Islam & Teachings on Life After Death (Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies B)

Revision Note

Angela Yates


Religious Studies

Muslim Teachings & Beliefs Which Support the Existence of Life After Death

Qur’an Teachings About Life After Death

  • Muslims believe in akhirah (life after death)

  • This is a key belief in their faith

  • The belief that there is an afterlife has an impact on how a Muslim lives their lives every day

  • The Qur’an teaches Muslims about the nature of life after death

    • Allah has full control over life after death and everything in this world will end one day at the time of Allah’s choosing

‘Whatever things you have been given for the life of this world are merely temporary gratification and vanity: that which is with God is better and more lasting - will you not use your reason?’ (Surah 28:60)

  • Allah is aware of every thought and action

‘And to every soul will be paid in full (the fruit) of its Deeds; and Allah knows best all that they do.’ (Surah 39:70)

  • There will be a Day of Judgement when Allah will judge people by their deeds, good and bad

‘Can the person who will see the fulfilment of the good promise We gave him be compared to someone We have given some enjoyments for this worldly life but who, on the Day of Resurrection, will be summoned for punishment?

On that Day He will call them, saying, "How did you respond to My messengers?" All arguments will seem obscure to them on that Day … Yet anyone who has repented, believed, and done good deeds can hope to find himself among the successful.’ (Quran, Surah 28: 60-67)

  • People may not see or believe that Allah will award people with eternal life, but believers in the faith know that Allah has promised this to them

‘They [disbelievers] have sworn by God with their strongest oaths that He will not raise the dead to life. But He will - it is His binding promise, though most people do not realise it’ (Quran, Surah 16: 38)

  •  These teachings show the Muslim belief that another life is to come, and that people will be rewarded for a good life by eternal life in al-Jannah (paradise) or punished for a bad life by Jahannam (hell)

Exam Tip

Revisit your notes on the Muslim belief in life after death and ensure that you can explain the concepts of al-Jannah (Paradise), Jahannum (hell), and Barzakh (the stage between a person’s death and the time of judgement)

Divergent Arguments for Life After Death & Muslim Responses

  • The topic of life after death fascinates both religious and non-religious people

  • There are many different theories for what happens after we die

Evidence for Life After Death & Muslim Responses



Muslim response

Remembered lives

Some people have memories of previous lives and say they can recall people and events that they have experienced before. These feelings are known as déjà vu and are used to support the idea of reincarnation

Muslims do believe in the afterlife, but Islam does not teach about reincarnation or the possibility that people have lived past lives. They would say there is no evidence for this


This is the belief in a range of other-worldly occurrences including ghosts, visions, voices, and telekinesis

These events are used to support the belief that people’s spirits or souls survive their bodily death in some form and can communicate from the spirit world with those still living in the material world, directly or through mediums or clairvoyants

This goes against Islamic teaching and is not accepted


This is used to prove that death cannot possibly be the end. Otherwise, life on earth does not make sense.

People describe near-death experiences which provide some evidence to support this idea: people have reported experiencing an out-of-body experience where they saw a bright light or appeared to be floating above their body, or seeing dead relatives

Muslims believe that life after death is logical and the idea of rewards and punishments ensure that this life has meaning and purpose


Many people, even non-religious people, believe that if they live a good life on this earth, they will be rewarded somehow afterwards. 

They think that there must ultimately be some system of justice that will even out the inequalities and unfair aspects of life in this world, even if there is not a god who is judging everyone’s actions

Muslims believe that Allah will judge people based on their actions and will reward those who have lived a good life or punish those who have not. This is a powerful motivation to living well


Many are comforted by the idea of life after death where they will experience a better existence if they are struggling or suffering in this life

Muslims are comforted by the teaching in the Qur’an that there is an afterlife, and this will make them less afraid of death

Meeting loved ones who have passed away

People want to believe that when they die, they will be reunited with loved ones they have lost

This is a very important belief in Islam, especially because family life is so important to Muslims

Islam: The Significance of the Belief in Life After Death

  • Belief in life after death is significant to all Muslims

    • It is one of the Six beliefs of Sunni Muslims and one of the Five roots of ‘Usul al-Din of Shi’a Muslims

  • It gives life on this earth meaning and purpose

  • It shows them that death is not the end and that they need not fear it, which will provide comfort

  • It reminds Muslims that each action is seen and will be judged by Allah

  • It gives them a powerful motive for living a good life to receive the reward of al-Jannah in the akhirah

  • It gives Muslims hope that they will have a better life in the akhirah, which is reassuring to anyone who is struggling or suffering in this life, or anyone who has lost a loved one

Muslim Responses to Arguments Against Life After Death

  • Many non-religious people do not believe that there is any such thing as life after death. 

  • They would say that there is only this life and that death is the end

Muslim Responses to Arguments Against Life After Death

Argument against


Muslim Response

Lack of evidence

No one has ever returned from the dead to prove the afterlife is real

The Qur’an predicts that people will say this:

‘They say, "There is only our life in this world: we die, we live, nothing but time destroys us." They have no knowledge of this; they only follow guesswork. Their only argument, when Our clear revelations are recited to them, is to say, "Bring back our forefathers if what you say is true."’ (Surah 45:24-25)

Muslims would say that all of the teachings about the afterlife in the Qur’an are sufficient evidence that it is real

Fraudulent claims

Some people have tricked others into thinking there is a way to contact loved ones who have passed, which takes advantage of vulnerable people who are grieving

Muslims would agree that mediums and clairvoyants are not to be trusted. 

But just because there are frauds, it doesn’t detract from the truth that there is an afterlife and the revelations by prophets who can be trusted

Social control

Some people think that religions use ideas of heaven and hell, reward and punishment, as a way to give them control over people’s behaviour, as the famous philosopher Karl Marx observed

Would say that belief in the afterlife actually gives meaning and purpose to their lives. 

They are not controlled by their religion, they would say that they have been given free will

They need to act in a good way because Allah is aware of their actions and will judge them

The body decays and that is the end

Humanists believe that this life is all there is and that there is nothing beyond death. Life after death is impossible

The body may decay after death, but it will be reunited with the soul on the Day of Judgement

The Qur’an provides evidence that death is not the end

  • Muslims believe that people who argue against an afterlife simply do so because they have no faith

  • The Qur’an says that such people do not understand the afterlife:

‘It is God who gives you life, then causes you to die, and then He gathers you all to the Day of Resurrection of which there is no doubt, though most people do not comprehend.’ (Surah 45:26)

Worked Example

Explain two reasons why Muslims support the existence of life after death

(4 marks)


Muslims would support the existence of life after death by saying that the Qur’an contains several teachings explaining that the akhirah is real, and that is sufficient evidence for them to believe in it (2 marks)

They would also say that the existence of life after death gives meaning and purpose to their lives: they believe that if they act in a good way they will receive the reward of eternal life in paradise in the akhirah (2 marks)

Exam Tip

You may also be asked to evaluate a statement about life after death such as:

‘People only believe in another life because it brings them comfort’

In your answer, consider all of the arguments for and against belief in life after death. Make sure you can refer to Muslim teachings in your answer. Which side has convinced you most as you have explored these questions? Make sure you can reach a justified conclusion

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Angela Yates

Author: Angela Yates

Angela graduated with a first-class degree in Theology and Religious Studies from the University of Manchester. After completing a PGCE and CCRS, she taught RE for around fifteen years before becoming a full-time writer and educational content creator. Angela is passionate about creating Religious Education resources to enable students to achieve their full potential.