Probability Formulae (Edexcel GCSE Statistics)

Revision Note

Addition Law & Mutually Exclusive Events

What are mutually exclusive events?

  • Two events are mutually exclusive if they cannot both occur at the same time

    • e.g. 'get an even number' and 'get an odd number' are mutually exclusive when rolling a dice

    • 'get an even number' and 'get a multiple of 3' are not mutually exclusive

      • 6 is both an even number and a multiple of 3

  • If two events are mutually exclusive you can add their probabilities to find the probability of one or the other happening

    • If events A and B are mutually exclusive,

      • then straight P open parentheses A space or space B close parentheses equals straight P left parenthesis A right parenthesis plus straight P open parentheses B close parentheses

    • This is known as the addition law for two mutually exclusive events

      • But it is often referred to as the 'or' rule

What are exhaustive events?

  • A set of events is called exhaustive if all possible outcomes are included in the set

    • e.g. 'heads' and 'tails' is an exhaustive set for flipping a coin

    • 'get an even number' and 'get an odd number' is an exhaustive set for rolling a 6-sided dice

      • but so is 'get a 1', 'get a 2', etc., up to 'get a 6'

  • For an exhaustive set of mutually exclusive events, the sum of all probabilities is equal to 1

    • e.g. straight P open parentheses heads close parentheses plus straight P open parentheses tails close parentheses equals 1 for flipping a coin

    • straight P open parentheses even close parentheses plus straight P open parentheses odd close parentheses equals 1 for rolling a 6-sided dice

      • or straight P open parentheses 1 close parentheses plus straight P open parentheses 2 close parentheses plus straight P open parentheses 3 close parentheses plus straight P open parentheses 4 close parentheses plus straight P open parentheses 5 close parentheses plus straight P open parentheses 6 close parentheses equals 1

  • This 'sums to 1' property can be used to find unknown probabilities

  • In particular 'event A happens' and 'event A does not happen' are mutually exclusive and exhaustive

    • So straight P open parentheses A close parentheses plus straight P open parentheses not space A close parentheses equals 1

    • and straight P open parentheses not space A close parentheses equals 1 minus straight P open parentheses A close parentheses

      • i.e., you can find the probability of A not happening by subtracting the probability of it happening from 1

What is the general addition law?

  • If two events are not mutually exclusive, then you cannot use the 'or' rule to add probabilities

  • Instead you can use the general addition law formula

    • straight P open parentheses A space or space B close parentheses equals straight P open parentheses A close parentheses plus straight P open parentheses B close parentheses minus straight P open parentheses A space and space B close parentheses

      • i.e. the probability that A or B (or both) occur is equal to

        • the sum of the probabilities for A and B

        • minus the probability that A and B both occur

    • This law is always true for any two events A and B

  • The formula can be used to find any one probability if you know the other three

    • Substitute in the values you know, and solve for the one you want to know

    • e.g. if straight P open parentheses A close parentheses equals 0.2, straight P open parentheses A space or space B close parentheses equals 0.7 and straight P open parentheses A space and space B close parentheses equals 0.1

      • 0.7 equals 0.2 plus straight P open parentheses B close parentheses minus 0.1

      • 0.7 minus 0.2 plus 0.1 equals straight P open parentheses B close parentheses

      • straight P open parentheses B close parentheses equals 0.6

Examiner Tip

  • Make sure that events are mutually exclusive before using the 'or' rule to add probabilities

  • And make sure that events are exhaustive and mutually exclusive before using the 'sums to 1' rule

    • e.g. in a sport where 'win', 'lose' and 'draw' are all options, straight P open parentheses lose close parentheses is not equal to 1 minus straight P open parentheses win close parentheses

      • because 'win' and 'lose' are not exhaustive

Worked Example

Emilia is using a spinner with blue, yellow, green, red and purple sectors. The probabilities for the different possibilities are given in a table.













The spinner has an equal chance of landing on blue or red.

(a) Complete the probability table.

The possibilities listed in the table are mutually exclusive and exhaustive
So all the probabilities should add up to 1

1 - 0.2 - 0.1 - 0.4 = 0.3

So the probability that it lands on blue or red is 0.3
As the probabilities of blue and red are equal you can halve this to get each probability

0.3 ÷ 2 = 0.15

Now complete the table.













