The Marketing Mix (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Business)

Exam Questions

4 hours40 questions
12 marks

Define ‘cost-plus pricing’.

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24 marks

Case Study

PJA make fashion clothing for 16-25 year olds. Many of its competitors are multinational companies. PJA produce new products every 3 weeks. All PJA’s products are made in a local factory because of import quotas. The Managing Director is reviewing PJA’s financial statements using ratio analysis. An extract is shown in the table below.

Extract from PJA’s financial statements for 2020

Revenue ($m)

7 400

Gross profit ($m)

3 330

Profit ($m)

1 100

Current ratio


Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)


Outline one benefit and one limitation to PJA of developing new products.

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34 marks

Case Study

Tom started ALB 5 years ago making trainers (sneakers) out of sustainable materials such as wool. One of ALB’s objectives is to protect the environment. As part of his research, Tom calculated some costs that he could use in his break-even analysis. An extract is shown in Figure 2.1. ALB uses retailers to distribute its products. Tom thinks a successful entrepreneur has to be a good manager.

Bar chart showing distribution of various costs and profit in percentage: retailers' costs 50%, manufacturers' profit 5%, fixed costs 15%, variable costs 30%.

Outline two possible advantages to ALB of using retailers to distribute its products.

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42 marks

Identify one benefit and one cost to a business of developing new products.

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52 marks

Define ‘competitive pricing’.

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62 marks

State two elements of the marketing mix.

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74 marks

Case Study

Paolo wants to start up a business making cakes. He plans to sell all of his products to a wholesaler. Paolo knows the packaging for his products will be important. He has prepared some financial and sales data. An extract from this data is shown in the below table. Paolo is considering using crowdfunding as a source of finance. He knows the business will also need working capital.

Extract from Paolo’s financial and sales data

Average price per cake


Average cost per cake


Forecast average number of cake sales per day


Outline two reasons why packaging will be important for Paolo’s business.

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84 marks

Case Study

LCT manufactures cooking pots. It has 16 employees. As a small business, LCT uses social media as its method of advertising. The owner, Carole, knows having a good brand image is important. She is analysing LCT’s break-even chart. This is shown in Fig. 2.1. Carole is considering possible ways to lower LCT’s break-even level of output.

Break-even chart for LCT showing costs and revenue against units. Total revenue and total costs lines intersect, with fixed costs as a constant horizontal line.

Outline two possible benefits to LCT of having a good brand image.

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92 marks

Define ‘brand image’.

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102 marks

Define ‘marketing mix’.

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112 marks

Define ‘marketing budget’.

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124 marks

Case Study

Pamela is a successful entrepreneur. She is the owner of a gift shop selling celebration cards, toys and candy (sweets). When Pamela started her business 30 years ago she had no help to manage the shop. She now has 5 employees. Pamela knows maintaining customer loyalty is important. She uses competitive pricing. Most of her marketing budget is spent on sales promotion. Pamela does not use e-commerce.

Outline two possible threats to Pamela’s business of using e-commerce.

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16 marks

Case Study

Raul owns a small farm that grows oranges. His farm is based in country Z. Like all primary sector activities, farming creates external costs and external benefits. Raul sells all 600 tonnes of his oranges direct to a drinks manufacturer in country E. The Government of country E plan to introduce either import tariffs or quotas. Raul said: ‘This might help country E’s Government achieve one of its economic objectives but how will it affect companies that export to country E?’

Explain two advantages to Raul’s business of selling direct to a manufacturer.

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28 marks

Explain one cost and one benefit for PPE of developing a new product.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question.

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36 marks

Do you think cost-plus is the best pricing method for a new business to use when selling products to a niche market? Justify your answer.

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46 marks

Do you think giving out free samples is the best method of sales promotion for a business to use when promoting a new food product? Justify your answer.

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56 marks

Do you think using wholesalers is the best way for a large business to distribute its products? Justify your answer.

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66 marks

Do you think competitive pricing is the best method for an established business to use? Justify your answer.

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76 marks

Case Study

CHW manufactures electrical products including cameras. The business is developing new products. The Managing Director knows that the stage of the product life cycle can influence CHW’s marketing decisions about promotion. He is analysing data for one of its products. An extract is shown in the table below. The business would also like to introduce flow production into the factory.

