Human Diet & Digestion (CIE IGCSE Biology: Co-ordinated Sciences (Double Award))

Topic Questions

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Which of the following is a correct function of bile?

  • To emulsify proteins

  • To neutralise the alkaline conditions of food entering the duodenum

  • To provide enzymes for the digestion of lipids

  • To increase the surface area of lipids for digestion

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The diagram below shows part of the human digestive system. 

In which structure is most of the water from food absorbed?


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    Which of the following best describes the function of vitamin D in a human?

    • Vitamin D forms an essential part of collagen protein which is the main component of skin, hair and nails.

    • Vitamin D is needed for strong bones and teeth and a deficiency may lead to osteoporosis later in life.

    • Vitamin D assists with the absorption of calcium and is therefore needed to build strong bones and teeth.

    • Vitamin D is an important component of haemoglobin which is needed for the transport of oxygen to the cells.

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    Which of the following is not an example of physical digestion?

    • Breaking food up into smaller pieces by chewing it.

    • Starch being broken down into glucose molecules.

    • Food being churned when the muscles in the stomach lining contracts.

    • Bile breaking large fat droplets up into smaller ones during emulsification.

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    The diagram below shows the organs of the digestive system.



    In which organs does the digestion of proteins take place?

    • W and Y

    • W and Z

    • Z only

    • W and X

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    Which of the following is a correct cause and effect?







    diet deficient in red meat, leafy green vegetables and liver

    brittle bones (rickets)



    lack of sunlight, fish and eggs

    anaemia - tiredness and weakness due to not enough oxygen being delivered to tissues


    vitamin D

    lack of sunlight

    brittle bones (rickets)


    vitamin D

    diet deficient in red meat, leafy green vegetables and liver

    anaemia - tiredness and weakness due to not enough oxygen being delivered to tissues

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      Which of the following descriptions are correctly matched to the different stages of food breakdown?

        absorption assimilation egestion
      A small soluble food molecules move into the bloodstream small soluble food molecules cross the cell membrane of cells excretion of undigested or unabsorbed food through the anus
      B small soluble food molecules move into the bloodstream small soluble food molecules cross the cell membrane of cells passing out of undigested or unabsorbed food through the anus
      C small soluble food molecules cross the cell membrane of cells small soluble food molecules move into the bloodstream passing out of undigested or unabsorbed food through the anus
      D small soluble food molecules cross the cell membrane of cells small soluble food molecules move into the bloodstream excretion of undigested or unabsorbed food through the anus

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        A student ate a meal which contained a type of biomolecule, X.

        The digestion of biomolecule X started in the mouth, and finished in the duodenum.

        What is the product of the digestion of biomolecule X?

        • Amino acids

        • Protein

        • Glucose

        • Starch

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        Below is a list of chemical reactions that occur during digestion.

        1. Protein → amino acids
        2. Starch → maltose
        3. Lipids → fatty acids + glycerol
        4. Maltose → glucose

        Which of the chemical reactions above might occur in the duodenum?

        • 1, 3 and 4

        • 4 only

        • 2, 3 and 4

        • All 4

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        Which of the following shows the correct role of a substance made during digestion?

          substance made by effect
        A trypsin stomach digests proteins into amino acids
        B bile gallbladder neutralising acidic mixture of food entering the duodenum from the stomach
        C gastric juice stomach denaturing enzymes in harmful microorganisms and optimising pH for pepsin activity
        D bile  liver neutralising alkaline mixture of food entering the duodenum from the stomach

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          The diagram below shows the organs of the digestive system, including the alimentary canal and accessory organs.


          Where are most of the digestive lipase enzymes made in the body?

          • 2 only

          • 4 only

          • 3 and 4

          • 1 and 4

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