What are re-arranged formulae in GCSE maths?
A re-arranged formula refers to a formula where the subject of the formula has been changed, through rearranging algebraically.
A formula is a rule, definition or relationship between different quantities, written using letters (variables). A formula will include an equals sign.
For example, is a formula where
is the subject. We can make
subject by subtracting 2 from both sides, then dividing both sides by 5. This means the re-arranged formula is
The skill of rearranging formulae is particularly important in GCSE Maths as it allows you to manipulate formulae and equations to help solve them, or write them in a different form.
Re-arranged formulae revision resources to ace your exams
Save My Exams has a great range of resources to explore re-arranged formulae in more detail. Try exploring our rearranging formulas revision notes and answering our exam questions.
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