The Incarnation (Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies B)

Revision Note

Glenn Millington


Religious Studies

The Nature & Importance of Jesus Christ

What is the Incarnation?

  • The word incarnation means ‘becoming flesh’ 

  • It is used to describe the Christian belief that God took human form as Jesus and lived and died in the world

  • The belief that Jesus is God in human form is hugely significant

    • The birth of Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of Christ coming to earth as the Saviour who was promised by God

    • Jesus as ‘the son’ is part of the the Trinity which is the idea that God is present in three forms (The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit)

The Nature and Importance of Jesus Christ

  • For Christians, the incarnation shows that Jesus was fully God (divine) and fully human

  • This is very important for a number of reasons

    • If God was human then he understands what it means to be human and can experience human feelings like suffering and love

    • If God was divine it means that he is the all powerful creator of everything and is worthy of praise and worship

  • There are many biblical quotes which show Christians that Jesus should be viewed as both human and divine

Jesus as Human

Jesus as Divine

Jesus had a human body (Luke 24: 39)

Jesus was resurrected after death (Mark 16: 1-20)

Jesus was born to a human mother Mary as a normal baby (Luke 2: 7)

Jesus was omnipotent (Matthew 28: 18)

Jesus got tired (John 4: 6), hungry (Matthew 4: 2) and thirsty (John 19: 28)

Jesus was omniscient (John 21: 17)

He prayed to God (John 17)

People worshipped and prayed to Jesus (Matthew 2: 11)

He showed human emotions such as amazement (Matthew 8: 10) and sorrow (John 11: 35)

Jesus performed miracles for example he turned water into wine (John 2: 1-11)

Jesus died (Romans 5: 8)

Jesus forgave sins (Mark 2: 5-7)

Biblical Accounts of Incarnation

What does the bible say about Incarnation?

  • When Jesus was born, God became present on earth as a human and as the second part of the Trinity - the Son

    • This is referred to as the incarnation of Jesus, as it was when God took on human form, becoming fully God and fully human at the same time

  • The bible contains passages which support the Christian view that Jesus was God in human form

‘He appeared in the flesh, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed in the world, was taken up in glory’ (1 Timothy 3: 16)

  • The idea of Jesus being God incarnate begins with the birth of Jesus

    • In the Bible, the Virgin Mary was visited by the Angel Gabriel who told her that she was to have a son and that he would be named Jesus and he would be a divine baby

‘The holy one to be born will be called the Son of God’ (Luke 1:35)

  • The gospels teach that Jesus had a human birth, the story of which is referred to as the nativity

  • Many Christians celebrate at Christmas to remember that God the Son was born in the person of Jesus

‘The Word became flesh and lived amongst us’ (John 1:14)

  • The events of Jesus’ life are central to the Christian faith and are what many of the Church teachings are built upon

  • Four key events of Jesus’ life offer proof and evidence of him as God incarnate and fulfil the prophecies of the Old Testament. These four events are:

    • The birth of Jesus

    • His crucifixion and death

    • His resurrection

    • His ascension

Understanding Jesus Christ the Person

Jesus Christ the Person

  • The life of Jesus acts as an example to all Christians of how they should live their lives

  • Jesus grew up in a Jewish family and community in Nazareth. He was a carpenter like his human step-father, Joseph

  • At the age of 30, Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist and began teaching and performing miracles, such as healing a blind man

    • This is known as his ministry. He also recruited his disciples and together they taught God’s message to many people

  • Jesus demonstrated God’s love and gave guidance and teachings throughout his life

  • The Sermon on the Mount contained some of his most important messages

    • One of his key teachings was the Parable of the Good Samaritan, which teaches Christians to ‘love thy neighbour’ (Luke 10:30-37)

  • Christians continue to use the teachings from Jesus as an example of how God wants them to live and act

Worked Example

Explain two biblical teachings about Jesus as the Incarnate Son of God

In your answer you must refer to a source of wisdom and authority

(5 marks)


The Bible teaches that Jesus was present at creation and he was with God from the beginning, ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God’ (John 1:1) (3 marks) 

Jesus as the Son of God spoke to humanity about his Father in Heaven (1) and returned to the father, taken up in glory (2 marks)

Breakdown of marks

One mark is given for each teaching and then further marks for each development of the reason

One further mark is given for any relevant source of wisdom or authority

In this answer, the first example has a developed teaching with a relevant source of wisdom / authority which is awarded 3 marks and the second example contains a developed teaching which is awarded 2 marks

Exam Tip

You may be asked why the incarnation is important to Christians today

Correct responses to this question could include

  • It reminds Christians that Jesus came to earth as a human 

  • At Christmas the community join together to celebrate the Incarnation of God in Jesus

  • In Jesus humans can see what God is like and so Christians can follow this example

  • Jesus came to earth to restore the relationship between God and humanity, it therefore allows Christians to have a relationship with God

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Glenn Millington

Author: Glenn Millington

After graduating with a degree in Theology and Religious Studies, Glenn completed a PGCE over 20 years ago. He later gained an MA in Education Studies from the Manchester Metropolitan University. More recently Glenn completed a PhD in Educational Research focusing on educational disadvantage at Edge Hill University. Glenn is incredibly passionate about developing resources to enable students to succeed in Religious Education.