Christianity & Abortion (Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies B)

Revision Note

Glenn Millington


Religious Studies

Christianity: Abortion & the Value & Sanctity of Life

What is an Abortion?

  • Abortion is the removal of a foetus from the womb before the end of pregnancy, with the intention of destroying it

  • Abortion is legal in the UK, but there are strict guidelines relating to when an abortion is permitted

  • There are many reasons why someone might consider getting an abortion. These include situations when:

    • The foetus has inherited a genetic condition which would cause it to suffer greatly 

    • The mother is too young to care for a baby

    • A woman has become pregnant as a result of rape or incest

    • A woman requires medical treatment that will end the pregnancy e.g. chemotherapy

    • The pregnancy was unplanned, and the mother does not want children

    • The father does not want to be involved, and the mother doesn’t feel she can cope alone

Abortion and the Law

  • The Abortion Act 1967 allows the termination of a pregnancy by a registered medical practitioner, subject to certain conditions

    • This applies to England, Scotland and Wales

    • Under the Act, an abortion must be carried out in a hospital or specially licensed clinic

  • Before a legally induced abortion can take place, two doctors must agree that one of the following applies:

    • The mother's life is at risk

    • The mother's mental or physical health is at risk

    • The well-being of existing children was at risk

    • The foetus would be born with a severe disability

  • An abortion cannot take place after 24 weeks, unless the mother's life is at risk, or the foetus will be born with a severe disability

  • Abortion is legal, even after 24 weeks, if:

    • There is a serious threat to the woman’s health or life 

    • There is a substantial risk that the child will be born with physical or mental abnormalities and have severe disabilities

Christianity, Abortion and the Sanctity of Life

  • There are different Christian views on abortion but all religions believe that abortion is not a good thing

    • They believe this because of the belief in the sanctity of life and the fact that humans should not decide who lives or dies

      • The sanctity of life is the idea that human life is important because it is part of God’s creation

      • This is a core idea in any part of religious ethics that deals with the value of life

Christianity: Christianity & The Nature of Abortion

Christianity and the Nature of Abortion

  • For Christians, human life is sacred and is a gift from God, to be respected and protected

  • The Bible teaches that human beings are created in the image of God

  • Jesus reminded his followers that each person is precious to God, so much so that God has counted every hair on their head

  • Christians understand and apply the guiding principle of the sanctity of life in a variety of ways to the issue of abortion. Within the same church, views may differ

    • Some Christians believe that abortion is never justified. Others believe that it is acceptable in certain situations

    • In certain circumstances, some Christians might consider the quality of life of both the unborn child and the mother as the priority

Christianity: Divergent Christian Pro-Life & Pro-Choice Teachings

Divergent Christian Teachings on Abortion

  • Roman Catholics are against abortion but some followers of other Christian denominations may accept abortion in some circumstances

Roman Catholic Views on Abortion

Other Christian Views on Abortion

The Catholic Church does not allow abortions under any circumstances

The Church of England teaches that abortion is wrong in the majority of cases, because of the Sanctity of Life

Natural Law states that the purpose of humans is to reproduce and preserve life, and abortion goes against this

However, they believe abortions should be allowed when it constitutes ‘the lesser of two evils

God has a plan for every human life, including people born with severe handicaps. People with disabilities have just as much right to be born as able-bodied people

An example of this would be if the mother's life is at risk and an abortion would save her life

Abortion is a mortal sin – if not absolved of the sin then a Catholic will be judged and go to Hell

Another example could be if the foetus were to be born with severe disabilities with no quality of life

The catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that life begins at conception

Some Christians believe that it is important to be compassionate towards a mother who may be experiencing great hardship

Belief in the Sanctity of Life means that all life is precious and this includes the life of a foetus

Although abortion can never be a good thing, it is important to forgive those who opt for this procedure as Jesus taught about forgiveness

God 'created man in his own image' (Genesis 1:27) so human life has a special relationship with God

They would use the teachings of 'Love your 

neighbour as yourself' (Mark 12:31) and to 'treat others the way you wish to be treated' (Luke 6:31) to justify this belief

Many Catholics would view abortion as murder and the bible states, 'Thou shalt not murder' (Exodus 20:13)

Some Christians would argue that there is nothing specifically written about abortion in the bible and therefore it does not go against Christian teachings

'I declare that direct abortion, that is, abortion willed as an end or as a means, always constitutes a grave moral 

disorder, since it is the deliberate killing of an innocent human being' Pope John Paul II in Evangelium Vitae (Catholic)

'The Church of England combines strong opposition to abortion with a recognition that there can be - strictly 

limited - conditions under which it may be morally preferable to any available alternative' General Synod (CofE)

Christianity & Non-Religious Views on Abortion

Non-Religious Views on Abortion

  • There are many non-religious arguments on abortion

  • Atheists and humanists may argue that abortions are wrong for a variety of reasons including;

    • Every human being, including an embryo or foetus, has the right to live and to reach their potential

    • There are alternatives to abortion, eg adoption

    • The unborn child is denied choice

    • Abortion destroys human life and makes life appear cheap and disposable, and this affects the quality and value of life

    • People born with disabilities can live full and happy lives

  • However, some atheists and humanists may believe that abortions should be permitted for a variety of reasons;

    • A woman has the right to choose whether or not she wants to have the baby. It is her body

    • In the case of rape, it would be lacking in compassion to deny a woman the right to an abortion

    • The woman might be too young to bring up a child, or she may have work or family commitments which make bringing up a child difficult or impossible

    • The pregnant woman's health and welfare are more important than that of the embryo or foetus

    • The embryo or foetus does not have the same rights as the mother

    • The quality of life of the unborn child or the woman's existing children could be adversely affected by the birth

    • Stopping legal abortions would mean a return to 'back street' abortions, causing a great deal of suffering to the health and well-being of the woman

      • Abortion could therefore be the lesser of two evils

Christianity: Ethical Theories & Abortion

Ethical Theories and Abortion

  • Many religious and non-religious people may base their decisions on each individual case and the circumstances involved

  • These principles would link to the ethical approach called situation ethics

  • This belief goes against the idea that there are any absolutes when it comes to morality and that it would be appropriate to look at all of the facts before making a decision

    • This would be opposed to the Roman Catholic approach that abortion is wrong under any circumstances

Worked Example

Explain two reasons why some Christians believe that abortion is always wrong

(4 marks)


Roman Catholics believe that abortion is always wrong because they believe in the sanctity of life, that all life is precious and a gift from God, and therefore is always wrong (2 marks)

Roman Catholics would look to the bible for guidance. One of the Ten Commandments says, ‘Thou shall not murder’ and as Catholics regard a foetus as a life, they would say that an abortion is murder and not allowed (2 marks)

Exam Tip

Abortion is a controversial topic for Christians. One of the main reasons is the difference in opinion as to when life begins

Some Christians (Roman Catholics) believe that life begins at the moment of conception, but other Christians might argue that this is only a potential life and that life does not start until a woman gives birth

Due to the controversial nature of this topic, it is often used as an evaluation question in exams so be prepared with religious and non-religious arguments for and against abortion in preparation

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Glenn Millington

Author: Glenn Millington

After graduating with a degree in Theology and Religious Studies, Glenn completed a PGCE over 20 years ago. He later gained an MA in Education Studies from the Manchester Metropolitan University. More recently Glenn completed a PhD in Educational Research focusing on educational disadvantage at Edge Hill University. Glenn is incredibly passionate about developing resources to enable students to succeed in Religious Education.