Probabilities & Data (Edexcel GCSE Statistics)

Revision Note

The Probability Scale & Basic Probabilities

What is the probability scale?

  • Probability describes the likelihood of something happening

    • In real-life you might use words such as impossible, unlikely and certain

    • In maths we use the probability scale to describe probability

  • On the probability scale likelihood is measured by a number between 0 and 1

    • 0 means impossible (i.e. it will never happen)

      • a pig will grow wings and fly

    • Between 0 and 0.5 means unlikely

      • getting a '6' when you roll a fair 6-sided dice

      • getting a '6' when you choose a number between one and a million at random can be described as very unlikely

    • 0.5 means even chance (i.e. it happens 50% of the time)

      • getting 'heads' when you flip a fair coin

    • Between 0.5 and 1 means likely

      • a spinner that is three quarters green landing on green

      • not getting a '6' when you choose a number between one and a million at random can be described as very likely

    • 1 means certain (i.e. it will always happen)

      • the sun will rise tomorrow morning

  • Probabilities can be given as fractions, decimals or percentages

The probability scale goes from 0 to 1

How do I calculate basic probabilities?

  • An outcome is a single possible result of a trial

    • For example:

      • a dice lands on 6

      • a dice lands on 5

  • If all possible outcomes are equally likely then the probability for each outcome is the same

    • The probability for each outcome is fraction numerator 1 over denominator Total space number space of space possible space outcomes end fraction

    • If there are 50 marbles in a bag then the probability of selecting a specific one is 1 over 50

  • An event is an outcome or a collection of outcomes

    • For example:

      • a dice lands on a six (one outcome)

      • a dice lands on an even number (a collection of outcomes)

    • Events can be referred to by capital letters

      • e.g. event A might be 'a dice lands on an odd number'

      • The probability of event A occurring can be written as P(A)

  • If all possible outcomes are equally likely then the probability of an event can be calculated by dividing the number of 'successful' outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes

    • Probability space of space an space event equals fraction numerator number space of space successful space outcomes over denominator total space number space of space possible space outcomes end fraction 

    • A 'successful' outcome is an outcome belonging to the event

      • e.g. for the event 'a dice lands on an even number'

      • '2', '4' and '6' are all successful outcomes

    • If there are 50 marbles in a bag and 20 are blue, then the probability of selecting a blue marble is 20 over 50

      • The probability of selecting a particular blue marble is still 1 over 50

  • A probability worked out this way is sometimes known as a theoretical probability

  • The word 'fair' is used to indicate equally likely outcomes

    • e.g. for tossing a fair coin, heads and tails are equally likely

    • or for rolling a fair dice, each number on the dice is equally likely

Exam Tip

  • If you are not told in the question how to leave your answer, then fractions are best for probabilities

Worked Example

Mark the following on a probability scale:

A: All of your numbers will come up on a lottery draw
B: A randomly chosen day of the year falls on a weekend
C: A randomly selected UK adult owns a mobile phone

'A' is extremely unlikely, so mark that event on the scale close to zero

'B' is unlikely (most days are weekdays), but not as unlikely as 'A'
So mark that event closer to 0.5 than 'A'

'C' is very likely (most UK adults own mobile phones). so mark that event on the scale close to one

Events A, B and C marked on a probability scale

Worked Example

Jovan is rolling a fair 12-sided dice, on which the faces are labelled with the numbers between 1 and 12.

Find the probability that the dice:

(a) lands on a '7'

The dice is fair, so each outcome is equally likely
There are 12 possible outcomes, and only 1 of them is a '7'

1 over 12

(b) lands on an odd number

There are 6 odd numbers between 1 and 12: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
There are 12 possible outcomes

6 over 12 equals 1 half

1 half

The question didn't say you had to simplify the answer
So 6 over 12 would also get the marks here

(c) lands on a prime number.

There are 5 prime numbers between 1 and 12: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11
(Remember that 1 is not prime)
There are 12 possible outcomes

5 over 12

Expected Frequency

What is expected frequency?

  • Expected frequency refers to the number of times you would expect a particular event to occur 

  • It is found by multiplying the probability of the event by the number of trials

    • Expected space frequency space of space event space A italic equals straight P stretchy left parenthesis A stretchy right parenthesis cross times number space of space trials

      • e.g. if you flip a fair coin 100 times

      • you would expect 0.5 × 100 = 50 heads

Exam Tip

  • Exam questions will not necessarily use the phrase "expected frequency", but might ask how many you "would expect".

