Reproduction in Plants & Humans (CIE IGCSE Biology: Co-ordinated Sciences (Double Award))

Topic Questions

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Students were discussing how to remember the difference between two groups of cells, ‘many, minute and motile’ or ‘few, fat and fixed’.

What group of cells were they referring to?

  • Male and female gametes

  • Animal and plant cells

  • Red and white blood cells

  • Xylem and phloem cells

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The statements below are about different hormones in the human body.

  1. Produced by the pancreas.
  2. Causes the voice to deepen at puberty.
  3. Causes an egg to mature in the menstrual cycle.
  4. Promotes the development of stronger muscles.

Which of these statements are correct for testosterone?

  • 1 and 2

  • 2 and 4

  • 3 and 4

  • 4 only

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Extended Tier Only

The diagram shows a human sperm cell. The sperm cell has many mitochondria in the mid section.


How do the mitochondria help the sperm carry out its function?

  • They carry the genetic information from the male parent.

  • They release energy for movement.

  • They help the sperm enter the egg.

  • They make proteins.

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Extended only

Which of the following is not an advantage of asexual reproduction?

  • Population numbers can increase rapidly when conditions are favourable.

  • Asexual reproduction is very time and energy efficient.

  • It leads to increased genetic variation within a population.

  • Asexual reproduction enables organisms to exploit suitable environments fast.

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The diagrams show 3 different species of pollen grains as they appear under a microscope. The diagrams are all to the same scale.


Which pollen grains are involved in insect pollination?

  • 1 and 2

  • 2 and 3

  • 2 only

  • All of them

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Extended Tier Only

The table below shows some advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction.

Which row is correct?

  advantages of sexual reproduction advantage of asexual reproduction
A less population growth only one parent needed
B more energy efficient gametes can be transferred by the environment
C no transfer of gametes does not compete with parent for nutrients
D more genetic variation faster

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    HIV is an STI. The following statements are about changes that could occur in the body.

    1. Reduced antibody production
    2. Reduction in red blood cells
    3. Reduction in white blood cells
    4. Reduced volume of blood plasma

    Which of these statements would be correct for HIV?

    • 1 and 2

    • 2 and 4

    • 3 and 4

    • 1 and 3

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    The diagram shows the female reproductive system.


    After ejaculation, which pathway will the male gamete take to fuse with the egg?

    • Vagina →  cervix   → uterus  → oviduct

    • Ovary   →  oviduct → uterus  → cervix

    • Vagina →  uterus  → cervix   → oviduct

    • Ovary   →  uterus  → cervix  → vagina

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    The diagram below shows a flower.


    Which of these processes have taken place?

      pollination fertilisation
    A no no
    B no yes
    C yes yes
    D yes no

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      An experiment was set up with four test tubes as shown in the diagram below and placed in the dark.


      In which conditions would the seeds germinate first?

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        The diagram shows the menstrual cycle. This is a 28 day cycle.


        Which time range in the cycle is the woman most likely to get pregnant?

        • Days 1 - 4

        • Days 7 - 10

        • Days 13 - 16

        • Days 20 - 23

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        Germinating seeds were placed in different temperature and light conditions as shown in the table below.

        sample temperature / °C light
        1 20 absent
        2 20 present
        3 4 absent
        4 4 present

        A seedling was removed from each experiment after 7 days.

        Which seedling was from sample 2?


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