Dividend - GCSE Maths Definition
Reviewed by: Naomi C
Last updated
What is a dividend?
In GCSE Maths, the dividend is the number in a division calculation that you are dividing. For example, in the calculation , it is the 534 that is the dividend.

It’s not essential to know the formal name of ‘dividend’ for this number at GCSE level but it is crucial that you understand the relationship between the different numbers in a division calculation. You may hear your teacher refer to the ‘dividend’ or you may see it written down in a textbook, so it can be useful to know the term.
Dividend Revision Resources to Ace Your Exams
Division is covered in our revision notes on Number Operations from GCSE Maths. You can also have a go at our related exam questions and flashcards to test your understanding. Don’t forget to check out the past papers for more general exam revision.
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