Exoduster - GCSE History Definition
Reviewed by: Zoe Wade
Last updated
What was an Exoduster?
In GCSE History, an Exoduster was the name given to a group of black Americans who migrated to the West after 1861. The term 'Exoduster' comes from:
Exodus - A mass movement of people. There is a Bible story about the Exodus of Moses and the Israelites from Egypt
Dust - Represents the dry, dusty American West
The Exoduster Movement
The Exoduster Movement had many motivating factors including:
Racism in the Southern States of America
The lack of money is sharecropping
Black Americans being able to claim land under the Homestead Act
The promise of more rights and freedoms in the West
In 1873, Benjamin Singleton began to promote Kansas as a place to settle for black Americans. In 1879, 40,000 Exodusters moved to the state of Kansas. However, the Exodusters faced racism, poverty and hardship. This caused many Exodusters to leave Kansas by the 1880s.
Exoduster Revision Resources to Ace Your Exams
Explore our revision notes for Edexcel GCSE and AQA GCSE to see where the Exodusters fit into the revision notes for those specifications.
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