Variation & Natural Selection (CIE IGCSE Biology: Co-ordinated Sciences (Double Award))

Topic Questions

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4 marks

Fig. 1 shows a group of male students. They are all the same age.


Fig. 1


The students in Fig. 1 show continuous variation in some of their characteristics.

State three characteristics in which these students show continuous variation.



State one example of discontinuous variation.


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Selective breeding of animals is very important to farmers.

Many different breeds of sheep have been produced by selective breeding.

Fig. 1 shows a flock of Merino sheep. This breed of sheep was produced by selective breeding.


Fig. 1

Sheep are important animals in many parts of the world as they produce meat, wool and milk.

Table 1 describes some characteristics of five different breeds of sheep.

Table 1

breed of sheep wool yield wool quality meat yield milk yield
Arapawa average good poor average
Awassi average poor average very good
Blackbelly poor poor very good average
Merino good very good good poor
Tsurcana average good average average

A farmer wants to sell both meat and wool.

Suggest which breed of sheep in Table 1 is the most suitable for this farmer. 

Give a reason for your choice. 

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Another farmer wants to produce a new breed of sheep with both a very good milk yield and a very good quality of wool.

The farmer is able to buy any of the breeds of sheep shown in Table 1.

Describe the process this farmer would use to produce the new breed of sheep on her farm. 

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An ecologist studied the leaves of a plant species.

Fig. 1 shows variation in the type of leaf spike present in the plant species.


Fig. 1


State the type of variation shown in Fig. 1.



Explain why the type of leaf spike is an example of the variation shown in Fig. 1.


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The ecologist also measured other features of the leaves of the plant species.

Fig. 2 shows the variation in leaf feature B.


Fig. 2

State two named features of leaves that show the type of variation shown in Fig. 2.

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After one year, the ecologist recorded the variation in leaf feature B again.

The results are shown in Fig. 3.


Fig. 3

Suggest one reason for the difference in variation of leaf feature B after one year.

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All commercial breeds of sheep belong to the species Ovis aries.

Define the term species.

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Merino sheep in South Africa have high quality wool with very thin hairs.

Breeders in New Zealand have used selective breeding programmes to improve the wool of their sheep to match the quality of South African wool.

Describe the steps that breeders would take to breed sheep that have wool with very thin hairs.

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Explain how natural selection differs from selective breeding.

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Blood group is an example of discontinuous variation.

The blood groups of patients in a hospital were recorded.

Fig. 1 shows the results.


Fig. 1

Explain how Fig. 1 shows that blood group is an example of discontinuous variation.

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Table 1 shows different examples of variation.

Tick all the boxes that show examples of discontinuous variation.

Table 1

Eye colour  
Foot length  
Tongue rolling ability  
Body mass  
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Variation can result when mutation occurs.

Define the term mutation.

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Coat colour in horses is controlled by genes.

The allele for black coat (E) is dominant.

The allele for red coat (e) is recessive.

Place ticks in the table to show the coat colours of horses with each of the following genotypes.

genotype black coat red coat
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Modern horse breeds look very different to each other, but still belong to the same species.

Fig. 1 shows three different horse breeds.


Fig. 1

State the term used to describe the difference between individuals of the same species.

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Shire horses have been produced by selective breeding. They are strong and can pull heavy loads.

Describe the process of selective breeding.

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Describe how natural selection differs from selective breeding.

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