Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient (Edexcel GCSE Statistics)

Revision Note

Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient

What is Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient?

  • Spearman's rank correlation coefficient measures the strength of the correlation between two data sets

    • i.e., to what extent does one always go up when the other one goes up (or always go down when the other one goes up)

    • It is not always easy to see this clearly on a scatter diagram

  • The notation for the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient of a sample is  straight r subscript straight S

  • Spearman's rank correlation coefficient is always a number between -1 and 1

    • i.e.   negative 1 less or equal than straight r subscript straight S less or equal than 1

  • The value of straight r subscript straight S tells you about the type and strength of any correlation

    • A positive value (straight r subscript straight S greater than 0) means there is positive correlation between the data sets

      • An straight r subscript straight S value close to 1 means strong positive correlation

    • If straight r subscript straight S is zero (straight r subscript straight S equals 0), then there is no correlation

    • A negative value (straight r subscript straight S less than 0) means there is negative correlation between the data sets

      • An straight r subscript straight S value close to -1 means strong negative correlation

    • In general, the closer to 1 or -1 that straight r subscript straight S is, the stronger the correlation between the data sets

  • For example, if straight r subscript straight S is calculated for the rankings of competitors given by two judges in a competition, then

    • straight r subscript straight S equals 1 would mean there was perfect agreement between the two judges' rankings

    • straight r subscript straight S equals negative 1 would mean the rankings were in completely opposite orders

    • straight r subscript straight S equals 0 would mean there was no agreement in the ranks given (but also not consistent disagreement)

  • Spearman's rank correlation coefficient does not tell you anything about whether or not the data points lie along a straight line

    • It only tells you how true it is that one always tends to go up (or down) when the other one goes up

Worked Example

Regina has been watching the judging at a 'best jam' competition at a village fête.

Two judges ranked the 10 different jams that were submitted for the competition.

Regina calculated the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient for the ranks given by the judges.

She got a value of negative 0.8.

(a) What type of correlation is shown by the value negative 0.8? Select one of the three options below:

Negative correlation        No correlation        Positive correlation

The value is negative, which means negative correlation

Negative correlation

(b) Interpret Regina’s value.

The value is close to -1, which indicates strong negative correlation
This means there was quite a lot of disagreement between the judges' rankings

-0.8 is close to -1, so there is a strong amount of disagreement between the judges' rankings. One tended to like the jams that the other one didn't like, and vice versa.

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Roger B

Author: Roger B

Roger's teaching experience stretches all the way back to 1992, and in that time he has taught students at all levels between Year 7 and university undergraduate. Having conducted and published postgraduate research into the mathematical theory behind quantum computing, he is more than confident in dealing with mathematics at any level the exam boards might throw at you.