Extract from CHW’s data for one type of camera (2021)

Selling price per unit ($)


Variable cost per unit ($)


Fixed costs ($)

200 000

Margin of safety (units)


Explain two ways in which the stage of the product life cycle might affect CHW’s marketing decisions about promotion.

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88 marks

Explain four ways Yasin can advertise MB’s products.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question.

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96 marks

Do you think adding new features to a product is the best extension strategy for a manufacturing business to use? Justify your answer.

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106 marks

Case Study

Kemala makes high-quality beauty products. Demand for her best-selling hand cream is price inelastic. She advertises her products in specialist beauty magazines. Kemala is analysing her income statement. An extract is shown in the table below. She said: ‘When I started my business, I did not understand why cash is important’.

Extract from Kemala’s income statement 2021 ($000)



Gross profit


Profit for the year


Explain two possible reasons why demand for Kemala’s best-selling product is price inelastic.

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118 marks

Explain four roles of packaging for CC’s products.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question.

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126 marks

Do you think retailers are the best channel of distribution for a manufacturing business to use? Justify your answer.

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136 marks

Case Study

NLR manufactures a range of branded skincare products including hand cream. Packaging of the products is important. Like many businesses, NLR makes use of market segmentation. The Marketing Director knows the stage of the product life cycle can influence NLR’s pricing decisions. He is analysing market research data. This shows 85% of consumers expect businesses to respond to environmental pressures.

Explain how NLR’s pricing decisions might be affected at two different stages of the product life cycle.

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146 marks

Do you think selling to a wholesaler is the best channel of distribution for a start-up business to use? Justify your answer.

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156 marks

Do you think social media is the best method of advertising for a small business to use? Justify your answer.

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168 marks

Explain two limitations and two benefits to a business of developing new products.

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176 marks

Case Study

GBU is a public limited company. It makes a range of beauty products including shampoo and soaps for the mass market.

Last year GBU’s revenue fell. The Marketing Director has been looking at some results from its primary market research. It was based on a sample of 2000 people, see Fig. 4.1. She believes maintaining customer loyalty is more important than attracting new customers.

Two pie charts showing beauty product purchasing habits. Left chart: mail order 200, online 700, shop 1100. Right chart: yes 1700, no 300 for GBU products.
Fig 4.1

Explain two advantages to GBU of using shops as a channel of distribution.

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186 marks

Case Study

Gino owns a fast-food restaurant selling fried chicken and potato fries. He employs 5 full-time chefs and 12 part-time workers to serve the food. Communication is important and Gino has regular meetings with his part-time employees to keep them informed about any changes in the menu. It took 3 years before Gino’s business was able to break-even. He aims to achieve a Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) of 10%. Gino is always looking for ways to increase the number of customers. Inflation may be a problem for Gino’s business.

Explain two ways Gino could increase the number of customers.

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196 marks

Do you think advertising in specialist magazines is the best way for a business to promote high-quality products? Justify your answer.

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206 marks

Do you think promoting the brand image is the most important role of packaging? Justify your answer.

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112 marks

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the following three sales promotion methods Gemma could use for the new shop.

  • Buy one, get 50% off second purchase

  • 10% off everything in the shop for one week after opening

  • Pay a celebrity to open the shop

Recommend which method Gemma should choose to maximise revenue. Justify your answer.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question.

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212 marks

Consider the advantages and disadvantages to FO of using a wholesaler, retailer or selling direct to the customer when distributing its products. Which channel of distribution should FO use? Justify your answer.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question.

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312 marks

Consider the opportunities and threats of e-commerce for SA. Which is likely to have the greatest effect on SA? Justify your answer.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question.

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412 marks

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the two CC brands. Which brand should CC stop producing?

Justify your answer.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question.

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512 marks

Using Appendix 3 and other information, consider the three options for the future growth of SA. Which option should Tokumbo choose? Justify your answer using appropriate calculations.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question.

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612 marks

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the following two options for SSE to distribute its products in the new markets in other countries.

  • Sell direct to customers using SSE’s website

  • Sell to large sports retailers in other countries

Which option should SSE choose? Justify your answer.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question.

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712 marks

Consider the following three elements of a suitable marketing mix for CC’s new range of personalised mobile phone covers.

  • Pricing method

  • Method of promotion

  • Place - distribution channel

Justify which element is the most important.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question.

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812 marks

Consider the following three pricing methods PPE could use when launching its new product.

  • Cost-plus

  • Penetration

  • Skimming

Which pricing method should it use? Justify your answer.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question

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