Energy & Feeding Relationships (CIE IGCSE Biology: Co-ordinated Sciences (Double Award))

Topic Questions

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The diagram below illustrates part of the carbon cycle. 


Which process is shown by the arrow labelled Y?

  • Photosynthesis

  • Feeding

  • Respiration

  • Combustion

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The image shows a food web. 


Which organism, from the food web, feeds on the greatest variety of organisms?

  • Whelks

  • Crabs

  • Limpets

  • Mussels

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Which letter shows the path of the energy from the sun?

  • chemical energy in sugars → stored in plants → trapped in chlorophyll

  • trapped in chlorophyll → chemical energy in sugars → stored in plants

  • stored in plants → chemical energy in sugars →  trapped in chlorophyll

  • stored in plants → trapped in chlorophyll →  chemical energy in sugars 

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The graphs below show how the number of carnivores change over a period of time in a habitat.


At point X the herbivores in the habitat are removed.

Which graph correctly shows the effect of this on the number of carnivores?

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    Extended Tier Only

    Which statement gives the best explanation for why most food chains have no more than five trophic levels?

    • Because 20% of the energy is transferred at each level and after 5 levels, all the energy is used up (5 × 20% = 100%).

    • The numbers of organisms are insufficient because the top predator has to have a count of 1 in a pyramid of numbers. 

    • The biomass transferred from a consumer to the next-level consumer is too little.

    • There is a large amount of energy loss at each level so insufficient energy can be passed up to the sixth trophic level.

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    Look at the information about a food chain.

    Organism Number Biomass / kg
    Oak tree 1 400,000
    Aphids 9,000 900
    Predatory midges 120 45

    What is the percentage biomass of the aphids transferred to the midges?

    • 0.05 %

    • 1.3 %

    • 5%

    • 0.225 %

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