Muslim Teachings on Life After Death (Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies B)

Revision Note

Angela Yates


Religious Studies

The Nature of Judgement. Paradise & Hell

What is Akhirah?

  • Akhirah or the afterlife, is a key belief in Islam

  • Muslims believe that human life has a purpose and that each person is responsible for their actions on this earth

  • After death, there will be a resurrection and a next life, known as Akhirah

  • When a person dies, they are taken by Iz’rail (the angel of death) to Barzakh

    • This is the stage between a person’s death and when they face judgement

The Stages of Akhirah


Muslims believe that life is a test and that there is life after death, a belief known as Akhirah

The Nature of Judgement, Paradise, and Hell

  • All Muslims believe that on Tawm ad-Din, the Day of Judgement, everyone (not just Muslims) will be judged by Allah on how they have lived their lives

  • Each person is responsible for their actions and these are recorded by angels known as kiraman katibin, and then judged by Allah

  • Those who have had faith and have done good deeds will be rewarded by Allah and will enter Paradise or Jannah

    • Jannah is described as a beautiful place in the Qur’an

‘What a blessed reward! What a pleasant resting place!’ (Qur’an, Surah 18:31)

  • Those who have not lived a good life will be punished and may be put in jahannum or hell

    • This is a place of pain and suffering, described in the Qur’an in stark language:

‘The Fire will scorch their faces and their lips will be twisted in pain’ (Qur’an, Surah 23:104)

How do Muslim Teachings About Judgement, Paradise and Hell Affect the Life of a Muslim Today?

  • All Muslims believe in the Day of Judgement 

    • It is one of the six Beliefs of Islam and the Five Roots of ‘Usul ad-Din and therefore something that all Muslims must accept

  • This affects how Muslims live and treat each other because:

    • They know they will be judged, so they must try and live a good Muslim life by:

      • Reading the Qur’an

      • Going to the mosque

      • Helping others

    • They will be aware that Allah is always watching them and that his angels are recording their good and bad deeds

    • They will realise the importance of asking for forgiveness if they do wrong

    • They will view every action as a way of worshipping Allah

    • They will live in the hope of an afterlife in paradise as a reward for their good deeds

Divergent Teachings about Life After Death

  • Although all Muslims believe in Akhirah, there are differing views about some elements of this belief

  • One of these differences is about the nature of resurrection

    • Some Muslims consider the resurrection described on the Day of Judgement to be physical. Therefore, when Muslims die, they are buried, not cremated

    • Others think it is more of a spiritual resurrection and that the soul will have a new body in the afterlife

  • Another difference is in the interpretation of paradise and hell

    • Some Muslims consider that the descriptions of paradise and hell are the literal truth of what will occur

    • Others think that the language used in the Qur’an is symbolic and that hell is described in extreme terms to make people think seriously about the consequences of committing sins

  • The permanence of what happens after death and judgement

    • Some Muslims believe that when they go to paradise or hell, this state will be permanent

    • Others think that hell is only temporary because Allah is merciful and forgiving, so would not condemn souls forever

      • They would support their answer with the teaching in the Qur’an: ‘Do not despair of God’s mercy. God forgives all sins: He is truly the Most forgiving, the Most merciful’ (Qur’an, Surah 39:53)

      • The Hadith describes a future state when hell is left empty of souls: ‘A time will come in Jahannum when not a single man would be left in it. Its doors and windows will rattle to the blowing wind’ (Hadith – Kanzul Ummal)

Worked Example

Outline three beliefs about life after death for Muslims

(3 marks)


Muslims believe in life after death, known as Akhirah (1 mark)

They believe that Allah will judge them after death (1 mark)

The good will go to paradise and the bad will go to hell (1 mark)

Exam Tip

In this section, you may be asked to compare Muslim belief with the main religious tradition of Great Britain, Christianity

Use this table to help you revise the similarities and differences between Muslim and Christian beliefs in life after death

Muslim and Christian beliefs in life after death



Life is a test

Christians believe in the sacrifice Jesus (as the son of God, not just a prophet) made in dying to atone for the sins of the world, while Muslims think that only the sinner themself can ask for forgiveness

There are places of eternal reward and punishment

Catholic Christians believe in a state after death called purgatory, but this is not the same as the Muslim belief in barzakh

There is a resurrection

Christians don’t believe that there are angels recording all of a person’s good and bad deeds as Muslims do

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Angela Yates

Author: Angela Yates

Angela graduated with a first-class degree in Theology and Religious Studies from the University of Manchester. After completing a PGCE and CCRS, she taught RE for around fifteen years before becoming a full-time writer and educational content creator. Angela is passionate about creating Religious Education resources to enable students to achieve their full potential.