Defence Against Disease (Edexcel GCSE Combined Science: Biology): Exam Questions

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Figure 1 shows human blood seen using a light microscope.


Figure 1

(i) The organelle labelled X controls the activities of the white blood cell.

What is the name of organelle X?


A mitochondrion

B ribosome

C chromosome

D nucleus 

(ii) Use wor(ii) Use words from the box to complete the sentences.


  gas                 haemoglobin       hormone

        liquid                 platelet                    solid

Red blood cells contain the substance .......................................

Blood plasma is a ......................................

(iii) Describe two ways that white blood cells protect the body from disease.


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Figure 2 shows a white blood cell on a 100 μm scale.


Figure 2

State the width of the white blood cell.

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Figure 1 shows human blood seen using a light microscope.

Explain why using an electron microscope shows the structures in the white blood cells more clearly.

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Figure 1 shows the response of a lymphocyte to the presence of a pathogen.


Figure 1

Identify structures A and B in Figure 1.

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Describe the events that occur after structure A binds to structure B.

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Use the information in Figure 1 to explain why structure A will only bind to structure B on the pathogen.

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During the response to the presence of the pathogen, the lymphocytes will also form cells that will protect the body against future infections by the same type of pathogen.

State the name of these cells.

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The skin is considered a crucial physical barrier in the human immune system.

Provide one specific way in which the skin prevents pathogen entry.

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The image in Figure 1 shows the specialised ciliated cells and goblet cells which line the trachea and bronchi of the airways.


Figure 1

Explain how these cells help to protect an individual from harmful pathogens.

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Figure 1 shows the antibody concentrations in a mouse after the first and second injections of the same antigens.


Compare the antibody response after the first injection with the antibody response after the second injection.

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Describe the role played by phagocytes in the body's defences against pathogens.

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Most cases of scarlet fever occur in children.

Adults have usually developed immunity to a toxin that the Streptococcus bacteria produce during infection.

Explain how an adult develops immunity to the toxin.

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46 marks

Describe how the physical barriers and chemical defences of the human body provide protection from diseases.

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Chickenpox is a contagious childhood disease. It is caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV) and is characterised by the development of an itchy rash as seen in Figure 1.


Figure 1

Children are advised to avoid scratching the area as much as possible to prevent breaking the skin and forming lesions. This is important as lesions in the skin can lead to the development of secondary skin infections.

(i) Explain how lesions in the skin could lead to the development of secondary skin infections in children.


Cellulitis is an example of a secondary infection of the skin which results in swelling, redness and pain of the tissues in the deeper layers of skin. It can be treated by the use of antibiotics.

(ii) Explain why antibiotics can be used to treat cellulitis caused as a result of chickenpox, but would not be effective in treating the varicella itself.


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Chickenpox is a childhood illness which usually individuals would experience just once in a lifetime.

Explain why this is.

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Describe two features of the human respiratory system that help to defend the body against diseases, and explain how they carry out their function.

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Hypochlorhydria is a condition where the stomach acid is above pH 3.

Suggest why people who suffer from hypochlorhydria may be more likely to develop bacterial infections in the small intestine.

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(i) Consuming food contaminated with bacteria can lead to cases of food poisoning. State and explain two things you should do while preparing food to reduce the risk of food poisoning. 


(ii) The graph in Figure 1 shows the sources of food poisoning cases in the UK from 2010-2014. 


Figure 1

One student concluded that avoiding consuming animal food products would prevent cases of food poisoning. This would include meat, seafood, dairy and eggs.

Using information from the graph in Figure 1, and your own knowledge, evaluate this conclusion.


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Typhoid is a communicable disease caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi.

(i) Bacteria are a type of pathogen.

Name one other type of pathogen.


(ii) Typhoid is spread through contaminated water and food.

Suggest why typhoid is more prevalent in developing countries.


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The graph in Figure 1 shows the number of cases of typhoid and monthly rainfall in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It is estimated that there are around 4 million people living in deprived urban areas in Dhaka.

(i) Suggest an explanation for the pattern shown in the graph in Figure 1.


Figure 1


(ii) In the UK, typhoid vaccination is offered to people travelling to parts of the world where the condition is common. 

Explain why tourists in Bangladesh who have been vaccinated would not develop typhoid even if they become infected with the typhoid pathogen by drinking contaminated water.


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Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks and destroys white blood cells.

(i) Explain why HIV cannot be treated with antibiotics.


(ii)HIV can develop into AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). This can happen when the white blood cell count drops below a certain number. CD4 is a protein found on the surface of some types of white blood cells.

  Figure 1 shows how the CD4 count in a blood sample for HIV positive individuals compares to HIV negative individuals.


Figure 1

Suggest and explain why HIV positive individuals are more prone to develop AIDS and may risk dying from secondary infections. You should include information about the immune response in your answer. Use data from Figure 1 and your own knowledge in your answer. (5)

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A scientist analysed the data in Figure 1 and concluded that “All HIV patients will develop AIDS”.

Suggest two reasons this conclusion may not be correct.

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Viruses can undergo genetic mutations which cause proteins on their surface to change.

Explain why a person who has previously been vaccinated against a virus may become infected in the future.

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