Inheritance, Genes & Cell Division (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Biology): Exam Questions

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Fig. 1 shows a white sweet pea flower and a red sweet pea flower.


Fig. 1

These colours in sweet pea are controlled by a single gene with two alleles.

Define the term allele.

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A homozygous sweet pea with white flowers was crossed with a homozygous sweet pea with red flowers. All of the offspring had red flowers.

State which allele of this gene is dominant.

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Two heterozygous sweet pea plants with red flowers were crossed as shown below.



Draw a Punnet square to show the genotypes that are produced in this cross.



State the phenotypic ratio produced in this cross.


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Fig. 1 shows a goat with white fur.


Fig. 1

Fur colour is inherited in goats.

  • The allele for white fur is represented by A.

  • The allele for black fur is represented by a.

  • Each goat is identified by the numbers 1 to 8 in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 shows a diagram of the inheritance of fur colour in a herd of goats.


Fig. 2

Use Fig. 2 to answer these questions.


State how many goats have white fur.



State the phenotype of goat 5.



Draw circles around two terms that can be used to describe the genotype of goat 6.

black                          dominant                          heterozygous

homozygous                            recessive                                white


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State the name of the type of variation shown by fur colour in these goats.

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A farmer identified two goats to breed together. 

  • The genotype of the male goat is Aa.

  • The genotype of the female goat is Aa.

Complete the genetic diagram and the phenotypic ratio for this cross.

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Describe the process a farmer could use to breed a herd of white goats.

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Explain why there is usually a 1:1 ratio of male babies born to female babies.

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Fig. 1 shows the overall process of gene expression. 


Fig. 1

State the names of processes P and Q in Fig. 1.

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Name the following items related to gene expression:


The molecule that leaves the nucleus carrying the genetic code.



The cell structure where protein synthesis takes place. 



The feature of a DNA molecule that determines the amino acid sequence.


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The following is a passage relating to mitosis with some missing words. 

Mitosis is a process of cell __________ in which two __________ daughter cells are produced. Because these cells all have two copies of each __________, they are known as __________ cells. 

Mitosis allows for __________ of damaged tissues as well as to provide more cells during periods of __________.

Complete the above sentences, using the words from the box below. You can use each word once, more than once or not at all.









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Fig. 1 shows some cells from the shoot tip of an onion, Allium cepa.


Fig. 1


State the evidence visible in Fig. 1 that identifies the cells of A. cepa as plant cells.



Cell A is dividing by mitosis.

State the role of mitosis in a shoot tip.


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In Fig. 1, the area labelled M is a mitochondrion.

Explain why mitochondria have an important role in dividing cells.

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Some cells in shoot tips become leaf cells and others become cells in the stem or in flowers.

Explain why it is important that only some of the genes in cell A are expressed in these cells.

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Haemophilia is a sex-linked blood disorder. The blood of people with haemophilia takes longer to clot.

Fig. 1 is a pedigree diagram showing the inheritance of haemophilia.


Fig. 1

  • The allele for normal clotting time is represented by XH.

  • The allele for haemophilia is represented by Xh.


State the genotypes of the people identified as P, Q and R in Fig. 1.



The couple S and T are expecting another child.

State the probability that the child will have haemophilia.



Describe what is meant by the term sex-linked characteristic.


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Fig. 1 shows a dwarf sunflower and a tall sunflower, Helianthus annuus.

The height of the dwarf sunflower is 0.45 m and the height of the tall sunflower is 4.5 m.


Fig. 1

Dwarf plants like the one in Fig. 1 have mutant alleles.

Define the term allele.

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Shoot growth in plants is controlled by auxins. An enzyme in shoot tips converts molecules of an amino acid into auxins as shown in Fig. 2.


Fig. 2

Explain how a mutation in DNA results in an abnormal enzyme which does not catalyse the reaction shown in Fig. 2.

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Two tall sunflower plants were crossed. 25 % of the offspring produced were dwarf.

Explain how it is possible for two tall parent plants to have this percentage of dwarf offspring.

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Fig. 3 shows how several strawberry plants can be formed from one parent plant.


Fig. 3


Explain the type of reproduction that produces plants by the method shown in Fig. 3.



Explain the disadvantages of the type of reproduction shown in Fig. 3.


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Organisms pass on their genetic information in their gametes.


State the name of the type of cell division that produces gametes.



State the name of the cell formed when the nuclei of two gametes join together.


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A rabbit that was homozygous for black fur was crossed with a rabbit that was homozygous for brown fur.

All of their offspring had black fur.

This is shown in Fig. 1.


Fig. 1


Define the term homozygous.



State the dominant allele for the rabbits' fur colour and give a reason for your answer.


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The F1 offspring all have the same phenotype as the male parent but their genotype is not the same as the male parent.

