Islam & Support for the Family (Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies B)

Revision Note

Angela Yates


Religious Studies

Support for the Family in the Ummah

How does the Ummah Support Family Life for Muslims?

  • The ummah is the worldwide community or family of Muslims

  • It plays an important part in supporting family life within local communities in several ways

  • Worship is key to Muslim life and community. Muslim families will attend the mosque and pray as a family together with other Muslim families. This helps them to feel part of the worldwide ummahWorship is key to Muslim life and community. Muslim families will attend the mosque and pray as a family together with other Muslim families. This helps them to feel part of the worldwide ummah

  • Rites of passage are key moments in life that mark a change into a new state of living. At these times the ummah plays a central role

    • Birth is a joyful moment as another member of the ummah is created

      • The father recites the adhan, including the shahadah, into the baby’s right ear so the first words it hears is about Allah

      • The Aquiqah is the ceremony to mark the birth of the baby, usually seven days after the arrival. The community shares a meal to celebrate the baby’s arrival. The baby’s scalp is shaved to show cleanliness and dedication to God, and charity donations are made

      • Khitan is the circumcision ceremony who takes place within seven days for cleanliness and sexual purity

    • At weddings the community gathers together to celebrate the marriage of a man and woman

    • At death the community gathers to pray and hold a funeral

  • Classes In Islam, seeking knowledge is a form of worship. Therefore many classes take place at the mosque

    • There are parenting classes to help new parents with advice and support and also to teach them more about the faith so they can pass it on to their children

    • Mosque schools or madrassahs run by community members help children to learn about their Muslim faith

      • Mosques may contain classrooms, bookshelves and even a library to support these classes

  • Community activities may be offered to bring the community closer together

    • Mosques may offer sporting and recreational events, such as quizzes and arts and crafts

  • Support and counselling is offered to couples and families. Mosque leaders offer or arrange family support services and counsellors to help couples who are preparing for marriage or help to resolve any issues

    • In this way the ummah  helps to maintain peaceful homes and overcome any disputes

    • This follows the teaching in the Qur’an that people should overcome their issues

‘The believers are brothers, so make peace between your two brothers and be mindful of God, so that you might be given mercy’ (Qur’an, Surah 49:10)

The Importance of the Ummah

  • It is a place of strength and unity

  • It gives people a place where they belong and gives them a sense of identity

    • This is especially important in modern society when many Muslims may feel that there are negative attitudes towards Islam in the media and in society

  • It is a reminder to Muslims worldwide how much Allah cares about families

  • It is a place for Muslims to learn more about their faith

  • It is a source of support and strength in times of trouble

  • It helps to resolve issues and problems with the support of trusted people

  • It provides an ideal and an example for people to follow in their lives

Divergent Understandings of Support for Muslims Today

  • Most Muslims welcome the presence of the ummah and see it as a place where they can unite with others and where they can get support throughout their lives

  • However, not all Muslims see it that way. Some Muslims may feel that support can be sought elsewhere, with many social systems, charities, and support networks who support everyone in society, no matter what faith they belong to

  • They might say that they want to solve the issues themselves, or that it is enough simply to have their individual family as support, or their local community

Worked Example

Outline three ways the Muslim community tries to support family

(3 marks)


The Muslim community tries to support family through

  • Worship (1)

  • Classes for children at the madrassah (1)

  • Sharing rites of passage such as wedding and funerals (1)

Exam Tip

You may have undertaken a case study of a specific mosque and how it helps to support the local Muslim community during your course. If so, you can give specific examples to help you explain and extend your answers on this topic

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Angela Yates

Author: Angela Yates

Angela graduated with a first-class degree in Theology and Religious Studies from the University of Manchester. After completing a PGCE and CCRS, she taught RE for around fifteen years before becoming a full-time writer and educational content creator. Angela is passionate about creating Religious Education resources to enable students to achieve their full potential.