Investigating the Need for Chlorophyll, Light & Carbon Dioxide (Cambridge (CIE) IGCSE Biology)

Revision Note

Lára Marie McIvor


Biology Lead

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Investigating the Need for Chlorophyll

  • Although plants make glucose in photosynthesis, leaves cannot be tested for its presence as the glucose is quickly used, converted into other substances and transported or stored as starch.

  • Starch is stored in chloroplasts where photosynthesis occurs so testing a leaf for starch is a reliable indicator of which parts of the leaf are photosynthesising.

  • Leaves can be tested for starch using the following procedure:

    • A leaf is dropped in boiling water to kill the cells and break down the cell membranes

    • The leaf is left for 5-10 minutes in hot ethanol in a boiling tube. This removes the chlorophyll so colour changes from iodine can be seen more clearly

    • The leaf is dipped in boiling water to soften it

    • The leaf is spread out on a white tile and covered with iodine solution

    • In a green leaf, the entire leaf will turn blue-black as photosynthesis is occurring in all areas of the leaf

    • This method can also be used to test whether chlorophyll is needed for photosynthesis by using a variegated leaf (one that is partially green and partially white)

    • The white areas of the leaf contain no chlorophyll and when the leaf is tested only the areas that contain chlorophyll stain blue-black

    • The areas that had no chlorophyll remain orange-brown as no photosynthesis is occurring here and so no starch is stored

Testing a variegated leaf for starch, IGCSE & GCSE Biology revision notes

Testing a variegated leaf for starch

  • Care must be taken when carrying out this practical as ethanol is extremely flammable, so at that stage of the experiment the Bunsen burner should be turned off.

  • The safest way to heat the ethanol is in an electric water bath rather than using a beaker over a Bunsen burner with an open flame

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Investigating the Need for Light

  • The same procedure as above can be used to investigate if light is needed for photosynthesis

  • Before starting the experiment the plant needs to be destarched by placing in a dark cupboard for 24 hours

  • This ensures that any starch already present in the leaves will be used up and will not affect the results of the experiment

  • Following destarching, a leaf of the plant can be partially covered with aluminium foil and the plant placed in sunlight for a day

  • The leaf can then be removed and tested for starch using iodine

  • The area of the leaf that was covered with aluminium foil will remain orange-brown as it did not receive any sunlight and could not photosynthesise, while the area exposed to sunlight will turn blue-black

  • This proves that light is necessary for photosynthesis and the production of starch

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Investigating the Need for Carbon Dioxide

  • Destarch two plants by placing in the dark for a prolonged period of time

  • Place one plant in a bell jar which contains a beaker of sodium hydroxide (which will absorb carbon dioxide from the surrounding air)

  • Place the other plant in a bell jar which contains a beaker of water (control experiment), which will not absorb carbon dioxide from the surrounding air

  • Place both plants in bright light for several hours

  • Test both plants for starch using iodine

  • The leaf from the plant placed near sodium hydroxide will remain orange-brown as it could not photosynthesise due to lack of carbon dioxide

  • The leaf from the plant placed near water should turn blue-black as it had all necessary requirements for photosynthesis


An example setup for an experiment to test whether carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis in plants.

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Lára Marie McIvor

Author: Lára Marie McIvor

Lára graduated from Oxford University in Biological Sciences and has now been a science tutor working in the UK for several years. Lára has a particular interest in the area of infectious disease and epidemiology, and enjoys creating original educational materials that develop confidence and facilitate learning.