(b) Find the probability that the spinner lands on green or purple.

As the spinner can not land on green and purple at the same time they are mutually exclusive
This means you can add their probabilities together.

0.1 + 0.4 = 0.5

P(Green or Purple) = 0.5

(c) Find the probability that the spinner does not land on yellow.

The probability of not landing on yellow is equal to 1 minus the probability of landing on yellow

1 - 0.2 = 0.8

P(Not Yellow) = 0.8

Independent Events

What are independent events?

  • Two events are independent if one event occurring (or not occurring) does not affect the probability of the other event occurring (or not occurring)

    • It is not always obvious whether two events are independent or not!

  • If two events are independent you can multiply their probabilities to find the probability of both events occurring

    • If events A and B are independent,

      • then straight P open parentheses A space and space B close parentheses equals straight P left parenthesis A right parenthesis cross times straight P open parentheses B close parentheses

    • This is known as the multiplication law for independent events

      • But it is often referred to as the 'and' rule

  • The 'and' rule can be extended to more than two events

    • e.g. if events A, B and C are independent,

      • then straight P open parentheses A space and space B space and space C close parentheses equals straight P left parenthesis A right parenthesis cross times straight P open parentheses B close parentheses cross times straight P open parentheses C close parentheses

  • The 'and rule can be used to test whether two events are independent

    • If straight P open parentheses A space and space B close parentheses equals straight P left parenthesis A right parenthesis cross times straight P open parentheses B close parentheses is true, then A and B are independent

    • If straight P open parentheses A space and space B close parentheses equals straight P left parenthesis A right parenthesis cross times straight P open parentheses B close parentheses is not true, then A and B are not independent

  • Note that if A and B are mutually exclusive, then straight P open parentheses A space and space B close parentheses equals 0

    • So A and B cannot also be independent (unless straight P open parentheses A close parentheses equals 0 or straight P open parentheses B close parentheses equals 0)

  • If events A and B are independent, then it is also true that

    • straight P open parentheses A vertical line B close parentheses equals straight P open parentheses A close parentheses and straight P open parentheses B vertical line A close parentheses equals straight P open parentheses B close parentheses

      • See the spec point on 'Conditional Probability'

Examiner Tip

  • Remember that the 'and' rule can be used in both directions

    • If you know events are independent you can use it to calculate probabilities

    • You can use it to test whether or not events are independent

Worked Example

(a) The probability that Brendan goes canoeing on a given weekend is 0.3. The probability that he is late for work on a Wednesday is 0.1. Given that those two events are independent, find the probability that Brendan goes canoeing this weekend and is late for work on Wednesday.

Because the events are independent, we can multiply the probabilities

0.3 cross times 0.1 equals 0.03


(b) There are 52 cards in a normal deck of playing cards, with 13 belonging to each suit (diamonds, hearts, clubs, spades). There are also 4 aces in the deck, with one ace belonging to each suit.

A card is drawn from the deck at random.

Determine whether the events 'draw an ace' and 'draw a spade' are independent.

First we need to work out the individual probabilities

straight P open parentheses ace close parentheses equals 4 over 52 equals 1 over 13

straight P open parentheses spade close parentheses equals 13 over 52 equals 1 fourth

The event 'draw an ace and draw a spade' is the same as 'draw the ace of spades'
And there is only one ace of spades in the deck

straight P open parentheses ace space and space spade close parentheses equals 1 over 52

Now we can multiply those together to see if they satisfy the 'and' rule

straight P open parentheses ace close parentheses cross times straight P open parentheses spade close parentheses equals 1 over 13 cross times 1 fourth equals 1 over 52

That is equal to straight P open parentheses ace space and space spade close parentheses so the events are independent

straight P open parentheses ace space and space spade close parentheses equals straight P open parentheses ace close parentheses cross times straight P open parentheses spade close parentheses, so the two events are independent

Conditional Probability

What are conditional events?