State how the phenotype of an organism is different to its genotype.

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A rabbit with brown fur is mated with one of the F1 rabbits with black fur.

Complete the genetic diagram to show the possible fur colours that could occur from this mating.

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New breeds of rabbits can be produced by selective breeding.

Describe the stages in the process of selective breeding.

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The Indian muntjac deer, Muntiacus muntjak, is recorded as the mammal with the lowest number of chromosomes.

Fig. 1 is an image of the chromosomes in the nucleus of a diploid cell of a female muntjac deer.


Fig 1

State the diploid number of chromosomes for the female muntjac deer.

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Fig. 2 is an image of the chromosomes in the nucleus of a diploid cell of a male muntjac deer.


Fig 2

Describe how the sex chromosomes of the male muntjac deer shown in Fig. 2 differ from those of the female shown in Fig. 1.

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Explain how meiosis can result in variation in a species.

Use the words chromosome and gametes in your answer.

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Another cause of variation is the formation of new alleles.

Describe how new alleles can be formed.

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Fig. 1 shows a cat with an inherited condition that means the cat has extra toes.


Fig. 1

The allele that causes this condition is dominant to the allele for the normal condition.

Fig. 2 shows the inheritance of this condition in a family of cats.


Fig. 2

Complete Table 1 by stating the genotypes of the numbered individuals.

Use B for the dominant allele and b for the recessive allele.

Table 1

number of individual in Fig. 2

genotype of individual









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The four o’clock plant, Mirabilis jalapa, can have flowers of three different colours as shown in Fig. 1.


Fig .1

A student crossed some red-flowered plants with some yellow-flowered plants (cross 1).

She collected the seeds and grew them. All of the plants that grew from these seeds had orange flowers.

Complete the genetic diagram to explain the result of cross 1.

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The student then carried out three further crosses as shown in Table 1.

Table 1


genotypes of offspring

cross 2

offspring of cross 1 × offspring of cross 1


cross 3

offspring of cross 1 × red-flowered plant


cross 4

offspring of cross 1 × yellow-flowered plant


Complete the table by writing in the genotypes of the offspring of crosses 2, 3 and 4, using the same symbols as in the genetic diagram in (a).

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Flower colour in M. jalapa is not an example of the inheritance of dominant and recessive alleles.

Explain how the results of the crosses show that these alleles for flower colour are not dominant or recessive. 

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Some people inherit colour blindness and cannot identify certain colours, even in bright light.

The gene responsible for colour vision is located on the X chromosome.

There are two alleles for this gene on the X chromosome:

  • XB – normal colour vision

  • Xb – colour blindness.


People that are heterozygous for colour blindness are called carriers.

State the genotype of a heterozygous female carrier.



There is no gene for colour vision on the male sex chromosome.

State the genotype of a colour-blind male.


Fig. 1 shows a pedigree diagram for colour blindness.


Fig. 1


Person 13 in Fig. 1 is male. His parents are person 7 and person 8.

Use the key to complete Fig. 1 by drawing the correct symbol for person 13.



Colour blindness is a sex-linked characteristic.

Explain why females 4 and 5 are carriers even though their mother is not a carrier.


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Fig. 1 shows the sequence of events that occur in sexual reproduction.


Fig 1


State the name of cell T in Fig. 1.



State the name of the process that takes place at S to form cell T in Fig. 1.



State where in the human body process S takes place.


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Some humans have the ability to roll their tongues and some cannot roll their tongues.

This characteristic is controlled by genes.

Fig. 2 shows two boys: boy A cannot roll his tongue and boy B can roll his tongue.


Fig. 2

The allele for tongue rolling (T) is dominant to the allele for non-tongue rolling (t).

Fig. 3 shows a family tree for this characteristic. Individual 1 and his partner are both heterozygous for tongue rolling.


Fig. 3


Complete Table 1 by inserting the genotypes of the numbered individuals in Fig. 3.

Table 1











Individual 2 in Fig. 3 is heterozygous for tongue rolling. He marries a woman who cannot roll her tongue.

State all of the possible genotypes of their children and predict the ratio of phenotypes for their children.

Possible offspring genotypes: .............................................

Ratio of phenotypes: ..............................................................


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Haemophilia is a sex-linked blood disorder in which blood takes a long time to clot.

Fig. 1 is a pedigree diagram showing the inheritance of haemophilia.

Pedigree chart showing inheritance of haemophilia. Male with haemophilia marked in black squares, males with normal clotting in white squares, females in circles.

Fig. 1

The normal allele is represented by XH and the mutant allele is represented by Xh.


State the genotypes of the people identified as P, Q and R in Fig. 1.



The couple S and T are expecting another child.

What is the probability that the child will have haemophilia?

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Define the term sex-linked characteristic.


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