State the meaning of the term stem cell.
Name two sources of stem cells in a human.
Describe how stem cells can be used in medicine. Include an example in your answer.
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State the meaning of the term stem cell.
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Name two sources of stem cells in a human.
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Describe how stem cells can be used in medicine. Include an example in your answer.
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Below is a list of statements regarding the use of stem cells from plants.
A - Clones can be produced quickly
B - Populations of species under threat can be cultivated
C - There will be low genetic diversity in the cloned plants
D - Crops with resistance to pests can be cloned
Advantages Disadvantages
Write the letter of each statement in the correct column of the table to show whether it is an advantage or a disadvantage of stem cell use.
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State the location of the stem cells in plants.
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Identify the correct labels from the words provided to complete the diagram in Figure 1.
Figure 1
White Blood Cell | Red Blood Cell | Embryonic Stem Cell |
Meristem | Egg Cell | Adult stem Cell |
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Which statement correctly explains the label given to cell Z in Fig. 1 from part (c)
☐ | A | Cell Z produces antibodies |
☐ | B | Cell Z is found in a 5 day old embryo |
☐ | C | Cell Z is a haploid cell |
☐ | D | Cell Z is partially differentiated in the bone marrow |
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During the process of fertilisation a totipotent zygote is formed. Cells found in the meristem tissue of plant shoots are also totipotent.
Define the term totipotent.
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Stem cells are also found in various parts of the adult human body.
(i) State two places in the body where adult stem cells can be found.
(ii) Describe the purpose of these stem cells.
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New stem cell therapies being trialled involve the use of cells known as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). To produce iPSCs, healthy adult body cells from the patient (such as skin and blood cells) are genetically reprogrammed to act like embryonic stem cells.
Suggest an advantage of using iPSCs in stem cell therapy.
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Stem cells go through a process of cell differentiation after being introduced into the body of a patient.
Describe what occurs during cell differentiation.
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All stem cells are unspecialised cells, but not all unspecialised cells are necessarily stem cells.
Define the term “unspecialised” in the context of stem cells.
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State the difference between embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells.
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Identify the function that is typically associated with plant stem cells.
☐ | A | Conducting photosynthesis |
☐ | B | Cloning plants with desired characteristics |
☐ | C | Production of blood cells |
☐ | D | Repairing damaged organs |
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Table 1 below shows 3 different types of stem cells and their characteristics
Table 1
Types of stem cells | Characteristic |
Embryonic |
Adult | Limited |
Plant | Totipotent |
Complete the table with the characteristic that matches the embryonic stem cells.
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Stem cells offer promising advancements in medical treatments, particularly in organ development.
State one potential benefit of using organs developed from a patient's own stem cells in medical treatments.
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Identify the abilities of pluripotent cells from the options below.
☐ | A | Formation of extraembryonic tissues |
☐ | B | Limited ability to divide |
☐ | C | Resistance to environmental changes |
☐ | D | Differentiation into any cell type |
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List two risks associated with the use of cultured stem cells in medical treatments.
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Table 1 below shows various definitions of stem cell characteristics
Table 1
Stem cells characteristic | Definition |
| The collection process for these stem cells can be expensive and isn't universally accessible. |
| The process of creating embryos through cloning for medical purposes. |
| The potential concern of cultured stem cells accumulating mutations. |
| The risk of stem cells becoming infected when cultured in the lab. |
Fill in the blanks to complete the table with the correct stem cell characteristics below:
A | Mutation risk |
B | Low number of stem cell donors |
C | Infection in the lab |
D | Therapeutic cloning |
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Define the term 'stem cell'.
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Read the numbered statements about stem cells below.
1 Embryonic stem cells are produced
2 Stem cells can replicate over many future generations
3 Most stem cells can differentiate into any kind of specialised cell
4 Can be used to create whole new cloned organisms
5 Early-stage stem cells are in great demand for genetic research
Then place each statement into the appropriate section of the Venn Diagram in Figure 1.
Figure 1
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The 'family tree' style diagram in Figure 2 shows the differentiation pathway taken to produce four types of specialised white blood cells in the human circulatory system. Each cell type is numbered 1 - 14.
Figure 2
Identify which of cells 1 - 14 are stem cells.
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The most useful type of stem cell for research into genetic conditions is the embryonic stem cell. This is a fertilised egg which has been allowed to develop to around the 5-day-old stage.
Research progress has been slow because embryonic stem cells are in very short supply.
Suggest why there is a shortage of embryonic stem cells.
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There has been considerable publicity about stem cells and their possible benefits in treating certain conditions. Evaluate the use of stem cells in medicine, highlighting the benefits and drawbacks of using them for treating known medical conditions.
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Explain why blood capillary cells would not be formed from a bone marrow stem cell.
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Explain why, in a growing root, only one daughter cell from a meristem cell division becomes differentiated.
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Give the main reason why embryonic stem cells are preferred for scientific research over adult stem cells.
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After a baby is born, it is possible to use the umbilical cord as a source of stem cells. What are stem cells?
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In vitro fertilisation can be used to produce embryos for research purposes. Stem cells can be extracted from a 3-day-old embryo made in this way.
Suggest why it may be considered more ethically acceptable to take stem cells from an umbilical cord rather than an embryo.
