Define 'niche market'.
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Define 'niche market'.
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Define 'B2B' market'.
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Identify two factors a business should consider when formulating an appropriate marketing strategy.
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State two areas of business behaviour in relation to marketing that are regulated.
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Carlos is a sole trader. He sells specialist clothing and equipment for extreme sports, including snowboarding and abseiling. It is a niche market. Carlos started his business 3 years ago and it has remained small. He sells products at extreme sports exhibitions and online. Carlos would like to grow his business by targeting the B2B market.
Outline two disadvantages for Carlos of targeting a niche market.
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Car manufacturer OVI is based in Country X. Over the years, technology has changed production methods. NSN's sales in Country X have declined.
OVI plans to open a new factory and showrooms in country Z, creating 7,000 jobs. Country Z’s government has offered a $60m grant to OVI . A spokesperson for OVI said: ‘Governments should support business activity. There were also other factors that influenced our decision to build the new factory there, including the possible effects of economic growth.’
Outline two benefits to OVI of entering foreign markets.
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Define 'joint venture'.
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Do you think the rewards of entering a foreign market always outweigh the risks? Justify your answer.
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Explain two reasons why GNP should expand its online sales channel rather than seek new retailers to stock its products.
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Explain two advantages and two disadvantages to TGR of expanding into international markets,
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Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the following two options for HealthyMunch social enterprise to respond to its current challenges.
Expand into school nutrition education programmes
Focus on improving efficiency in current operations
Which option should HealthyMunch choose? Justify your answer.
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Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the following two options for Coffee Delight Ltd to expand its business.
Expanding into the international market by exporting to neighbouring countries
Developing a new line of organic, fair-trade certified coffee
Which option should Coffee Delight Ltd choose? Justify your answer.
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