Time Series Graphs (Edexcel GCSE Statistics)

Revision Note

Time Series Graphs

What is a time series graph?

  • A time series graph is a type of line graph

    • A line graph plots data points, with successive points connected by lines

    • If time is plotted on the horizontal axis the line graph is called a time series graph

  • A time series graph shows how a quantity (continuous data) changes over time

    • e.g. how the outside temperature changes during a week

An example of a time series graph, for temperature change over the course of a week
An example of a time series graph
  • Measurements of the quantity are taken at particular times

    • Measurements should be taken at regular time intervals

  • These are then plotted as points and joined together with straight lines

    • The lines help us to identify patterns in the data

  • Time series graphs can show changes over short or long periods of time

    • e.g. changes to the temperature of two chemicals for the first few minutes after they've been mixed

    • or changes to the temperature of the earth over several years

How do I draw a time series graph?

  • The horizontal axis (x-axis) will be the time axis

  • The vertical axis (y-axis) will be the quantity being measured/recorded

  • Plot the data as a series of points

    • Plot the points carefully

    • The points should be able to be plotted along the horizontal axis at regular intervals

      • otherwise the graph could be misleading

  • Join one point to the next, in order, with straight lines

    • Use a ruler

  • You should join the points with dashed lines if

    • you don’t know the values in between the data points

      • e.g. if the data is the amount of money in a club’s bank account at the start of each month

    • the parts of the graph in between the points are meaningless

      • e.g. if the data points are the number of ice creams sold on each day of the week

      • the parts of the graph between Monday and Tuesday (for example) don’t mean anything

    • Dashed lines will usually be appropriate for the time series graphs seen on the exam

Worked Example

The following table records the number of visitors to Wayne’s World of Widgets for 2021, 2022 and the first two quarters of 2023:




























Draw a time series graph for this data on the following grid:

Blank grid for drawing time series graph

First mark the data points as crosses on the graph

Be sure to check the horizontal and vertical coordinates carefully

Grid with points for time series graph plotted

To complete the graph, connect the points with dashed lines from left to right

Use a ruler to make sure the lines are straight

Grid with completed time series graph

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Roger B

Author: Roger B

Roger's teaching experience stretches all the way back to 1992, and in that time he has taught students at all levels between Year 7 and university undergraduate. Having conducted and published postgraduate research into the mathematical theory behind quantum computing, he is more than confident in dealing with mathematics at any level the exam boards might throw at you.