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Stem cells taken from an umbilical cord can be frozen and stored. They could be used later in that child’s life to treat a condition.
Suggest a reason why it would be better to use a child’s own umbilical cord stem cells instead of stem cells donated from another person.
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Figure 1 below outlines the process of therapeutic cloning.
Figure 1
This technique could be used to produce cells to treat conditions such as paralysis or diabetes, or to produce a baby.
Scientists may be allowed to use therapeutic cloning to treat disease but not to produce a baby.
Using information from the diagram and your own knowledge, suggest an explanation for this.
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In 2012, two scientists were awarded the Nobel prize for their research on stem cells.
They showed that adult cells could be reprogrammed to become cells with the properties of embryonic stem cells.
Describe the possible benefits of this research.
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(i) Stem cells could be used to treat a number of medical conditions.
Give the name of one medical condition that stem cells could be used to treat.
(ii) Describe the difference between adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells.
Do not include where they can be found in your answer.
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In 2023, there were over 7000 people in the UK awaiting a transplant organ.
Explain why some transplanted organs are at risk of being rejected by the patient and describe what happens if the organ is rejected.
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Scientists are researching ways that stem cells can be used to grow organs. The flowchart in Figure 1 below shows one method currently being researched. Eventually, this organ growth method may replace organ transplants.
Figure 1
Discuss the potential benefits and risks associated with the use of stem cells in medicine.
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The diagram in Figure 1 shows where a gardener trimmed a rose bush. Meristem tissue was removed from the plant during this procedure.
Figure 1
(i) Explain the effects of removing meristem tissue from the shoot of the plant.
(ii) Describe the function of meristem tissue in plants.
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Table 1 below shows the numbers of cells taken from a meristem in different stages of the cell cycle.
Table 1
Stage of cell cycle | Number of cells |
Interphase | 127 |
Prophase | 16 |
Metaphase | 5 |
Anaphase | 4 |
Telophase | 4 |
Use this equation to calculate the mitotic index for these cells.
Mitotic index =
Give your answer to 3 significant figures.
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Research has shown that sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas, has shown resistance to viruses when grown via meristem tissue culture. This method involves taking a sample of meristem tissues from a sweet potato plant, and placing them in a growth medium containing nutrients and auxins. The plants produced will all be genetically identical clones to the original plant. The process from taking the tissues to producing the sweet potato takes 8 weeks inside a science laboratory where conditions can be controlled. Growing sweet potatoes usually takes around 12 to 16 weeks when farmed using traditional methods.
Suggest and explain why using the meristem tissue culture method might result in a higher number of edible sweet potatoes than traditional methods of farming.
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This question is about stem cells.
(i) What is a stem cell?
(ii) Stem cells can have many uses in medicine, however it has become a controversial topic due to where the stem cells come from.
Stem cells can be extracted from adult bone marrow or from a 6-day-old embryo.
Evaluate the use of stem cells from adult bone marrow instead of stem cells from a 6-day-old embryo.
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Stem cell therapy is a type of treatment being developed which involves the use of stem cells to treat certain medical conditions.
In recent years, stem cell therapy has been used to help treat arthritis. Arthritis is caused by the wearing down of protective tissue (cartilage) that covers the ends of joints.
Figure 1 shows the number of people with arthritis in France.
Figure 1
(i) Suggest why the number of arthritis cases decreases after the age of 65.
(ii) Calculate the percentage increase in the number of 25-29 year-old women with arthritis to 65-69 year-old women who have arthritis.
Give your answer to 3 significant figures.
(iii) Over the age of 65 people are more susceptible to arthritis; one reason for this is that people may be less active over the age of 65. Lack of exercise is a risk factor that can lead to obesity.
Name two other non-communicable diseases that obesity increases the risk of.
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Read the information about stem cells.
Stem cell therapy can be used to treat arthritis. This works by injecting the affected joints with stem cells that can then differentiate into cartilage or bone. The operation to remove the stem cells is simple yet painful, however the treatment injection for arthritis is very quick and it is a non-invasive process meaning it doesn’t require surgery.
Following the stem cell injection, the patient will need to undergo at least 12 weeks of physiotherapy, and during this time the stem cells will release proteins that slow down cartilage degeneration inside the joint.
The use of stem cells to treat arthritis is relatively new, and so far there have been no large-scale studies to show that it is much more effective than the current treatments available. Some research has shown that there is little new cartilage made following the stem cell injections.
The current treatment for arthritis includes either pain-relief medication, which only provides short term relief, or a joint transplant, which has a long recovery period.
Evaluate the use of stem cell therapy to treat arthritis. Use the information above and your own knowledge of stem cells.
You should give a conclusion to your evaluation.
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Figure 1 shows a cross section of a root of a plant.
Figure 1
(i) Which section of the diagram, A, B or C contains the meristem tissue?
Tick one box.
A ☐
B ☐
C ☐
(ii) State the name of the specialised cells that may be produced in the meristem tissue in Figure 1.
(iii) Explain how the cells you named in part (ii) are adapted to carry out their function.
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The cells in the meristem of a plant undergo the process of cell division in order to produce new cells.
Compare and contrast the processes of cell division by mitosis and meiosis.
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