The Christian Church in the Local Community (Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies B)

Revision Note

Glenn Millington


Religious Studies

The Role & Importance of the Local Church

The Role and Importance of the Local Church

  • The main function of a local church or chapel is a place for people to go to worship

    • This includes people attending church services, or visiting the church for private prayer

  • The local church has always had an important role in society

    • Historically, it has been where key messages were communicated and information was shared

    • Nowadays, it helps bring people together and unites them within communities

‘For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them’ (Matthew 18:20)

  • The local church community is important because it:

    • Unites the community

    • Provides support and comfort

    • Can provide advice from a person who has religious authority

    • Gives a sense of identity and belonging to an individual

  • There are also many other religious functions which take place in a church, such as rites of passage ceremonies which include:

    • Baptism

    • Marriage

    • Funerals

  • Many Bible study groups for both children and adults, such as Sunday school, can also take place in local churches and chapels

  • Christian churches are often open all day for quiet reflection, and services are regularly held with all being made welcome

    • In this way, churches can help those who are lonely and provide support

Examples of the Christian Church in the Local Community

The Christian Church in the Local Community

  • Christians believe that it is part of their duty to act in a moral way and this involves helping others around them

  • They believe this because Jesus taught the importance of helping others who are less fortunate

‘For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me’ (Matthew 25:35-36)

‘If anyone has material possessions and ignores his brother in need, how can he love God?’ (1 John 3:17)

  • The Christian Church can play a vital role in helping others in three main areas:

    • Parish activities

    • Outreach work

    • Ecumenism 

Parish Activities

  • A parish is an area that has its own church and clergy

    • Parish churches aim to support the local community by

      • offering space and facilities for activities such as youth clubs, parent and toddler groups, and other social gatherings

      • supporting any local Christian primary and secondary schools, providing space for activities when necessary

      • creating a space for Bible discussion groups, so that Christians may reflect on important teachings

    • The church is also used for lots of activities that support the community such as

      • crèche facilities

      • youth groups

      • community meeting places (eg keep fit classes)

      • adult education classes

      • charity events

      • coffee mornings

      • birthday parties

      • concerts

Outreach Work

  • Outreach work is putting faith into action by intentionally reaching out to help and serve others in practical ways. Parish churches may give help to people in need by

    • providing support and advice for people on low incomes or families that are struggling

    • providing temporary financial support

    • running food banks and providing homeless shelters

    • giving relationship advice to couples

  • According to Peter in the Bible, parish churches have a duty to provide this support because Jesus set an example of looking after people in need:

‘Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them – not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be’ (1 Peter 5:2)

  • Some Christians volunteer as street pastors, going out onto the streets at night to care for those in need and those who are at risk of harm

  • The Salvation Army are an example of a Christian denomination who work in the community to help others

    • It sets up food kitchens, organises toy collections at Christmas and offers an advice network

    • The organisation has set up affordable nurseries so that parents of young children can return to work easily and provide for their family

    • It also runs summer camps and after-school clubs to provide children with a safe environment to gain independence and life skills

    • It seeks to represent the vulnerable in society and attends political conferences

    • It provides addiction support and fights to end modern-day slavery, and it also provides support for the elderly, such as activities to prevent old people from feeling isolated

    • They do this because they are following the biblical teaching to, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ (Mark 12:31)


  • Christians believe that Jesus was the ultimate example of reconciliation because his crucifixion and resurrection healed the broken relationship between God and humanity

    • Many Christians try to follow Jesus’ example by working for reconciliation in the world and trying to bring the different denominations of Christianity together

  • The ecumenical movement aims to unite all Christian denominations into one Church

    • It was founded in 1910 at the World Missionary Conference in Scotland, and has led to more cooperation between denominations

    • Examples include different denominations sharing the same church building, and ecumenical services, where different denominations worship together

  • The World Council of Churches is a fellowship of churches that works towards ecumenism

    • Each year the global organisation holds a week of prayer devoted to Christian unity, remembering Jesus’ teaching that they may be one so that the world may believe (John 17:21)

    • The organisation runs campaigns to promote unity and works with other religions

  • Ecumenism refers to a movement towards unity between churches

    • Local churches often try to connect and come together with other churches in the area or further afield

    • This creates opportunities for churches to work together to tackle social issues on a local or national level

Worked Example

Outline three ways the local church community helps the individual believer and local area

(3 marks)


By providing youth clubs and activities for young people (1 mark)

By working with families to resolve problems (1 mark)

By providing prayer groups so that people can pray together as a community (1 mark)

Exam Tip

Try not get confused between the work that the church does in the local community and the work carried out by the worldwide church

Anything that mentions ‘local’ relates to the immediate community that is served by the church but the worldwide church relates to the work done by Christians all over the world

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Glenn Millington

Author: Glenn Millington

After graduating with a degree in Theology and Religious Studies, Glenn completed a PGCE over 20 years ago. He later gained an MA in Education Studies from the Manchester Metropolitan University. More recently Glenn completed a PhD in Educational Research focusing on educational disadvantage at Edge Hill University. Glenn is incredibly passionate about developing resources to enable students to succeed in Religious Education.