Enterprise & Business Growth (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Business)

Exam Questions

4 hours33 questions
14 marks

Case Study

KTF makes building materials, including cement and bricks. Last year KTF had sales of $25bn. KTF’s objectives have often changed since it was started 60 years ago.

The Managing Director wants KTF to expand. KTF is going to take over one of its main competitors. The newly expanded business will have combined sales of $40bn.

The Managing Director said: ‘Many stakeholder groups will be affected by this decision.’ She knows there are many external factors that affect business activity, including the business cycle, interest rates and legal controls to protect the environment.

Outline one advantage and one disadvantage to KTF of taking over the other business.

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24 marks

Identify four ways to measure the size of a business.

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32 marks

Identify two reasons why a government might support small business activity.

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42 marks

Case Study

Aurelie is a sole trader. She started her small hotel a year ago using government support.

Aurelie knew it would be important to build good customer relationships. Aurelie wants to analyse her financial statements using ratio analysis. An extract is shown in the below table.

She is worried about how the Government’s plan to introduce a new tourist tax of $1 per tourist per night might affect her business.

Extract of Aurelie’s Income statement for 2020 ($)


5 600

Cost of sales

1 800

Gross profit



2 400



Identify two ways a government can support new business start-ups.

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5a2 marks

Define ‘entrepreneur’.

5b4 marks

Case Study

Tom wants to leave his job to become an entrepreneur. He and his sister plan to start a window cleaning business. Tom has been told that new businesses are at a greater risk of failure than established businesses. Tom has to decide whether a partnership is a suitable form of business organisation for the new business. He has calculated the business will need $700 as start-up capital. Tom knows that every decision he makes will have an opportunity cost.

(b) Identify four reasons why a new business might be at greater risk of failure than an established business.

Reason 1: .............................................................

Reason 2: .............................................................

Reason 3: .............................................................

Reason 4: .............................................................

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62 marks

Case Study

DNG provides electricity to 16 million customers. It is a limited company, which means DNG’s shareholders benefit from limited liability.

DNG is planning to stop using coal to produce its electricity. Pressure groups had an influence on this decision. The Managing Director knows there will be an opportunity cost to making this change.

She is considering the best way to communicate this important information to DNG’s 6,500 employees.

Identify two limitations of using the number of employees to measure the size of a business.

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7a2 marks

Case Study

Gloria is a sole trader. Her business provides house-cleaning services.

Gloria uses telephone calls to communicate with her 4 employees.

She wants to expand the business by offering a repair service. Gloria plans to carry out some market research.

She has been told producing a business plan can help to reduce risk.

Gloria would also like to reduce her workload and is considering taking on a business partner.

Identify two ways a business plan can help a business reduce risk.

7b2 marks

(b) Identify two possible reasons why a business might want to expand.

Reason 1: .................................................................................

Reason 2: .................................................................................

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84 marks

Case Study

Desmond wants to be a successful entrepreneur. He has decided to leave his office job to start up a gardening business cutting grass and planting flowers. It will be an unincorporated business.

Desmond is aware that a new business is at greater risk of failure than an established business. He has identified his business objectives for the first year.

Desmond has calculated he will need $750 for his start-up capital.

Identify two objectives a new business might have.

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92 marks

Define ‘gross domestic product’ (GDP).

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102 marks

Identify two features of an economic boom.

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16 marks

Case Study

KTF makes building materials, including cement and bricks. Last year, KTF had sales of $25bn.

KTF’s objectives have often changed since it was started 60 years ago. The Managing Director wants KTF to expand. KTF is going to take over one of its main competitors. The newly expanded business will have combined sales of $40bn.

The Managing Director said: ‘Many stakeholder groups will be affected by this decision.’ She knows there are many external factors that affect business activity, including the business cycle, interest rates and legal controls to protect the environment.

Explain how two external stakeholder groups might be affected by the take over.

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28 marks

Explain two reasons why PPE may remain small.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question

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36 marks

Do you think economies of scale are the most important reason for taking over another business? Justify your answer.

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46 marks

Do you think a successful entrepreneur has to be a good manager? Justify your answer.

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56 marks

Do you think the number of employees is the best way to measure the size of a tertiary sector business? Justify your answer.

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68 marks

Explain two ways SSM can grow.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question

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78 marks

Explain two ways TT could grow.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question

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86 marks

Do you think being a risk-taker is a more important characteristic of a successful entrepreneur than being creative? Justify your answer.

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98 marks

Explain four reasons why governments might support business start-ups.

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108 marks

Explain two reasons why the owners of CC might want to expand the business.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question

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118 marks

Explain two diseconomies of scale CC might experience as it expands.

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128 marks

Explain four characteristics needed for an entrepreneur to be successful.

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136 marks

Explain two reasons why a business might remain small. Which reason is likely to be most important? Justify your answer.

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148 marks

Explain two possible reasons why VP wants to expand.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question

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156 marks

Case Study

Desmond wants to be a successful entrepreneur. He has decided to leave his office job to start up a gardening business, cutting grass and planting flowers. It will be an unincorporated business. Desmond is aware that a new business is at greater risk of failure than an established business. He has identified his business objectives for the first year. Desmond has calculated he will need $750 for his start-up capital.

Explain two reasons (other than lack of finance) why Desmond’s new business might be at greater risk of failure than an established business.

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166 marks

Do you think the government should help private sector businesses? Justify your answer.

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178 marks

Explain two possible reasons why Bethany wants the business to remain small.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question

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186 marks

Do you think being creative is the most important characteristic of being a successful entrepreneur? Justify your answer.

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198 marks

Explain two reasons why CC is at a greater risk of failing than an established business.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question

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112 marks

Consider the following three problems for FO as it grows through takeovers.

  • More difficult to control the business

  • Lack of finance

  • Clash of business cultures

Which problem will be the easiest for FO to overcome? Justify your answer.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question

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212 marks

Consider the benefits to Yasin of the following sections of his business plan:

  • Market research

  • Resources

Which section do you think helped him most when starting up his business? Justify your answer.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question

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312 marks

Consider the benefits and limitations of the following two ways VP can enter a new market in another country.

  • Joint venture

  • Franchising

Which way should VP choose? Justify your answer.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question

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412 marks

Consider how TT might benefit from the following three economies of scale as it continues to grow.

  • Purchasing

  • Technical

  • Financial

Which is likely to have the greatest effect on TT’s profit? Justify your answer.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question

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