Egocentric - GCSE Psychology Definition

Reviewed by: Claire Neeson


Last updated

What is Egocentric?

In GCSE Psychology egocentric is the inability to see/understand that other people may have a different viewpoint to that of one’s own. This lack of different perspective can be physical (e.g. I can see the cat from here so you must be able to see the cat too) or psychological (e.g. I want the cat to be my pet, why won’t you let me take the cat home with me?). Egocentrism does not allow for the idea that if someone has a different vantage point to you then they cannot necessarily see what you can see or that if someone does not share your ideas/feelings then they will not agree to what you want (e.g. taking their cat away from them).

Egocentrism is a feature of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. Piaget claimed that children aged 2-7 years old are egocentric, i.e. they  cannot ‘de-centre' (meaning that they cannot appreciate that not everyone will see/feel/think the same as they themselves see/feel/think).

Egocentric Revision Resources to Ace Your Exams

You can use the Save My Exams revision notes to revise reduction of egocentricity and further your understanding of Piaget’s stage theory & the development of intelligence.

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Claire Neeson

Reviewer: Claire Neeson

Expertise: Psychology Content Creator

Claire has been teaching for 34 years, in the UK and overseas. She has taught GCSE, A-level and IB Psychology which has been a lot of fun and extremely exhausting! Claire is now a freelance Psychology teacher and content creator, producing textbooks, revision notes and (hopefully) exciting and interactive teaching materials for use in the classroom and for exam prep. Her passion (apart from Psychology of course) is roller skating and when she is not working (or watching 'Coronation Street') she can be found busting some impressive moves on her local roller rink.

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