  • Two events are conditional if one event occurring (or not occurring) affects the probability of the other event occurring (or not occurring)

    • If two events are conditional then they are not independent

  • For example 'it is raining today' and 'I see a person with an umbrella on my way to school' are conditional events

    • If it is raining than you are more likely to see a person with an umbrella

    • If you don't see any people with umbrellas then it is less likely that it is raining

  • straight P left parenthesis B vertical line A right parenthesis is the notation for the conditional probability of B given A

    • This means the probability that event B occurs given that event A has occurred

      • i.e. this is the probability for B if you know that A has happened

      • It may or may not be the same as straight P open parentheses B close parentheses

  • Conditional probabilities are often calculated using Venn diagrams, two-way tables or tree diagrams

    • See the 'Probability Diagrams' revision note

What is the formula for conditional probability?

  • The formula for conditional probability is

    • straight P open parentheses B vertical line A close parentheses equals fraction numerator straight P open parentheses A space and space B close parentheses over denominator straight P open parentheses A close parentheses end fraction

      • i.e. the probability that B occurs given that A has occurred

      • is equal to the probability that A and B both occur

      • divided by the probability that A occurs

  • It is sometimes useful to rearrange this formula into the following form

    • straight P open parentheses straight A space and space straight B close parentheses equals straight P open parentheses B vertical line A close parentheses cross times straight P open parentheses straight A close parentheses

What about conditional probability and independent events?

  • If events A and B are independent, then

    • straight P open parentheses A vertical line B close parentheses equals straight P open parentheses A close parentheses and straight P open parentheses B vertical line A close parentheses equals straight P open parentheses B close parentheses

  • This makes sense from the definition of independent events

    • One independent event occurring (or not) does not affect the probability of the other one occurring (or not)

    • The probability of A occurring is always the same whether or not B has occurred

      • so the probability of A given B is just straight P open parentheses A close parentheses

    • The probability of B occurring is always the same whether or not A has occurred

      • so the probability of B given A is just straight P open parentheses B close parentheses

  • These equations can be used to test whether or not two events are independent

    • If straight P open parentheses A vertical line B close parentheses equals straight P open parentheses A close parentheses and straight P open parentheses B vertical line A close parentheses equals straight P open parentheses B close parentheses are both true, then A and B are independent

    • If straight P open parentheses A vertical line B close parentheses equals straight P open parentheses A close parentheses and straight P open parentheses B vertical line A close parentheses equals straight P open parentheses B close parentheses are not both true, then A and B are not independent

Examiner Tip

  • The conditional probability formulae are not on the exam formulae sheet

    • so you need to remember them

Worked Example

In a sports club, 15% of all members are people over 40 who play croquet.

Two fifths of the members of the club play croquet.

(a) A member of the club who plays croquet is selected at random. What is the probability that the member is over 40?

Start by writing this information as probabilities

Two fifths of the members play croquet

straight P open parentheses C close parentheses equals 2 over 5 equals 0.4

15% 'play croquet and are over 40'

straight P open parentheses C space and space over space 40 close parentheses equals 0.15

We want to know the probability that a member is over 40 given that they play croquet
Use straight P open parentheses B vertical line A close parentheses equals fraction numerator straight P open parentheses A space and space B close parentheses over denominator straight P open parentheses A close parentheses end fraction

straight P open parentheses over space 40 vertical line C close parentheses equals fraction numerator straight P open parentheses C space and space over space 40 close parentheses over denominator straight P open parentheses C close parentheses end fraction equals fraction numerator 0.15 over denominator 0.4 end fraction equals 0.375


The probability that a randomly selected member who is over 40 also plays croquet is 1 third.

(b) Explain why 'a member is over 40' and 'a member plays croquet' are not independent events.

Write down the new information as a conditional probability

straight P open parentheses C vertical line over space 40 close parentheses equals 1 third equals 0.333...

If two events are independent then straight P open parentheses A vertical line B close parentheses equals straight P open parentheses A close parentheses
straight P open parentheses C vertical line over space 40 close parentheses is not equal to straight P open parentheses C close parentheses, so the events are not independent

straight P open parentheses C close parentheses is not equal to straight P open parentheses C vertical line over space 40 close parentheses. Therefore 'a member is over 40' and 'a member plays croquet' are not independent events

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Roger B

Author: Roger B

Expertise: Maths

Roger's teaching experience stretches all the way back to 1992, and in that time he has taught students at all levels between Year 7 and university undergraduate. Having conducted and published postgraduate research into the mathematical theory behind quantum computing, he is more than confident in dealing with mathematics at any level the exam boards might throw at you.