Box Plots (Edexcel GCSE Statistics)

Revision Note

Box Plots

What is a box plot?

  • A box plot is a graph that clearly shows key statistics from a data set

    • It shows the median, quartiles, minimum and maximum values and outliers

    • It does not show any other individual data items

  • Box plots are also known as box-and-whisker diagrams

The key features of a box plot
The key features of a box plot
  • The middle 50% of the data will be represented by the 'box' section of the graph

    • and the lower and upper 25% of the data will be represented by each of the 'whiskers'

  • Any outliers are represented with a cross on the outside of the whiskers

    • If there is an outlier then the whisker will end at the value before the outlier

  • Only one axis is used when graphing a box plot

    • It is still important to make sure the axis

      • has a clear, even scale

      • and is labelled with units

  • If you are given a box plot

    • You can read off the five values

      • minimum value, lower quartile, median, upper quartile and maximum value

    • And then calculate other statistics

      • like the range

      • or the interquartile range (IQR)

When are box plots used?

  • Box plots are used when we are interested in splitting data up into quartiles

  • Often, data will contain extreme values

    • Consider the cost of a car

      • There are far more family cars than there are expensive sports cars

    • If you had 50 data values about the prices of cars

      • and 49 of them were family cars but 1 was a sports car

      • the sports car’s value would not 'fit in' with the rest of the data

  • Using quartiles and drawing a box plot allows us to split the data

    • We can see what is happening at the low, middle and high points

    • and consider any possible extreme values

How do I draw a box plot?

  • You need to know five values to draw a box plot

    • Lowest data value

      • or lowest value that is not an outlier

    • Lower quartile

    • Median

    • Upper quartile

    • Highest data value

      • or highest value that is not an outlier

  • Box plots are drawn accurately (usually on graph paper)

  • The five points are marked by short vertical lines

    • The middle three values then form a box with the median line inside

      • The median will not necessarily be in the middle of the box!

      • The box represents the interquartile range (middle 50% of the data)

    • The lowest data value and highest data value are joined to the box by horizontal lines

      • These are the 'whiskers'

      • They represent the lowest 25% of the data and the highest 25% of the data

    • Any outliers should be represented by crosses

      • These will be beyond the ends of the whiskers

How do I compare box plots?

  • Box plots are often used for comparing two sets of data

    • Both box plots will be drawn one above the other on the same scale on the x-axis

  • It is easy to see the main shape of the distribution of the data from a box plot

  • If you are asked to compare box plots aim for two pairs of comments

    • The first pair of comments should mention average - i.e. the median

      • The first comment should compare the value of the medians
        e.g. the median for non-club members (12) is greater than the median for club members (8)

      • The second comment should explain it in the context of the question
        e.g. the non-club members were, on average, 4 seconds slower than the club members

    • The second pair of comments should mention spread - i.e. the interquartile range (or range)

      • The first comment should compare the value of the IQRs
        e.g. the IQR for club members (6) is lower than the IQR for non-club members (9)

      • The second comment should explain it in the context of the question
        e.g. the club members' times were less spread out than the non-club members, the club members were more consistent

Exam Tip

  • A box plot is a graph, and like a graph should have

    • a title

    • a clear, even scale (labelled with units if there are any)

  • If drawing two box plots on the same axis

    • label each one clearly. 

Worked Example

The box plot below shows the number of goals scored per game by Albion Rovers during a football season.

Second Box Plot 0-10, IGCSE & GCSE Maths revision notes

The information below shows the number of goals score per game by Union Athletic during the same football season.

Median number of goals per game


Lower quartile


Upper quartile


Lowest number of goals per game


Highest number of goals per game


(a) Draw a box plot for the Union Athletic data.

Draw the box plot by first plotting all five points as vertical lines
Draw a box around the middle three and then draw whiskers out to the outer two

(b) Compare the number of goals scored per game by the two teams.

Your first comment should be about averages - do it in two sentences
Your first sentence should be just about the maths and numbers involved  
The second should be about what it means

The median number of goals per game is higher for Union Athletic (4 goals) than Albion Rovers (3 goals).
This means that on average, Union Athletic scored more goals per game than Albion Rovers.

Your second comment should be about spread - do it in two sentences
Your first sentence should be just about the maths and numbers involved  
The second should be about what it means

The interquartile range (IQR) is higher for Union Athletic (4) than Albion Rovers (3).
This means that Albion Rovers were more consistent regarding the number of goals they scored per game.

Remember a smaller range/IQR means more consistent which, depending on the situation, may be desirable

Worked Example

The incomplete box plot below shows the tail lengths in cm of some students’ pets.


(a) Given that the median tail length was 21 cm, complete the box plot.


(b) Find the range and interquartile range of the tail lengths.


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Roger B

Author: Roger B

Roger's teaching experience stretches all the way back to 1992, and in that time he has taught students at all levels between Year 7 and university undergraduate. Having conducted and published postgraduate research into the mathematical theory behind quantum computing, he is more than confident in dealing with mathematics at any level the exam boards might throw at you.