Other Types of Mean (Edexcel GCSE Statistics)

Revision Note

Roger B


Roger B



Weighted Mean

What is a weighted mean?

  • A weighted mean is used when different numbers or values have different weights

    • i.e. some of the values have more statistical ‘importance’ than others

  • To find the weighted mean from a list of values and weights

    • weighted space mean equals fraction numerator sum for blank of open parentheses value cross times weight close parentheses over denominator sum for blank of weights end fraction

      • sum for blank of open parentheses value cross times weight close parentheses means multiply each value by its weight and add all the products together

      • sum for blank of weights means add all the weights together

    • This formula is not on the exam formula sheet, so you need to remember it

  • An exam question may tell you what weights to use

    • e.g. three test papers where Paper 1 has a weight of 25, Paper 2 has a weight of 35, and Paper 3 has a weight of 40

  • But often the weights need to be determined from context

    • The weights could be the percentages of individuals to which different values apply

    • If you know the means for separate groups, the overall mean is a weighted average

      • In this case the numbers of individuals in each group are the weights 

    • See the Worked Example

Exam Tip

  • If the values and weights are given to you in a table

    • add an extra column for working out ‘value × weight’

  • You may need to consider the context of a question to decide whether a weighted average is necessary

Worked Example

(a)  Myfanwy sits three test papers.  Paper 1 has a weight of 25, Paper 2 has a weight of 35, and Paper 3 has a weight of 40.  She scores 64% on Paper 1, 60% on Paper 2, and 75% on Paper 3.  Work out Myfanwy’s final mark.

Use the weighted average formula weighted space mean equals fraction numerator sum for blank of open parentheses value cross times weight close parentheses over denominator sum for blank of weights end fraction

fraction numerator open parentheses 64 cross times 25 close parentheses plus open parentheses 60 cross times 35 close parentheses plus open parentheses 75 cross times 40 close parentheses over denominator 25 plus 35 plus 40 end fraction equals 6700 over 100 equals 67


(b)  50% of the workers in a company earn £460 per week.  35% of the workers earn £600 per week, and the other 15% earn £820 per week.  Work out the mean weekly earnings for workers in the company.

Although the question doesn’t say it specifically, this is a weighted average question

Because different numbers of workers earn each wage, you can’t just find the mean of 460, 600 and 820

Use the weighted average formula weighted space mean equals fraction numerator sum for blank of open parentheses value cross times weight close parentheses over denominator sum for blank of weights end fraction, with the percentages as the weights

fraction numerator open parentheses 460 cross times 50 close parentheses plus open parentheses 600 cross times 35 close parentheses plus open parentheses 820 cross times 15 close parentheses over denominator 50 plus 35 plus 15 end fraction equals 56300 over 100 equals 563

Note you could also work this out by using the decimal versions of the percentages:

open parentheses 460 cross times 0.5 close parentheses plus open parentheses 600 cross times 0.35 close parentheses plus open parentheses 820 cross times 0.15 close parentheses equals 563


(c)  Three Year 11 classes took a maths test.  Class 1 has 28 students, and their mean score was 64%.  Class 2 has 25 students, and their mean score was 68%.  Class 3 has 27 students, and their mean score was 65%.  Work out the mean score for the three classes combined, giving your answer as a percentage correct to one decimal place.

This is also a weighted average question

Because the classes have different numbers of students, you can’t just find the mean of 64, 68 and 65

Use the weighted average formula weighted space mean equals fraction numerator sum for blank of open parentheses value cross times weight close parentheses over denominator sum for blank of weights end fraction, with the mean scores as the values and the numbers of students as the weights

fraction numerator open parentheses 64 cross times 28 close parentheses plus open parentheses 68 cross times 25 close parentheses plus open parentheses 65 cross times 27 close parentheses over denominator 28 plus 25 plus 27 end fraction equals 5247 over 80 equals 65.5875

65.6% (1 d.p.)

Geometric Mean

What is the geometric mean?

  • For a set of n values, the geometric mean is found by the formula

    • geometric space mean equals n-th root of value subscript 1 cross times value subscript 2 cross times... cross times value subscript n end root

      • Multiply the values together

      • And take the nth root (root index ▯ of ▯ on your calculator)

      • (square root for two numbers, cube root for three numbers, etc.)

    • e.g. the geometric mean of 2, 9 and 12 is

      • cube root of 2 cross times 9 cross times 12 end root equals cube root of 216 equals 6

  • An exam question will say when a geometric mean should be calculated

    • But the formula is not on the exam formula sheet, so you need to remember it

  • The geometric mean gives a better ‘average’ for numbers that are going to be multiplied

    • For example, in questions involving percentage changes

    • The geometric mean of the percentage change multipliers should be found

      • Not of the percentages on their own

      • e.g. use 1.02 for an increase of 2%

      • or 0.98 for a decrease of 2%

    • The geometric mean gives the average percentage change that would have the same combined result

    • See the Worked Example

Exam Tip

  • Don’t calculate a geometric mean unless a question specifically asks you to

  • Make sure you remember the formula – it’s not on the exam formula sheet

Worked Example

A company’s profits increase by 1% in year 1, 7% in year 2,  3% in year 3, and 12% in year 4.

Calculate the geometric mean of these four percentage increases.  Give your answer as a percentage, correct to 2 decimal places.

Use the geometric mean formula geometric space mean equals n-th root of value subscript 1 cross times value subscript 2 cross times... cross times value subscript n end root with n =4

Remember that for the geometric mean of percentage changes we need to use the percentage change multipliers

1% increase means multiply by 1.01

7% increase means multiply by 1.07

3% increase means multiply by 1.03

12% increase means multiply by 1.12

fourth root of 1.01 cross times 1.07 cross times 1.03 cross times 1.12 end root equals 1.056671...

That multiplier corresponds to a percentage increase of 5.6671…%

Note that 1.01 cross times 1.07 cross times 1.03 cross times 1.12 equals 1.246695...

And 1.056671... cross times 1.056671... cross times 1.056671... cross times 1.056671... equals 1.246695...

So a 5.6671…% increase for four years in a row has the same result as the four individual percentage increases

Round answer to 2 decimal places

5.67% (2 d.p.)

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Roger B

Author: Roger B

Roger's teaching experience stretches all the way back to 1992, and in that time he has taught students at all levels between Year 7 and university undergraduate. Having conducted and published postgraduate research into the mathematical theory behind quantum computing, he is more than confident in dealing with mathematics at any level the exam boards might throw at you.