Worked Example

There are 6 blue, 4 red and 5 yellow counters in a bag.

One counter is drawn at random and its colour noted.

The counter is then returned to the bag.

(a) Find the probability that a counter drawn from the bag is yellow.

There are 5 yellow counters out of a total of 6 + 4 + 5 = 15 counters in the bag

straight P open parentheses Yellow close parentheses equals 5 over 15 equals 1 third

bold 1 over bold 3

5 over 15 would also get the marks here

(b) How many times would you expect a yellow counter to be drawn, if this experiment is repeated 300 times?

'Expect' tells us this is an expected frequency question
So multiply the number of trials (300) by the probability from part (a)

1 third cross times 300 equals 100

I would expect a yellow counter to be drawn 100 times

Estimating Probabilities from Data

How can I estimate probabilities from data?

  • In the real world it can be difficult or impossible to find out the exact probability of an event occurring

    • By conducting an appropriate experiment we can estimate the probability

      • e.g. to estimate the probability of a chicken egg having two yolks

      • we can collect a sample of chicken eggs and see how many have two yolks

  • Each repeat of an experiment is called a trial

    • e.g. each chicken egg tested would count as one trial

      • if a particular egg has two yolks that would be a successful outcome

  • To find the estimated probability, divide the number of successful outcomes by the total number trials

    • Estimated space probability space equals fraction numerator space number space of space successful space outcomes over denominator total space number space of space trials end fraction

  • A probability estimated in this way is known as an experimental probability or relative frequency

How does the number of trials affect an estimated probability?

  • Using a larger number of trials will increase the reliability of an estimated probability

    • e.g. using a larger sample of eggs to check for double yolks

    • or rolling a dice a larger number of times to estimate the true probability of getting a 6

  • In general

    • the experimental probability will tend towards the true probability

    • as the number of trials is increased

  • For example, it is unlikely that you will get exactly 5 heads if you flip a fair coin 10 times

    • But the more and more times you flip it

    • the closer to 50% the total number of heads will tend to become

How can I make predictions using estimated probabilities?

  • You can use an estimated probability to calculate an expected frequency

    • e.g. if you flip a biased coin 40 times and get 10 heads, how many heads would you expect when flipping 100 times?

      • The estimated probability is 10 over 40 = 0.25 from the first 40 flips

      • 0.25 × 100 = 25, so you would expect to get heads 25 times from 100 throws

  • It is possible that you will be asked to make predictions based on a relative frequency diagram

    • This is a type of bar chart that has relative frequencies instead of frequencies on the vertical axis

    • See the Worked Example

Exam Tip

  • If you are asked to choose the best estimate

    • choose the one based on the most trials

Worked Example

There is a large but unknown number of different coloured buttons in a bag.

Johann selects a button at random, notes its colour and replaces the button in the bag.

(a) Johann repeats this 30 times, and records his results in the following table













Use Johann’s results to estimate the probability that a button drawn at random from the bag is red.

Taking ‘red’ to be a 'successful outcome', Johann had 9 successes out of a total of 30 trials

estimated space probability equals 9 over 30 equals 3 over 10

bold 3 over bold 10

9 over 30 would also get the marks here

Johann repeats his experiment a large number of times and calculates the experimental probabilities for all the different coloured buttons that he draws from the bag.

He presents this data on the following relative frequency diagram:

A relative frequency diagram showing Johann's experimental probabilities

(b) Use the diagram to find the expected number of times that Johann would get a green button if he repeated his experiment another 50 times.

The estimated probabilities from Johann's experiment can be read off the diagram
The estimated probability for green is 14%, which is the same as a probability of 0.14
Multiply that by the number of trials (50) to get the expected frequency

0.14 cross times 50 equals 7

7 times

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Roger B

Author: Roger B

Roger's teaching experience stretches all the way back to 1992, and in that time he has taught students at all levels between Year 7 and university undergraduate. Having conducted and published postgraduate research into the mathematical theory behind quantum computing, he is more than confident in dealing with mathematics at any level the exam boards might throw at you.