2+ + 2Ag

    (Extended Tier Only)

    The oxidising agent in the following reaction is Ag+ as it has been reduced / gained electrons.

    Cu + 2Ag+ → Cu2+ + 2Ag

  • Which species is oxidised in the following reaction?

    Fe + Cu2+ → Fe2+ + Cu

    (Extended Tier Only)

    In the reaction Fe + Cu2+ → Fe2+ + Cu, iron (Fe) is oxidised as it loses electrons to become a positive ion.

  • True or False?

    In oxidation, the oxidation number of an element decreases. (Extended Tier Only)


    In oxidation, the oxidation number of an element increases.

  • True or False?

    The sum of oxidation numbers in a compound is always zero. (Extended Tier Only)


    The sum of oxidation numbers in a compound is always zero.

  • What is the oxidation number of N in NO2? (Extended Tier Only)

    The oxidation number of N in NO2 is +4.