Classification of Businesses (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Business)

Exam Questions

1 hour12 questions
12 marks

Define ‘primary sector’.

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22 marks

Define ‘secondary sector’.

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32 marks

Define ‘private sector’.

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42 marks

State two examples of leisure businesses that operate in the tertiary sector

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54 marks

Case Study

Tom wants to leave his job to become an entrepreneur. He and his sister plan to start a window cleaning business. Tom has been told that new businesses are at a greater risk of failure than established businesses. Tom has to decide whether a partnership is a suitable form of business organisation for the new business. He has calculated the business will need $700 as start-up capital. Tom knows that every decision he makes will have an opportunity cost.

Outline two ways in which Tom's window cleaning business can be classified.

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64 marks

Case Study

DBG is a construction company. It builds hospitals, roads and schools. DBG has 2000 employees. Managers use a democratic leadership style. They know effective internal communication is important. DBG plans to change its organisational structure. This will lead to some employees being made redundant. The Managing Director has to decide how changes in government spending might affect business activity.

Outline two ways in which DBG can be classified.

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72 marks

Define 'privatisation'.

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18 marks

Explain four reasons for changes in the relative importance of the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors in a country.

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26 marks

Case Study

Country X has a mixed economy with both private and public sector organisations. These organisations are involved in different sectors of economic activity. In the last 20 years, the primary sector has become less important to country X’s economy. A summary of the changes is shown in below table. The government is planning to encourage multinational companies to set up factories in country X.

Economic sectors in country X as a percentage of GDP













Using the data from table, explain two possible reasons for the changing importance of the primary sector in country X.

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36 marks

Do you think important services, such as healthcare and education, should always be provided by the public sector? Justify your answer.

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112 marks

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of FBT Travel Agency expanding into the following two sectors.

  • Secondary sector (by manufacturing travel accessories)

  • Primary sector (by acquiring a small chain of eco-lodges with farmland)

Which sector should FBT choose to expand into? Justify your answer.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question.

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212 marks

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the following two ownership structures for LMN Logistics

  • Remain as a private sector company

  • Become a public sector (government-owned) enterprise

Which ownership structure should LMN Logistics choose? Justify your answer.

Refer to the following insert when answering the question.

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