Islam & Sexual Relationships (Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies B)

Revision Note

Angela Yates


Religious Studies

Islamic Teachings on the Nature & Importance of Sexual Relationships

What are Muslim Teachings About Sexual Relationships?

  • Muslims believe that the only correct place for sexual relationships is within a marriage

  • They believe that within a marriage, sex is important for fulfilling three needs:

    • Physical

    • Emotional

    • Spiritual

  • It fulfils physical needs

    • Sexual desire is natural and these needs are best fulfilled within marriage

    • The Qur’an teaches that this creates a peaceful life for people

‘He created spouses from among yourselves for you to live in tranquillity’ (Qur’an, Surah 31:21)

  • It fulfils emotional needs

    • Sex helps a couple to commit themselves fully to each other and gives them an emotional bond to each other. They become soulmates for life

    • The Qur’an compares the closeness of a husband and wife to the closeness of garments (clothing) to the body, because they offer each other protection, as clothes do to the body

‘they are as [close] as garments to you, as you are to them’

(Qur’an, Surah 2:187)

  • It fulfils spiritual needs

    • Because marriage is a lifelong bond, sex fulfils not only physical and emotional needs but also spiritual needs, because sex is seen as an act of worship and something Allah intended for the couple to do

    • Sex within marriage is a gift from Allah that provides the opportunity for procreation (having children)

    • This type of relationship is favoured by Allah and will lead to a reward in the afterlife (akhirah)

    • The Qur’an teaches a prayer to Allah to make Muslim married couples set a good example of moral conduct for others by the way they live

‘Our Lord, give us joy in our spouses and offspring. Make us good examples to those who are aware of You’

(Qur’an, Surah 25:74)  

Muslim Attitudes Towards Homosexuality

What are Muslim Attitudes Towards Homosexuality?

  • Homosexuality is sexual relations between two people of the same sex

  • Islam teaches that homosexuality is a sin; it goes against Allah’s will and is immoral

  • Muslims believe that:

    • Homosexuals will be punished by Allah

    • Sex is only intended for a husband and wife within marriage

  • Islam teaches that one of the purposes of human life is procreation; this is not possible in a homosexual relationship

  • The Qur’an recounts the story of the Prophet Lot, who was upset with the sexual immorality of people in his society, including homosexual acts

‘[Lot] said to his people, “How can you practise this outrage? No other people has done so before. You lust after men rather than women! You transgress all bounds!”’

(Qur’an Surah 7:81)

  • The Hadith condemns male homosexual acts

  • However, if someone does not act on their homosexual tendencies, they will not be judged

  • Today homosexuality is a crime in many Muslim countries and is punishable by death in some

Muslim Attitudes Towards Sexual Relationships Outside Marriage

What are Muslim Attitudes Towards Sexual Relationships Outside Marriage?

  • Muslims believe that any sexual relationships outside marriage are forbidden

    • The only place they are acceptable is within a marriage

  • Therefore, Islam teaches that premarital sex is wrong as it takes place outside of marriage

  • The Qur’an teaches

‘stay away from committing obscenities, whether openly or in secret’ 

(Qur’an Surah 6:151)

  • Sex outside marriage is considered an ‘obscenity’, a serious sin

  • Muslims are taught to ‘guard their chastity’ (Qur’an, Surah 23:5) and this means remaining pure and avoiding situations that might lead to sin

    • Islam encourages modest dress, which does not draw attention to the body

    • Boys and girls are discouraged from mixing freely during puberty

    • The prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that if a man and woman are left alone, Satan joins them, which means that they might be tempted to sin

    • Members of the opposite sex who meet up before marriage are chaperoned by a member of the woman’s family

  • Adultery is sex where one or both partners are already married to someone else

  • It is also known as extramarital sex

  • This is condemned by Allah in the Qur’an

‘Do not go anywhere near adultery: it is an outrage, and an evil path’ (Qur’an, Surah 17:32)

  • The punishments for adultery the Qur’an describes are very severe

‘Strike the adulteress and the adulterer one hundred times. Do not let compassion for them keep you from carrying out God’s law’  (Qur’an, Surah 24:2)

  • However, there are strict conditions attached

    • For example, four people must have seen the act of adultery for the punishment to apply

Worked Example

Explain two reasons why Muslims believe sexual relationships fulfil physical, emotional and spiritual needs

(4 marks)


 One reason why Muslims believe sexual relationships fulfil physical, emotional and spiritual needs is that they see sex as a natural desire and a person’s physical needs are best fulfilled by their husband or wife within a marriage (2)

Another reason is that sex is an act of worship and something Allah intended for the couple to do, so sex within marriage fulfils a spiritual need and Allah will reward them in the afterlife (2)


The answer states two points in response to the question and develops each one with extra information to explain the point being made

Exam Tip

Learn the different vocab given to the different types of sexual relationship outside marriage 

  • Premarital sex - sex before marriage

  • Adultery - sex where one or both of those involved is already married to someone else 

  • Homosexual sex - sex between two people of the same sex

If you are asked a question about sexual relationships outside marriage, you can refer to any of these issues in your answer

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Angela Yates

Author: Angela Yates

Angela graduated with a first-class degree in Theology and Religious Studies from the University of Manchester. After completing a PGCE and CCRS, she taught RE for around fifteen years before becoming a full-time writer and educational content creator. Angela is passionate about creating Religious Education resources to enable students to achieve their full potential.